Student Lockers
All Trinity Students who have applied for reasonable accommodation are eligible to rent a locker. A Trinity Locker can be purchased online using your T-Card! Just login to your TCard account at
Lockers will be offered on a first come first served basis for the academic year for a rental fee of €20.00. You will pay using a debit or credit card, not your TCard balance.
For further information on the online process for how to reserve a locker, please click this link.
The Disability Service has a number of lockers reserved for students with disabilities in the following buildings:
- Arts Building, Level 3
- Bio Science Building
- Hamilton
- Lloyd Building
- School of Nursing, D’Olier Street
If a student is recommended a locker as part of the disability needs assessment, the following procedure will apply:
If after purchasing a locker via the online system the student finds that they need to change their locker, the student emails and their Disability Officer to request a change of locker. This is only in cases where a locker was recommended as part of the disability needs assessment. Estates and Facilities will email the student with a new locker and provide all details by email.