Meet with Courtney: Development & Engagement Officer
Courtney McGrath is our current graduate intern within the Disability Service. Many of you might have met or seen Courtney before through her engagement in various clubs, societies, committees, volunteer work, and other groups within and outside of Trinity. For this reason we thought Courtney would be the perfect fit to guide current students with disabilities to identify and engage in various acitivites within and outside of Trinity which will go towards their overall development and career readiness beyond college.
This semester Courtney will be available between the hour of 12pm-1pm for a drop-in meeting held on MSTeams to provide 1-1 support and guidance on how you might use your spare time in college to benefit your C.V. Book an appointment to meet with Courtney on the Drop-in Calendar.
Please also complete the pre-meeting form below in advance of your drop-in so that Courtney can tailor resources/advice to best suit your needs.