James Ussher Library
The building was constructed and opened during mid 1990s, comprises 7 levels construction, situated south off the Berkeley Library and east of the Arts Building.
Main Campus (Nassau Street side)
Accessibility rating:
Building is accessible at all levels
Opening hours
Monday to Fridays: 0800 to 2200hrs
Saturdays: 1000 to 1630hrs
Sundays: Closed
Building description
The building was constructed and opened during mid 1990s, comprises 7 levels construction, situated south off the Berkeley Library and east of the Arts Building. The building is shaped in an rectangular plan layout with two basement levels, ground floor main access from entrance routes available from the Lecky and Berkeley Library blocks via an area named; 'Orientation' hall. The building generally has very good accessible features to all floor levels within the 'public' access areas, some improvements are necessary to accommodate visually-impaired students or visitors.
In the east side levels; basement, ground and 1st floors there are non-public staff areas utilised for work and processing of books,access to some of these areas are limited, wheelchair users' access is possible, but fire exit and egress during emergencies would require assistance.
To the west of the building is a staff designated area known as the Conservation Block, access into the three entry routes is level, but minor improvements to door controls access is required to give universal access.
A number of 'refuge areas' have been allocated in the south staircases to help wheelchair users, the north side lift is a Fire Evacuation
Facilities available
- Interior Main entrances from 'Orientation Hall' area: Interior North door adjacent lift Interior Staff entrance to east of building
- Interior Ground floor doors to main atrium Exterior entrance 24 hours
- Reading Room (access from podium external area)
- Basement Atrium Seating area
- Basement Maps and Reading area
- Basement storage area
- Photocopier Facility Room (basement)
- Ground Floor Assistive Technology and Information Centre (ATIC) Resource Rooms - ground floor west Multimedia Resource Area - ground floor west
- 1st Floor: Library Books area Subject Librarian's Office Photocopier Room (accessible facility)
- 2nd Floor: Library Books and Reading areas Staff Office east corner Music Listening Room Music Librarians Office
- 3rd Floor: Library Books and Reading areas Library Systems Office - staff west corner Staff Office east corner
- 4th Floor: Library Books and Reading areas Photocopier Room Staff Office east corner
- 5th Floor: Library Books and combined Reading area (Postgraduates)
- Platform Lift access level 4 to 5 floors.
- WC Male and Female facilities (off orientation hall)
- 1 x Accessible WC Room facility (off orientation hall)
- Students staircase and lift north
- Staff restricted access areas: Conservation Block Building Librarian's Dept offices and workrooms Library Postal Services Room Cell Offices to east side of building - various floors Storage rooms basement - Bookstacks for Main Library Storage and workrooms - basement east
- Staff staircase and lift south
- 1 x Accessible WC Room facility staff offices east side ground floor
- WC Male and Female facilities for staff offices east side ground floor