Planning and Motivation Apps
Trinity Supported Software
Pro Study
Pro-Study has been designed to simplify assignment research process by allowing you to collect and organise your research and other important information such as text, graphs, charts and images in a dedicated colour coded centralised database that is easily accessible.
Simply create a project, break it up into colour coded categories, and begin adding your research and other important information from multiple sources using our super easy one click save system.
You can capture information from multiple sources including websites, journals and textbooks and then store it all in the programme's dedicated centralised database.
Each piece of information that is captured will automatically produce a hyperlink back to the original source as well as automatically capturing the reference information.
You can use the camera on your webcam or the Mobile App to capture information from textbooks and use the camera again to scan the barcode to automatically capture the reference information.
Finally, you can Export your chosen projects into a Word Document, your favourite mind mapping software or the Cloud. The exported document will be a full report containing all of your research and references as well as a Contents Page, Titles and Headers and Footers.
Quick Tutorial
A 60 second overview video of Pro-Study's main features
Long Tutorial
Full length tutorial of all features.
FindMyFlow enables students to develop a customised training for their use of assistive technology, based on their skills and needs, so whether used alone or in conjunction with one-to-one training, you can be secure in the knowledge you can recap, reinforce and develop your skills at any time along your academic journey.
Licences for disabled students are given on a case-by-case basis. To obtain a license for FindMyFlow, contact your disAbility officer.
Introducing FindMyFlow: Put Your Assistive Tech into Action
FindMyFlow is a place where students can build effective, efficient study habits and learn how to put their Assistive Tech into action
Apps for your smartphone or tablet
Clockwork Tomato
A timer and activity logger which aims to boost productivity by breaking down work periods into 25-minute slices, separated by short breaks. The idea is to move away from your desk and do something completely different, perhaps fun, active, or relaxing. After four Pomodoros, you get a longer break of 15-25 minutes but you can set work slots and breaks times in whatever way you want.
Click this link for more information on Clockwork tomato to download
Clockwork Tomato presentation
Clockwork Tomato is a time management application, based on the Pomodoro technique, a method that boosts productivity by breaking down work periods into 25-minute slices, separated by short breaks.
Anki Flashcards
Anki is an application for both computers and smartphones that can help with revision with the use of flashcards. The flashcards can support text, images, and equations. You can organise your flashcards into decks for different subjects or topics, as well as obtain shared decks. Anki can also intelligently revise cards you get wrong, helping you with questions you may be having difficulty with.
Are you new to Anki? Isn't it frustrating? Why is this strange study app praised by so many? Today, I'm giving you my ultimate day 1 guide to anki. I'll show you exactly what you need to know to download, understand, use, and benefit from the flashcard app, Anki.
Cold Turkey - Distraction blocker
Cold Turkey lets you temporarily block these distractions so you can focus and finish your work sooner. Fewer distractions, more free time.
Cold Turkey Writer: A Distraction-Free App That Forces You to Write
If you get distracted when you're writing, join the club. It's one of the biggest struggles I deal with in my work. However, I recently discovered an app that can help put an end to those distractions. It's called Cold Turkey Writer, and it completely locks down your computer until you write the number of words that you specify.
Worry Time - Reach Out
Worry Time: This app allows you to note concerns and schedule a time later in the day to think about them so that you can continue with the task/activity you’re engaged in at that time. When it’s time to think about the concern the app will remind you and prompt you through coming up with solutions or actions you can take to resolve the worry. Once you have resolved the worry it crumples the paper it’s written on and you can flick it away on the screen!
Daylio - Diary, Journal, Mood Tracker
This is a mood tracker that also records daily activities. It shows really clearly the link between mood and occupation and allows the user to identify patterns and trends in how their daily activities impact their mood. This is used to support a student in gaining an understanding of occupational balance and to explore strategies for engaging and highlighting warning signs.
Trello - Task management tool
Trello is a brilliant task management app with 'to-do' lists, reminders, task completion status, and several other project planning functions. The shared workflow features make it particularly great for group work.
To download view:
Or for mobile, click or scan the QR code
Getting Started With Trello (Demo)
If you get distracted when you're writing, join the club. It's one of the biggest struggles I deal with in my work. However, I recently discovered an app that can help put an end to those distractions. It's called Cold Turkey Writer, and it completely locks down your computer until you write the number of words that you specify.
HabitBull (Habit Tracker on Android)
HabitBull helps you organize your life. Easily keep track of all your habits, routines, and repeated to-dos
- Smash Through Your Goals
- Cut Bad Habits From Your Life
- Add Some Positive Habits
Click this link for more information & to download HabitBull
You can also download HabitBull for your mobile by clicking or scanning the QR code.
HabitBull Habit Tracker - Productivity Tool
HabitBull is a productivity tool to change your habits. It is available for iOS and Android.
ADHD in Adults
Note: This app is not a treatment programme or a replacement for medical advice and care.
This app was developed by the HSE's ADHD in Adults National Clinical Programme in partnership with ADHD Ireland with the goal of giving people who may have ADHD more information without the need for a formal diagnosis. It contains self-care, self-help, and signposting information regarding ADHD.
You can get the ADHD in Adults app by tapping or scanning the QR code on your smart device.
Tiimo is a visual planning app structured for neurodiversity. It features:
- A visual timeline and focus timer
- AI-powered checklists to break down big tasks in one click
- A library of pre-made activities and routines to get inspiration on how to plan
- Ongoing reminders (notifications, vibrations and sound)
- Positive reinforcement through small celebrations
- Home and lock-screen widgets
- An effortless calendar import
- +3000 colors, emojis, custom icons, and sounds to truly make Tiimo a reflection of you
- Up to 5 profiles to share Tiimo with friends and family at no additional cost (up to 5 users)
- Web planner to access all planning features on your desktop (coming soon)
MindMeister is a web-based mind mapping software that runs in any standard web browser. The mind maps you create are saved automatically and are accessible from anywhere, as long as you're connected to the internet.
Mind maps are graphical representations of information. Ideas are organized with the title/main idea always located in the centre of the map. Related ideas branch off from the centre in all directions, creating a radial structure.
Mindmeister Tutorial
Mindmeister Tutorial
Mindmeister Tutorial
Mindmeister Tutorial
Academic Support help
For further help and gaining strategies to help you take effective notes please view our academic support page which gives you information on:
- How to use your lecture note effectively
- Strategies for taking notes in a lecture
- Introduction to the Cornell method of note-taking