Publication:Journal of Intergenerational Relationships, 2012, 10, (3) pp317-321
Title:Intergenerational Solidarity and Justice in Ireland: Towards a New National Dialogue
Authors: Timonen, V., Scharf, T., Conlon, C. and Carney, G.
Publisher: Taylor and Francis Ltd
Publication:Health and Social Care in the Community, early online, 2012
Title:Comparing home care policies across Europe, Health and Social Care in the Community
Authors: Rostgaard, T., Timonen, V. and Glendinning,
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
Publication: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, (2012) 13, (1), p11 - 24
Title:Patients' perceptions of services and preferences for care in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: A review.
Authors: Foley G, Timonen V, Hardiman O
Publisher: Informa Healthcare (thumbnail produced with their permission)
Publication: American Journal of Hospice and Palliative Medicine, 2012, early online, p1-6
Title: Experience of services as a key outcome in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) care: the case for a better understanding of patient experiences.
Authors: Foley G, Timonen V, Hardiman O,
Publisher: Sage Publications
Publication: Families, Relationships and Societies, forthcoming 2012
Title: We have all moved on': How grandparents cope with their adult child's relationship breakdown.
Authors:O'Dwyer, C., Doyle, M., Moore, E. and Timonen, V.
Publisher: Policy Press
Publication: Health and Social Care in the Community, 2012 20(3)
Title: Expanded but not regulated: Ambiguity in home care policy in Ireland.
Authors:Timonen, V., Doyle, M. and O'Dwyer, C.
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
Publication:Journal of Comparative Family Studies, 2012, 43(2)
Title: 'Divorce and Intergenerational Support: Comparing the Perceptions of Divorced Adults and Their Parents'
Authors:Moore, Elena, Timonen, Virpi, O'Dwyer, Ciara and Doyle, Martha
Publisher: University of Calgary Press
Publication: Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, (2011) (Suppl. 1), s13
Title: A systematic review of ALS patients' perceptions of services and decision making in care
22nd International Symposium on ALS/MND, Sydney, Nov 30 - Dec 02
Authors: Foley G, Timonen V and Hardiman, O.
Publisher: Informa Healthcare (thumbnail produced with their permission)
Publication: International Psychogeriatrics, 23, (S80-81), 2011
Title: The impact of childhood sexual abuse on the physical and mental health and wellbeing of the older adult population in Ireland
Authors:Kamiya, Y., Timonen, V. and Cronin, H.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication:Journal of Family Issues (2011) 32(12)
Title: 'He really leant on me a lot': Parents' Perspectives on the Provision of Support to Divorced and Separated Adult Children in Ireland
Authors:Timonen, Virpi, Doyle, Martha and O'Dwyer, Ciara
Publisher: Sage Publications
Publication:BMC Geriatrics (2010) 10 (81)
Title: 'The differential impact of subjective and objective aspects of social engagement on cardiovascular risk factors'
Authors: Kamiya, Yumiko, Whelan, Brendan, Timonen, Virpi and Kenny, Rose Anne
Publisher: BioMed Central
Publication: Family Relations (2010) 59(5)
Title: 'How Can You Just Cut Off a Whole Side of the Family and Say Move On?' The Reshaping of Paternal Grandparent-Grandchild Relationships Following Relationship Breakdown in the Middle Generation
Authors:Doyle, Martha, O'Dwyer, Ciara and Timonen, Virpi
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
Publication: Canadian Journal on Aging (2010) 29(3)
Title: 'Its nice to see someone coming in’: Exploring the Social Objectives of Meals-on-Wheels'
Authors: Timonen, Virpi and O'Dwyer, Ciara
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Publication: Journal of Applied Gerontology (2010) 29 (6)
Title:'Rethinking the Value of Residents' Councils: Observations and Lessons from an Exploratory Study'
Authors: O'Dwyer, Ciara and Timonen, Virpi
Publisher: Sage Publications
Publication: Research on Aging, (2010) 32(2)
Title:'Lessons from a Community-Based Participatory
Research Project: Older People's and Researchers
Authors: Doyle, M. and Timonen, V.
Publisher: Sage Publications Inc.
Publication: European Journal of Women's Studies (2010) 17 (1)
Title: 'Caring and Collaborating Across Cultures? Migrant Care Workers' Relationships with Care Recipients, Colleagues and Employers'
Authors:Timonen, V. and Doyle, M.
Publisher: Sage Publications
Publication: Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society (2010) 17(1)
Title: 'Obligations, Ambitions, Calculations: Migrant Care Workers' Negotiation of Work, Career and Family Responsibilities'
Authors: Doyle, M. and Timonen, V.
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Publication: Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics (2009) 22 (6 )
Title:'Nutritional Status of Irish Older People in Receipt of Meals-on-Wheels and the Nutritional Content of Meals Provided'
Authors: O'Dwyer, C. , Corish, C.A. and Timonen, V.
Publisher: John Wiley and Sons
Publication:Social Work in Health Care, (2009) 48(6)
Title:'Living in Institutional Care: Residents' Experiences and Coping Strategies'
Authors:Timonen, V. and O'Dwyer, C.
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd,
(cover reproduced with their permission)
Publication: Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, (2009) 20(1)
Title: 'Doomed to Extinction? The Nature and Future of Volunteering for Meal-on-Wheels Services'
Authors:O'Dwyer, C. and Timonen, V.
Publisher:Springer Netherlands
Publication: Ageing and Society (2009) 29(3)
Title: 'The different faces of care work: understanding the experiences of the multi-cultural care workforce'
Authors:Doyle, M. and Timonen,V.
Publisher:Cambridge University Press
Publication: Journal of Social Policy (2009) 38(1)
Title: 'In Search of Security: Migrant Care Workers’ Understandings, Experiences and Expectations Regarding ‘Social Protection'
Authors:Timonen, V. and Doyle, M.
Publisher:Cambridge University Press
(journal cover reproduced with permission of publisher)
Publication: International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy (2008) 28(3/4)
Title: 'From the Workhouse to the Home: The historical origins and development of domiciliary care services for older people in Ireland
Authors: Timonen, V. and Doyle, M.
Publisher: Emerald Insight
Publication: International Journal of Social Welfare (2008) 17(4)
Title: 'Breaking the Mould: New Trajectories in the Domiciliary
Care of Older People in Ireland'
Authors: Doyle, M. and Timonen, V.
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Publication: Irish Journal of Medical Sciences, 176, (Suppl 6), 2007, ppS235-6
Title: 'Hospital Professionals' Perceptions Of Older People's Participation In The Acute Hospital Discharge Process: A Phenomenographic Study'
Authors:O'Brien M, Curry P, O'Neill D, Timonen V.
Publisher: Springer
Publication: Dublin University Law Journal (2007) 29
Title: 'Regulating Home Care of Older People: The Inevitable Poor Relation?'
Authors: Ahern, D. Doyle, M. Timonen, V.
Publisher: Round Hall Thomson
Publication: Journal of Aging Studies (2007), 21(3)
Title: 'Worlds Apart? Public, Private and Non-Profit Providers of Domiciliary Care for Older People in Ireland'
Authors: Timonen, V.and Doyle, M.
Publisher: Elsevier
Publication: Ageing & Society (2006), 26(3), pp. 455-74
Title: 'Care Revolutions in the Making? A Comparison of Cash-for-Care Programmes in Four European countries'
Authors: Timonen, V., Convery, J. and Cahill, S.
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Title: (forthcoming 2012) Arber, S. and
Timonen, V. (eds.) Contemporary grandparenting: changing family relationships in global contexts.
Publisher: Policy Press, Bristol
Title: (2008) Ageing Societies: A Comparative Introduction
Author: Virpi Timonen
Publisher: Open University Press, McGraw Hill Education
Title: (2008) Home Care for Ageing Populations: A Comparative Analysis of Domiciliary Care in Denmark, Germany and the United States.
Authors: Doyle, M. and Timonen, V.
Publisher: Edward Elgar, Cheltenham
Title: (2006) No Place Like Home - Study of Domiciliary Care Services for Older People.
Authors: Timonen, V., Doyle, M. and Prendergast, D.
Publisher: The Liffey Press, Dublin
Download research brief (PDF 276kb)
Title: (forthcoming 2013) 'Sustainability of the Nordic model in the face of population ageing', in Harper, S. and Hamblin, K. (eds) ,International Handbook of Ageing and Public Policy
Authors: Timonen, V. and Kautto, M
Publisher: Cheltenham and Northampton, Edward Elgar
Title: (forthcoming 2013) 'Powerless observers? Policymakers' views on the inclusion of older people's interest organizations in the policy process in Ireland', in Linden, T.S. and Ervik, R. (eds) The Making of Aging Policy: Theory and Practice in Europe
Authors:Doyle, M. and Timonen, V.
Publisher: Cheltenham and Northampton, Edward Elgar
Title: (forthcoming 2012) 'Back to basics or into a brave new world? The potential and pitfalls of biomarkers in explaining the pathways between social engagement and health', in Hoque, N., McGehee, M. and Bradshaw, B. (eds) , Applied demography and public health
Author: Kamiya, Y., Timonen, V., Romero-Ortuno, R. and Kenny, R.A.
Publisher: New York, Springer
Title: (forthcoming 2012) 'Introduction: A new look at grandparenting' in: Arber, S. and Timonen, V. (eds.) Contemporary grandparenting: changing family relationships in global contexts.
Author: Timonen, V. and Arber, S.
Publisher: Policy Press, Bristol
Title: (forthcoming 2012) 'Grandparenting in the twenty-first century: New directions' in: Arber, S. and Timonen, V. (eds.) Contemporary grandparenting: changing family relationships in global contexts.
Author: Arber, S. and Timonen, V.
Publisher: Policy Press, Bristol
Title: (forthcoming 2012) 'Grandparental agency after adult children's divorce' in: Arber, S. and Timonen, V. (eds.) Contemporary grandparenting: changing family relationships in global contexts.
Author: Timonen, V. and Doyle, M.
Publisher: Policy Press, Bristol
Title: (2009) ' Toward an Integrative Theory of Care: Formal and Informal Intersections', in: Mancini, Jay A. and Roberto, Karen A. (Eds.) Pathways of Human Development: Explorations of Change.
Author: Timonen, V.
Publisher:Lanham, MD: Lexington
Title: (2008) 'Constructions of Ageing in Irish Social Policy', in Kennedy, P. and Quin, S. (eds.) Ageing and Social Policy in Ireland. pp. 5-19.
Author: Pierce, M.
Publisher: UCD Press, Dublin
Title: (2006) 'Responsibility for the Costs of Long-Term Institutional Care: A Comparative Perspective', in: Eoin O'Dell (Ed.) Older People in Modern Ireland: Essays on Law and Policy. pp. 427-49.
Author: Timonen, V.
Publisher: First Law, Dublin
Title: (2006) 'Older People and Social Care', in Fanning, B. and Rush, M. (eds.) Care and Social Change in the Irish Welfare Economy, pp. 190-205.
Author: Pierce, M.
Publisher: UCD Press, Dublin
Title: (2005) Policy Paradigms and Long-Term Care: Convergence or Continuing Differences? In: Peter Taylor-Gooby (Ed.) Ideas and Welfare State Reform in Western Europe, pp. 30-53.
Author / Editor: Timonen, V.
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke
Description: The new welfare settlement in Europe involves a re-direction of policy in the context of a unified market and currency system and of more stringent economic competition. This book reviews the main policy paradigms and analyzes the processes whereby they have changed in the most salient policy areas, and is based on recent interviews with more than two hundred and fifty senior policy actors in seven West European countries.
Peter Taylor-Gooby (Ed.) Ideas and Welfare State Reform in Western Europe, 2005, Palgrave Macmillan Reproduced with permission of Palgrave Macmillan
Title: (2012) 'Profile of Community-Dwelling Older People with Disability and their Caregivers in Ireland''
Author(s): Kamiya, Y. , Murphy, C. , Savva, G. and Timonen, V. on behalf of the TILDA Team
Publisher: The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin
Title: (2011) 'Older People as Members of Their Families and Communities' in, editor(s) Barrett A., Savva G.M., Timonen V., Kenny R.A. , Fifty plus in Ireland 2011: First results from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)
Author(s): Kamiya, Y. and Timonen, V.
Publisher: The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin
Title: (2011) 'Health and Social Care' in, editor(s)Barrett A., Savva G.M., Timonen V., Kenny R.A. , Fifty plus in Ireland 2011: First results from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA)
Author(s): Normand, C., Kamiya, Y., Timonen, V. and Whelan, B.
Publisher: The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin
Title: (2011) 'Older Persons' Social Engagement' in, editor(s)Barrett A., Savva G.M., Timonen V., Kenny R.A. , Fifty plus in Ireland 2011: First results from The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing (TILDA), Dublin
Author(s): Timonen, V., Kamiya, Y. and Maty, S.
Publisher: The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin
Title: 2011 - 'A Total Indifference to our Dignity - Older people's understandings of elder abuse' Title: (2011) 'Home Care in Ireland' in, editor(s) Rostgaard, T., Glendinning, C., Gori, C., Kroger, T., Osterle, A., Szebehely, M., Theobald, H., Timonen, V. and Vabo, M. , LIVINDHOME: Living Independently at Home. pp161 - 184 Full Report Title: (2010) The Design of the Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing Title: (2010) A Discussion Paper on Theories of Ageing and Approaches to Welfare in Ireland North and South. Full report Summary report Background document
Title: (2010) The Role of Grandparents in Divorced and Separated Families
Click here for link to full report Title: Summary and Comparison of Key Social Provisions for Older People in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, 2010 Title: (2008) The Role and Future Development of Meals-on-Wheels Services for Older People in Ireland Title: (2007) Older people’s perceptions on services and activities in the Marino and Fairview area: A participatory project Title: (2008) The Role and Future Development of Meals-on-Wheels Services for Older People in Ireland Title: (2007) Older people’s perceptions on services and activities in the Marino and Fairview area: A participatory project
Author(s): O'Brien, M., Begley, E., Carter Anand, J., Killick, C., Taylor, B., Doyle, E., McCarthy, M., McCrossan, S. and Moran, E.
This report stems from a collaborative research project in which SPARC participated. For further details, please follow this link
Author(s): Timonen, V., Doyle, M. and O'Dwyer, C.
Publisher: Copenhagen, SFI - Danish National Centre for Social Research
This report stems from a European collaborative research project in which SPARC participated. For further details, please follow this link
Author(s): Kenny, R.A., Whelan, B.J., Cronin, H., Kamiya, Y., Kearney, P., O'Regan, C., Ziegel, M. (authors), Barrett, A., Finucane, C. and Timonen, V. (eds.) ,
Publisher: The Irish Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin
Author(s): Pierce, M. and Timonen, V.
Publisher: Centre for Ageing Research and Development in Ireland (Cardi), Belfast and Dublin.
Author(s): Timonen, V., Doyle, M. and O’Dwyer, C, with contributions from Elena Moore
Produced by: Family Support Agency and Social Policy and Ageing Research Centre, Trinity College Dublin
Author(s):Pierce, M., Fitzgerald, S. and Timonen, V.
Author(s): O'Dwyer, C. and Timonen, V.
Publisher: National Council on Ageing and Older People
Author: Doyle, M.
Link to research background and research report
Author(s): O'Dwyer, C. and Timonen, V.
Publisher: National Council on Ageing and Older People
Author: Doyle, M.
Link to research background and research report
Title: (2006) The Development of a Draft Framework for the Collection of Information About the Older Population.
Author(s): Nolan, Anne, Brendan Whelan, Hilary Cronin, Jane Grimson, Yumiko Kamiya, Rose Anne Kenny, Amilcar Moreira, Claire O’Regan, Virpi Timonen
National Council on Ageing and Older People, Dublin
‘Regulating Home Care’, Care Alliance Ireland Exchange, Issue 22, October 07.
‘Elderly prefer care at home’, Sunday Business Post, 19 November 2006.
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