Graduate Memorial Building
The building was built originally circa late 1600s. The building consists of four storeys above ground level and with basement.
Main Campus (Library Square)
Accessibility rating:
Building is accessible at ground floor only
Opening hours
Monday to Fridays: 9am -5.30pm
Saturday and Sundays: Closed
Building description
The building was built originally circa late 1600s. The building consists of four storeys above ground level and with basement. These storeys are service by three staircases in the building. Most of the Graduate Memorial building's meetings are held in the Debating Chamber. Meetings with an expected audience of over two hundred are held in larger lecture theatres in the college. The Council Room is located at 1st floor level. Small committee meetings are held there. The upper levels are used as offices, meeting rooms, computer room and snooker room.
Currently, the main entrance door has a number of steps and platform lift providing a wheelchair users route.
Facilities available
- Debating Chamber room
- Council room
- Committee room
- Snooker room
- Computer room