Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans - PEEPs
Personal emergency evacuation plan are advisable for students with a physical, medical or sensory disability were mobility is affected in navigating the many buildings students have to navigate in a University environment such as Trinity. This is will be identified in the Needs Assessment process carried out by the Disability Service. In conjunction with the Trinity Safety Officer and the building owners in which the student is studying a Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan will be put in place.
If you have a physical, medical or sensory disability that affects your mobility or may affect your mobility in an emergency situation, it is advisable to consider putting a personal emergency evacuation plan in place. A Personal Emergency Evacuation procedure leaflet is available to download and keep by clicking on this link.
To clarify any issues or concerns you may have in relation to safe evacuation, please contact a member of the Disability Service staff. To view the Disability Service contact page, click on this link.
An individual Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan will fit in to the overall emergency plan for Trinity. To illustrate how this works, the basic procedures and information are detailed below:
Trinity - Personal Emergency Evacuation Procedure
- The same basic emergency procedures apply to all campus buildings.
- During an evacuation, follow steps 1 to 4.
- See location of evacuation equipment located in Trinity College buildings and local contact number below.
- Buildings with evacuation lifts (i.e. lifts that can operate during an evacuation) have a green ‘Emergency evacuation lift’ sign
- Assembly points vary refer to ‘Fire Action’ notices at entrance to each building
- College 24 hour emergency 01 896 1999 - Safety Office 01 8961912
- Disability Service Mobile (for use during Arts Building evacuation) 0871133185- Disability Service (2054 Arts Building) 01 896 3111
Step 1 - Evacuate or Move to Refuge
- Fire alarm sounds where possible follow evacuation plan]
- Otherwise call for assistance or move to safe refuge area
- Trained Chair operator plus assistants (as needed) proceed to the safe refuge area
Step 2 - Assess & Prepare
- By use of communications assess the situation and respond accordingly
- First choice, stay where you are, ready to evacuate if needed
- Use Evacuation Lift if available
Step 3 - Respond & Move
- If threatened, move horizontally to another refuge area if safe to do so
Step 4 - Evacuate
- If still threatened evacuate vertically and out of the building
- If threatened or uncertain at any point evacuate out of the building