Student Journey Mapping exercise: An inclusivity and accessibility mapping exercise of the University Student Life

Strand Lead: Dr Karl Thomas

Strand Aim: to develop an inclusive campus by auditing the University Student Services for inclusivity, accessibility, and report to improve services for Students with Intellectual Disabilities

Strand objectives

  • To enable ID students to participate in student life more fully.
  • To identify obstacles to the full inclusion of ID students into the college community.
  • To conduct an accessibility audit of services for first year students. To identify the blockages to successful transitioning for ID students into new learning environments.
  • To use the audit to improve provide a report on the recommended improvements to the provision of inclusive and accessible services in the University.
  • Provide an evidence-based report on the recommendations to create a roadmap for a fully inclusive campus.
  • To develop an implementation plan for inclusive service provision in Trinity for ID students.


  • Identification of the obstacles to full inclusion of ID students into the college community.
  • Shared understanding of the obstacles to full inclusion.
  • Evidence based report providing a roadmap for a fully inclusive community.
  • Recommended improvements to inclusivity across the campus.
  • Implementation plan for inclusive service provision in Trinity for ID students.


  • Measure and improve student experiences.
  • Increase operational efficiencies and cost savings.
  • Increase student engagement and connections.
  • Enable ID students to participate in student life more fully.
  • Progress on accessibility improvements may be monitored.
  • Assist first year students to successfully transition into Trinity.