Courtney McGrath, who is deaf with cochlear implants as noticed in the photo above was always a disabled activist. Courtney who graduated from the BESS program with a specialisation in Business and Sociology, served as the first graduate intern for the Disability Hub from 2021 to 2022. She also was the first summer intern for the Disability Hub in 2020, where she co-founded the Trinity Ability Co-op, a student group dedicated to fostering radical inclusion on campus. During her tenure, Courtney led various initiatives, including managing the Disability Services' social media, initiating projects like the Defining Disability short film and art exhibition, and collaborating on media campaigns alongside members of the Ability Co-op. Now in her second year in New York City, Courtney works as a Lead Employment Consultant, focusing on supporting individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. The Disability Hub Graduate Internship not only equipped Courtney with invaluable insights into the needs of people with disabilities but also bolstered her confidence in advocating for their rights. She is forever grateful to the Trinity Disability Hub team for their support and guidance. Courtney also featured in the RTE television programme MyUni Life