Transitioning to College from Secondary School
Beginning third level education is an exciting time, involving lots of new and enjoyable experiences as well as some challenges. Whether you are transitioning from secondary school or entering university from an alternative pathway, it’s very common to feel overwhelmed.
Your transition into university will almost certainly involve adventures and challenges that you have not experienced before, and it may take some time to adjust to new activities such as managing your university course timetable, living away from home for the first time, and getting used to the unfamiliar university campus.
This is a whole new experience, and it can be really useful to start thinking about it while you are still in school, so you can begin to prepare yourself for this change. The Autism & Uni Toolkit is an excellent resource that can be used in your own time to explore different aspects of university life. You’ll find lots of general information and advice about going to university, as well as some Trinity-specific content, to introduce you to third level study. This includes student stories and advice on supports available at Trinity.
Making the Transition to College: What Do I Need to Think About?
Many students find it useful to spend some time thinking about what they need to do before making the move to university, from selecting the right course to study, to researching information about application and access routes. The AHEAD (Association for Higher Education Access & Disability) Disability Access Map is an interactive online desktop tool that will enable you to track your path to third level education step by step. It will also give you lots of great information and advice.