Berkeley Library
The building was constructed and opened during 1967. The building comprises 4 levels construction, situated south off the main quadrangle and between the Arts Building and Museum Building. The building is shaped in an rectangular plan layout, comprising basement, Loans Hall and 2 upper reading room floors, the main access from the north over a plaza area, a further entrance route is available from the Lecky and Ussher Library blocks via an area named; 'Orientation' hall.
Main Campus (Fellows' square)
Accessibility rating:
Building is accessible at all levels
Opening hours
Monday to Fridays: 0800 to 2200hrs
Saturdays: 1000 to 1630hrs
Sundays: Closed
Building description
The building was constructed and opened during 1967. The building comprises 4 levels construction, situated south off the main quadrangle and between the Arts Building and Museum Building. The building is shaped in an rectangular plan layout, comprising basement, Loans Hall and 2 upper reading room floors, the main access from the north over a plaza area, a further entrance route is available from the Lecky and Ussher Library blocks via an area named 'Orientation hall'
The main north entrance frontage has steps to the north and western approaches and ramps that enable wheelchair access to the front doors. A powered front door in addition to the main pedestrian doors gives very good wheelchair access, once in the building there is good access to the basement via a recently installed platform lift, a public passenger lift and staff lift also give access to the basement levels, also the upper two floor levels are served by the two passenger lifts.
TCD Sense has installed some sensory seating and furniture in the Berkeley foyer.
Facilities available
- Public Passenger Lift, all levels access Link basement access corridor to Early Printed Books section (situated in east side of 'Old Library' building) (refer to Report ID: 6683 Old Library - Zone 3)
- Staff restricted access areas: Librarian's Dept Offices Rear of Loans Desk offices and workrooms Cell Offices to west side of main entrance. Storage rooms lower basement - Bookstacks for Main Library Periodicals Section storage and workrooms - basement north Digital Resources and Imaging Services (DRIS) - basement north Staff staircase east Staff lift east side