Fatigue Management
Trinity life for both staff and students can be fast paced, challenging, and stressful, as a result, it can often lead to individuals experiencing high levels of fatigue. A study carried out by Darcy, Roe, McKnight and Nolan (2013) found that students with disabilities such as physical or sensory disabilities, medical conditions or illnesses, and mental health difficulties may experience higher levels of fatigue compared to the general student population. Consequently, as a result of this research, the OTs in the service, have developed an interactive book to support you in understanding fatigue and to develop practical strategies to manage your fatigue.
The book is fully interactive, you can therefore type in information relevant to you; in order to do so, please click on this link or on the book icon on the right, to firstly download it to your computer desktop and open using adobe acrobat before you start work on the ‘Thinking Activities’ which will help you develop the practical and easy to use strategies to manage your fatigue.
An OT is available to work through this resource with you and to suggest possible strategies such as the use of the Respite Space within college, as part of an overall approach to managing fatigue in Trinity.
"The tone/voice used in the book was really wonderful. I often find these kinds of guides to be condescending and preachy. I liked that the information was offered as informed suggestions, rather than instructions to follow unless you were an idiot. Thank you for publishing this book."