Disclosure of Disability Sticker

Students may request one or more stickers for their answer booklets, which refer examiners to inclusive marking guidelines for students with disabilities. The onus is on the students to request sufficient stickers for insertion on the front cover of their examination booklets prior to their submission.

Students should request stickers at the start of their examinations so they may be included on their booklets while they are completing the other required details, and waiting for their exam to commence. Invigilators provide students only with sufficient stickers for their booklets.

Sample stickers:

Exam accommodation stickers

Trinity Inclusive Marking Guidelines

Even with the provision of additional support in examinations, some students with disabilities may not demonstrate their full potential in an examination. 

Inclusive marking guidelines provide examiners with a framework for marking the scripts of such candidates. The guidelines do not ask examiners to compensate these candidates by giving them additional marks because they have a disability.