Disability Act 2005 Complaints Procedure

For disability-specific complaints about access to supports, facilities, information, or buildings, please follow the Disability Act 2005 complaints procedure below.

A person may make a complaint to Trinity College Dublin if he/she considers that the organisation has failed to comply with the provisions of Sections 25, 26, 27, and 28 of the Disability Act, 2005. These Sections of the Act relate to access by persons with disabilities to:

  • Trinity’s public buildings;
  • Trinity’s goods, supports, and facilities;
  • Trinity’s information.

For the purposes of handling Disability Act 2005 complaints, the Provost, the Head of the College, has delegated his authority to receive and refer complaints to Inquiry Officers, to the Director, of College Disability Service.

The following procedures have been developed by the University to receive and investigate complaints made under the Act.

  • Making a complaint
  • Procedures for processing a complaint
  • Checklist

Making a complaint

If you consider that the University has failed to comply with Sections 25-29 of the Disability Act 2005 and you wish to make a formal complaint in this regard you are invited to complete the Disability Act Complaint Form:

and submit it:

By email to: dtreanor@tcd.ie

In order to ensure that your complaint is handled in a timely manner please include Disability Act Complaint in the subject header.


By post to:
Declan Treanor
Director, College Disability Service
Disability Service
Room 2054
Arts Building
Trinity College
Dublin 2

Clearly marking your envelope Disability Act Complaint

To assist you in making a complaint a complaint form is available on this page, along with an outline of the complaints procedure and a useful checklist of the information that is needed to assist the Inquiry Officer with investigating and responding to complaints. If you need any assistance with completing this form please do not hesitate to contact the Access Officer at 01-896 3475 or any member of staff in the Disability Service.

Procedures for processing a disability complaint

Once your complaint is received by the University, the following procedures and timing will be applied in processing it.

Within 5 working days from the receipt of the complaint

The Director, of College Disability Service, will acknowledge receipt of the complaint to the Complainant. This acknowledgment will also include the name of the Inquiry Officer who will investigate the complaint and will advise the Complainant that a preliminary response will be sent by the Inquiry Officer within 20 working days.

Within 20 working days from the receipt of the complaint

The Inquiry Officer, having conducted a preliminary investigation into the complaint, will advise the Complainant:

  • if there is a prima facie case for a full investigation which will commence immediately


  • if the complaint is considered frivolous or vexatious in which case there will be no further action on the part of the University. The Inquiry Officer will advise the Complainant that he/she may refer the University’s determination in the matter to the Ombudsman


  • if the complaint is considered to fall outside the scope of the Disability Act 2005 thus making it invalid. The Inquiry Officer will advise the Complainant that he/she may refer the University’s determination in the matter to the Ombudsman

Within 30 working days from the date on the letter advising of the full investigation

The Inquiry Officer will submit a draft report to:

  • Complainant
  • Secretary to the College

A copy will also be sent to relevant areas of the Trinity

The Complainant will be advised that he/she has 10 working days in which to respond to the report’s findings.

Within 10 working days from the date of the dispatch of the report

The Complainant may submit a full response to the report to the Inquiry Officer.

Within 20 working days from receipt of a response from the Complainant

The Inquiry Officer will send a response with, if appropriate, a revised report to the Complainant advising that this is Trinity’s final response in relation to this specific complaint.

The Inquiry Officer will advise the Complainant that he/she may refer Trinity’s determination in the matter to the Ombudsman


The complaint should include the following information:

  • Name, address, contact telephone number, and e-mail address (if available).
  • Whether you were looking for access to College buildings, support, or information?
  • What location/ department/section of Trinity College Dublin did you deal with – for example, Admissions/ The Library/ Accommodation Office?
  • When and with whom did you meet? Date/staff name.
  • What were you looking for? Details
  • How and why was the support/ information / public place or building inaccessible to you?
  • What was the response of the person(s) you were dealing with?
  • Why are you dissatisfied with the response/commitments