How to get support with Assistive Technology
Meeting with the Assistive Technology Officer 1:1
If you feel you have specific requirements in your use of Assistive Technology you can ask your Disability Officer to make an appointment with our Assistive Technology officer, Andrew Costello, to ensure that the technology matches your study needs and environment. This meeting can take place face-to-face or online as requested.
Student Assessment Process - Matching Student & Technology (MST)
The Matching Student & Technology (MST), assessment process assessment ensures that any technology you wish to use meets your study needs. It also ensures that you have the necessary IT skills to use the technology and maps out any further training or support needed.
The MST Assessment Aims:
- To provide feedback about what a student thinks and feels towards technology and their learning needs,
- To give students the opportunity to select and use the resources that best suit their individual needs,
- To consider how assistive technology can be used when transitioning to employment.
Three-step MST Assessment:
- Initial use of technology - First complete the online assessment giving details about past technology use. This will take approximately 5 minutes to complete and is done prior to meeting with the AT officer.
- Matching Student & Technology Assessment - Once you have completed the online assessment you will meet 1:1 with the AT officer. This meeting will last 30-45 minutes and will examine the student's educational activities in order to determine how Assistive Technology can be incorporated.
- Feedback - At the end of the year, students are asked to complete a feedback survey online. This will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and will ask the student about their experiences using Assistive Technology. The student will also meet 1:1 with the AT officer to discuss the use of assistive technology during the year and how it improved.
To book a time to meet with the AT officer please use the below link -
Assistive Technology Masterclass Sessions
Using the Immersive reader in Microsoft office 365 to have text read aloud to me
- Making the most out of Office 365 – Getting to know the Immersive reader within Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to increase reading speed and proofing of your work
- Click this link to view a recording of this session
Using Text Read and Write to support me with me Reading and writing
- Managing my reading TextHelp Read&Write
- Click on this link to view a video of this link
Using Glean to support you with your Notetaking
- Notetaking – getting Tech to do the work - Using Glean to record and take notes
- Click on this link to view a recording of this session
Using Microsoft Dictate and Editor within Microsoft Word
- Making the most out of Office 365 – Getting to use MS dictate and MS editor
- Click on this link to review this session
Using Caption.ed to create automatic captioning
- Notetaking and captioning - Getting the use of Caption.ed
- Click this link to view and review this session
Using Texthelp read and write via the Google extension
- Managing my reading – Using Texthelp Read & Write via the Google extension
- To view a video on this tool please click on this link
Using Mindmaps for revision
- Managing my hectic schedule with technology – Getting to use Mind maps for revision
- Video: AT Masterclass - Using Mind Maps for Revision
Using Flashcards asa study tool
- Using your technology for exams study – Using Flashcards / Anki cards
- Video: Using Flashcards
Getting Exam ready with your technology
- Using your technology for exams study – Exam Preparation with technology
- Video: Exam Preparation with Technology