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TCD Students' Union (SU)SU Welfare Officer Poster



Welfare Officer – Stephen Garry

Stephen Garry, the Welfare Officer, is here if you ever need to talk or just want someone to listen. It can be as simple as having a friendly informal chat. Sometimes students find the trials and tribulations of third and fourth level a bit distressing. If you’re finding things difficult, you can’t settle in or you have a personal problem that you don’t feel confident talking to someone you know about, then send Stephen an email or drop into his office in House 6 or schedule an appointment. The drop in service is strictly confidential. Stephen can help with various problems including; accommodation problems, planned or unplanned pregnancy, financial difficulties, health and mental health problems, LGBT issues, bullying or harassment concerns, grants, legal advice, bereavement and many other non-academic concerns. The Welfare Officer also organises and coordinates some very visible campaigns throughout the year, which are intended to inform students of their rights and the help that is available to them. These include SHIFT Week, Mental Health Week and Rainbow Week. If you have an accommodation issue, finance issue, relationship issue, ANY issue, Stephen will be on hand to offer a listening ear in a welcoming environment. No problem is too big or too small.

Phone: (01) 6468 437

Mobile: 0851016481



Education Officer – Jack Leahy

Jack is there to offer one-to-one support for any academic issues that may arise during your course of study. As your representative for academic interest, Jack works with individual students, classes, and members of staff to make sure you get the smoothest possible experience from your education. Whether you're thinking of applying for a course transfer, have a query about exams or assignments or are having trouble with College administration, you can send Jack an email or drop into his office in House 6. No query is too big or too small and the Education Officer door is open to both undergraduates and postgraduates. Another major part of Jack's role is to help to improve the quality of academic services and teaching in College. Jack sits on Board, University Council, the Undergraduate Studies Committee and the Quality Committee where all major education policy decisions are made.

Phone: (01) 6468 439

Mobile: 083 303 85 19




Trinity Students' Union is the only representative body for all of the students of Trinity and its affiliated Colleges. TCDSU is structured to give every student the ability to get involved and to shape the policy and direction of the organisation.



The TCDSU offices are located in House 6 to the left of Front Arch as you enter from College Green.



Feel free to contact the TCDSU at any time. Their offices are open from 09:30 – 17:30 Monday -Friday, but can also be reached by email or phone.


Connect with us at:

Phone: 0851016481 or (01) 6468 437 (Welfare), 083 303 85 19 or (01) 6468 439 (Education)


Email: or





Last updated 5 February 2014 (Email).