Trinity College Dublin Guidelines on Permitting Students with a Disability to Record Lectures
As part of the Disability needs assessment process in Trinity permission to record lectures may be deemed to be a reasonable accommodation (RA) and will be stated in the student’s Learning and Educational Needs Summary (LENS) report.
The exact text used in LENS reports is:
‘Allow student to record lectures - As per the College calendar, students provided this accommodation have agreed that all recordings remain the property of Trinity and are for personal use only:’
Recording of lectures - College Calendar – General Regulations and Information – no.8:
"Students may not make audio or visual recordings of lectures without the express consent of the individual lecturer. Students with disabilities may be permitted to record lectures if it is deemed a reasonable accommodation by the Disability Service. Students will be advised that all recordings remain the property of College and are for personal use only."
If this reasonable accommodation is agreed as part of the disability needs assessment students will be asked to read and agree to the terms and conditions at the link here.