Physical Access Information


Trinity College is committed to the principle of universal access and will actively work towards providing reasonable access to all of its services, information, and facilities.

Trinity College Dublin has seen significant improvements to the physical environment since the development of the Disability Service which was set up in 2000. In partnership with the Estates and Facilities Department, €2,650,014 of funds has been ring-fenced for universal access works. Trinity Policy on Universal Access outlines Trinity’s commitment to comply with the Disability Act.

Report Accessibility Issues

If you identify any physical barriers around Trinity, please report this to explaining the issue and giving the location of the barrier. Please copy on the email.

Examples of barriers include: lift breakdowns; disabled toilets that are broken, misused, or inaccessible; barriers blocking campus paths; vehicles illegally parked that are blocking access to buildings, etc.

On these pages, you find links & information on the built environment and its level of accessibility.

Videos on finding your way around Trinity College.

Watch these videos to help you navigate your way in and around Trinity College. There are directions from: