Reading & Writing Support Technology Tools
Often students are unable to organize their thoughts and express their comprehension of a subject through writing. Poor handwriting, the inability to master typing or utilize a keyboard can present additional challenges. Without these skills, students are unable to demonstrate through writing their knowledge of a subject which often leads to frustration and course failure.
Today, there is a wide range of tools and apps for writing, organizing and reading.
These apps and tools for writing, spelling, grammar, proofreading, and organizing are listed below.
If you need more information on the below please contact
TCD Supported Software
Listed below are the most common Assistive Technologies that we recommend for students:
Microsoft Editor
Editor is an easy to use grammar and spelling checker built into Microsoft 365 (formerly Microsoft Office), and is also available as a browser extension for Chrome and Edge. It automatically detects grammar, spelling, punctuation, word choice, and style mistakes in your writing.
How to get access to the software:
This software is available via the use of the online version of office 365 products.
Just browse to and open up the Microsoft office Word App, when opening a new document editor is available to the right side of the top bar.
Bring out your best writer with Microsoft Editor
Become a better writer across the web with Microsoft Editor, your free writing assistant. Editor moves with you across sites, so you can confidently write clear, concise posts online.
Further support and browser plug-in are available at -
TextHelp Read&Write
Read&Write is the main literacy support tool available from the Disability Service. It is designed to assist users of all ages and ability who require extra assistance when reading, composing, or proofing written text.
It is ideal for assisting with Dyslexia, reading difficulties, writing difficulties, and problems with spelling.
Main Features:
- Helps computer users with reading and writing difficulties
- Reads text aloud to help construct words and sentences
- Advanced spell checking
- Word prediction
- Scanning tool converts printed text to Microsoft Word or mp3 format
- Read&Write is used to produce accurate assignments
How to get access to the software:
This software is available for students registered with the Disability Service. Just follow the instructions below, if you have any issues or queries please contact .
- Visit: in your browser, or for iPad or Android tablets, tap or scan the QR code.
- Click on Try Read&Write today.
- Now select your platform and click Install:
- Once the software is installed launch the software via the Texthelp Read&Write icon
- On the top right hand side of the screen, click the ‘person’ icon
- Click 'Sign in.' Then click 'Show more'
- Click the Google option and sign in using your TCD college username and password.
For further support and video's on Read & Writes functionality please view our training page here.
The C-Pen technology is an easy and convenient tool to capture printed information (text, numbers, codes, etc), decode it and transfer it to computers and smartphones. With C-Pen, as opposed to flat bed document scanners, the text or numbers of interest are selected and easily extracted and then made available for further processing (translation, text-to-speech, general data entry, etc.) instantly and without any further manual interaction.
You can highlight any text and the C-Pen digital highlighter will instantly transfer the text to any computer or smartphone. No more yellow highlighters and no more typing!
The included C-Pen software comes with a full text-to-speech app that allows you to listen to anything you highlight.
C-Pen - The Easy Way
Short C-Pen introduction video.
Zeta scanner
This easy-to-use scanner allows you to store images of your chosen printed text in PDF format on a USB key. The Zeta scanner gives brilliant colour rendering and allows you to adjust glare so that you scan documents and pages at high speed.
Location: Free to use in the ATIC area of the Usher library.
Zeutschel zeta. The new way to scan.
Unpack. Switch on. Scan. It's that easy to historical and new books, magazines, files, ring binders, contracts, balance sheets and more.
Free Downloads and Resources
There are some excellent, free Assistive Technology sources available online. Below are some of the available resources
Microsoft Word 365 - Read aloud functionality
Reading the text aloud makes it easier to spot and correct mistakes, and the option will also help those who just want to proof read a document. Read Aloud is probably a feature you’ll want to use with your headphones, and it’s now available in the review tab for Office 365.
How To Read Aloud Text in a Microsoft Word Document?
Microsoft Office 365 has a feature named Read Aloud. The feature is much more improved, and its goal is to help people with dyslexia.
Microsoft Word 365 - Dictate
Dictate is an Office add-in for Windows Outlook, Word and PowerPoint that converts speech to text using the state-of-the-art speech recognition behind Cortana and Microsoft Translator
For more information please view the Microsoft pages at this link.
Dictate, a Microsoft Garage project
Dictate is an free Microsoft Office add-in for Outlook, Word and PowerPoint which converts speech to text using the state of the art speech recognition behind Cortana and Microsoft Translator.
Microsoft 365 - Immerse Reader for Word
The immersive reader is a full-screen reading experience to increase the readability of content. It was designed to support students with dyslexia and dysgraphia in the classroom, but it can help anyone who wants to increase their fluency or needs help decoding more complex texts.
Improving reading skills with Learning Tools
Learning Tools are now available in Word Web Layout view. Learning Tools are designed to help you improve your reading skills by boosting your ability to pronounce words correctly, to read quickly and accurately, and to understand what you read.
When navigating long documents on the web. You may want an easy way to jump between headers in order to more easily find the information you're looking for. HeadingsMap scans the page for headings and lists them in the side panel similarly to the headings side panel in Microsoft Word. is powerful, free, online reading comprehension and vocabulary software. In other words, simplifies difficult English. Students can enter difficult sentences (or whole chapters), into the yellow box at the top of the web page, click Rewordify Text and you will instantly see an easier version of the sentence or page. As the reworded words are highlighted, you can click them to hear and learn the original word, thereby building your vocabulary.
Read and teach smarter with helps more people read more, and it helps teachers teach more effectively. It simplifies English and builds vocabulary in new ways.
RoboBraille is an e-mail support that can convert digital text documents into Braille or audio files. RoboBraille is quick and easy to use. You simply send an e-mail with an attached text document to RoboBraille. Shortly after, you will receive the document back from RoboBraille in the format you have specified.
To use RoboBraille, click on this link.
Cite This For Me can automatically create website citations in the APA, MLA, Chicago, or Harvard referencing styles at the click of a button. For more information about Cite This For Me, click this link.
Chrome Extensions and Apps
There are numerous free apps available in chrome to support students - Text to speech tools magnification, spell checker to name just a few.
My Study bar
MyStudyBar is a tool which helps overcome problems that students commonly experience with studying, reading and writing. The tool consists of a set of portable open source and freeware applications, assembled into one convenient package, click this link to learn more about My Study Bar.
Apps for Smartphones and Tablets
TextHelp Read&Write
Read&Write is the main literacy support tool available from the Disability Service. It is designed to assist users of all ages and ability who require extra assistance when reading, composing, or proofing written text.
It is ideal for assisting with Dyslexia, reading difficulties, writing difficulties, and problems with spelling.
Main Features:
- Helps computer users with reading and writing difficulties
- Reads text aloud to help construct words and sentences
- Advanced spell checking
- Word prediction
- Scanning tool converts printed text to Microsoft Word or mp3 format
- Read&Write is used to produce accurate assignments
How to get access to the software:
This software is available for students registered with the Disability Service. Just follow the instructions below, if you have any issues or queries please contact .
- Visit: in your browser, or for iPad or Android tablets, tap or scan the QR code.
- Click on Try Read&Write today.
- Now select your platform and click Install:
- Once the software is installed launch the software via the Texthelp Read&Write icon
- On the top right hand side of the screen, click the ‘person’ icon
- Click 'Sign in.' Then click 'Show more'
- Click the Google option and sign in using your TCD college username and password.
For further support and video's on Read & Writes functionality please view our training page here.
Prizmo is a universal photo-based scanner app that allows you to scan and recognize text documents, business cards, and images, and then export them as PDF/Text, card, or JPEG/PNG. Prizmo relies on state-of-the-art technologies, like a highly accurate OCR, real-time page detection, and beautiful image cleanup.
For more information about Prizmo, click on this link .
Preview: Scan with your iPhone using Prizmo
Prizmo, a scanning and OCR app for the Mac, is coming to the iPhone! In this movie, you'll learn how you can scan a business card, process the picture, perform OCR, and finally use the information (mail, copy/paste, Dropbox,...).
Microsoft Lens
Microsoft Lens is an app that allows you to scan your physical documents using your smartphone's camera, and convert them to PDF documents, and store them in OneDrive for your TCD account or your personal account. It can be used for saving a digital copy of your written notes, or for digitally uploading your written assignments.
Lens is available for both iPhone and Android devices. You can download it by clicking or scanning the QR code.
ModMath is an adaptive program that improves mathematics skills. The app lets you type maths problems right onto the touch screen of an iPad, rather than write them out long-hand. You can then solve the problems using the touch pad and print or e-mail the assignments without ever picking up a pen!
For more information about ModMath, click on this link .
RefME is an ingenious referencing app that allows you to collect all your references in one easy place. Just use your camera to snap a barcode on any book and RefME will find the referencing information and put it into your preferred citation style (e.g. Harvard Style). RefMe can also collect references from websites.
For more information about RefMe, click on this link .
How to use RefME to create bibliographies
RefME helps students create bibliographies.
Vision Ireland Bookshare Library
As of December 2017, the NCBI Library has access to over 600,000 titles in alternative formats. The NCBI Library has joined Bookshare and The ABC Consortium, both international organisations and consortiums paving the way for access to international academic and leisure reading titles.
Bookshare based in the USA, offers the world’s largest collection of accessible titles. Books can be listened to in high quality text to speech. A physical Braille, or large print copy can be produced from a digital file, and texts can be read directly from an internet browser. All titles can be read on a suite of different devices including computers, tablets, smartphones and assistive technology devices. All Books that are available to the NCBI Library through Bookshare are copyright cleared and the Library would have access to approximately 340,000 accessible digital titles immediately. Bookshare in the USA is used mainly by students with sight loss and Libraries to access educational reading material.
The Vision Ireland Library needs the student to sign up to the Vision Ireland library by requesting a application form. The application form will register the vision impaired or dyslexic student with the Vision Ireland Bookshare Library service. A signature from the Disability Office, Librarian or medical person is needed on this form to state that this person cannot read print. Once the form is received by the Vision Ireland Library, a log in and password is issued to the student. The VI contact is located at -
The student can send their reading list by email to my address. We will search Bookshare and place the book(s) in the students “Reading List” in Bookshare. When the student Logs into their account, their reading list books should be available in the format of their choice ( BRF, pdf, DAISY, MP3, Word, etc…) to download.
Academic Support
For further help on gaining strategies to help you take effective notes please view our academic support page which gives you information on:
- How to use your lecture notes effectively
- Strategies for taking notes in a lecture
- Introduction to the Cornell method of note-taking