Respite Space
Trinity now provides a variety of respite spaces. Some of these spaces can be booked individually while others are student spaces that can be used by students as places to rest. Trinity provides three respite spaces; one in Arts Building (managed by the Disability Service); one in the Sports Centre; and one in the Health Centre at Printing House Square. These spaces are available to students who have applied for reasonable accommodation with the Disability Service and require a respite space during the academic year.
Respite spaces are quiet rest areas in Trinity where students can take time out during the day to rest and recuperate. They benefit students who experience fatigue, pain, or discomfort as a result of their disability. They can also enable students to manage themselves and their sensory systems over the course of their college day.
There are a number of respite type spaces and quieter study spaces around the Trinity campus. For more information on these spaces please visit the Library's Sensory Spaces webpage.
Arts Building Respite Space
The Arts Building Respite Space is managed by the Disability Service and is provided only to students who have applied for supports with the DS. Only those who have been specifically referred for respite by their Disability Officer can access this room. Your student card needs to be activated on referral from your Disability Officer.
Entry to Room 2032 in the Arts Building is by student card access only and must be booked in advance of use. Students are limited to 1 booking per day to ensure availability for other students. Room 2032 can be booked through the Online Booking Calendar only.
Guidelines for the Arts Building Respite Space (Room 2032)
Trinity Sport Centre Respite Room
The respite room in the Sports Centre is available for booking Mondays to Fridays from 9am to 6pm. The respite room in the Sports Centre is a shared space and may be pre-booked for other uses. To enquire about booking outside of these hours please contact the Sports Centre via email on Please see the Trinity Sport Centre Respite Room Terms and Conditions for information on how to book and use the Sport Centre Respite Room.
College Health Respite Space, Printing House Square
College Health Respite Space is located just off the main reception area in the College Health Centre at Printing House Square and is available Monday to Friday from 9am to 1pm and 2pm to 4pm. The College Health Respite Space is provided only to students who have applied for supports with the DS. Only those who have been specifically referred for respite by their Disability Officer can access this room.
The College Health Respite Space must be booked in advance of use. Students are limited to 1 booking per day to ensure availability for other students. The College Health Respite Space can be booked through Online Booking Calendar the only.