Hamilton & Biotechnology Building
The Hamilton and Biotechnology Buildings were completed in 1993 and opened May 1994. They have a central lift facility to all floor levels and a disabled lift facility in the Hamilton concourse corridor.
Main Campus, East End (Westland Row)
Accessibility rating:
Building is accessible at all levels
Opening hours
Term time
Monday to Friday: 8am to 10pm Saturday 8.30am to 1.30pm Sunday Closed
Summer time
Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm Saturday: 8.30am to 1.30pm Sunday Closed
The Computer Rooms are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week, closed between 6.30am - 7.30am for cleaning, and are accessible through the concourse corridor entrance during general opening hours (Monday - Friday 8am - 5.30pm) and through a swipe card controlled side door for the rest of the time.
Evacuation information
Evac Chair is at Attendant desk 1st floor
- Building security desk or reception - 01 – 896 2372
Building description
The Hamilton and Biotechnology Buildings were completed in 1993 and opened May 1994. They have a central lift facility to all floor levels and a disabled lift facility in the Hamilton concourse corridor. There are fire escape staircases to both rear sides of Biotech/Hamilton buildings and staircases to Hamilton concourse corridor upper levels. It contains a ground level and 3 upper levels.
The Biotech building ground floor level houses instrument bay, labs and offices for the Biotechnology Institute and The Inflation Group. The Hamilton Computer Rooms, Synge and Jolly lecture theatres are on Hamilton concourse corridor ground floor level. The Biotech building first floor contains cell offices, a seminar room, instrument bay, labs and research rooms for The Biotechnology Institute. The Hamilton first floor concourse corridor houses The Constantia Maxwell, The Jolly and The McNeil lecture theatres. Floors two and three contain labs, research rooms and offices.
The Hamilton building ground floor has a restaurant and banking (AIB bank) facilities to the western side. The Hamilton Library is on the concourse corridor second level.
Facilities available
- Lecture Theatres
- Cell Offices
- Accessible Toilet Facilities
- Computer Rooms
- Laboratories and Research Rooms
- Research Staff Offices
- Library
- Public Restaurant Facility
- Banking Facility
- Clean Rooms used for research
- Evac Chair is at Attendant desk 1st floor