Student Complaints Procedure with Trinity College Dublin

The purpose of the formal Student Complaints Procedure is to ensure that legitimate student complaints are investigated in a transparent, fair and timely manner with a view to reaching a resolution in a clear, fair and timely manner.The Trinity Reasonable Accommodation Policy is the key University policy that relates to students with disabilities. All students with a disability are entitled to a needs assessment to determine their disability needs. A report called a LENS is produced that outlines the disability supports required by an individual student. If students are dissatisfied with the reasonable accommodation provided, they can raise this with their course lecturers and/or service provider in College. If you want to formalise a complaint please refer to section 9 of the Trinity Reasonable Accommodation Policy outlined below:

9. Complaints

9.1 Complaints relating to the implementation (or failure thereof) of this policy or its attendant code of practice are to be made using the University’s Student Complaints Procedure .9.2 A student may raise a complaint relating, but not limited, to the following perceived issues:

  • i. The quality or standard of Reasonable Accommodations applied.
  • ii. The suitability of Reasonable Accommodations applied.
  • iii. A failure or inaction of the Disability Service, or a School, or the Senior Lecturer/ Dean of Undergraduate Studies, or the Dean of Graduate Studies, or any administrative or support service or division, or any staff member to follow the administrative processes outlined in this policy and its attendant Code of Practice.