disAbility Service Handbooks & Resources
Trinity College is committed to the principle of universal access and will actively work towards providing reasonable access to all of its services, information and facilities.
On the below links, you find links & information on all disAbility service policies. You will also find useful links to our student & parent handbooks.

Student Handbook (MS Sway)

Parent Communication Booklet (MS Sway)

Clinical Placement Handbook for Nursing Students with Dyslexia (PDF)

10 Year Anniversary Booklet Student Experiences (PDF)

Student Employment Booklet (PDF)

Disability Awareness Booklet (MS Word)

Guide for Disabled Students on Professional Placement

Academic Liason officer (ALO) and Tutor booklet (MS Word)

Developing Inclusive Career Approaches (PDF)
A booklet for Higher Education Institutes

Supporting Autistic Students in the 3rd Level College Environment (MS Word)

A to Z of Asperger's Syndrome (PDF)

Beyond the Mask of Calm (PDF)
Student Journeys Through Anxiety

Supporting Autistic Students in the 4th Level College Environment (Word Doc)

Communications, documents and digital content

Inclusive Environments: Physical and Sensory

Interacting with Students

Fidget Booklet (PDF)

The Unseen Battles - Illuminating the Hidden Struggles Booklet (PDF)