Getting Settled in Trinity
"The (Occupational Therapy) support provided an excellent platform for me in what was initially a difficult and challenging transition to college life. Without it, I would have been left in the wilderness and were it not for the support and encouragement of certain individuals, it wouldn't have turned out to be such a success"
The Disability Service (DS) offers a series of group orientations and meetings prior to starting college and during the initial weeks of the year, which the OTs within the DS facilitate. However, you can also meet with an OT individually to help you to settle into life in Trinity, and to address any concerns you may have.
This may include:
- Meetings prior to the start of Trinity
- Planning my Fresher's Week
- Finding my way around college
- Managing your new routine
- Getting used to my new accommodation
- Using the IT systems
- Joining Societies and meeting people