Engineering Modules for Year 3
Due to the changing nature of covid regulations the assessment and delivery portion of modules may change. Any changes will be communicated to you by the module coordinators.
Choose your stream to see your required modules.
Biomedical Engineering Module Choices
Modules are 5 ECTS unless indicated otherwise.
Semester One
- MAU33E01
Engineering Mathematics V - EEU33BM1
Anatomy and Physiology - MEU33B04
Mechanical Engineering Materials - MEU33BM4
3D CAD & 3D Printing - EEU33C01
Signals and Systems
Semester Two
- EEU33E03
Probability and Statistics - MEU33BM2
Biomedical Design Project - MEU33B03
Mechanics of Solids - MEU33B05
Mechanics of Machines - MEU33B07
Manufacturing Technology and Systems - MEU33B10
Quantitative Physiology
Trinity Electives
Students take a Trinity Elective in the first semester:
A diverse range of modules to enrich the student learning experience.
Civil, Structural and Environmental Engineering Module Choices
Modules are 5 ECTS unless indicated otherwise.
Academic Year
Semester One
- MAU33E01
Engineering Mathematics V - CEU33A02 Structural Design
- CEU33A05
Soil Mechanics - CEU33A07
Transportation and Highway Engineering
Semester Two
- EEU33E03
Probability and Statistics - CEU33A10
Surveying and Geo-spatial Planning - CEU33A11
Fluids and Environment - CEU33A04
Structural Analysis - CEU33A08
Geology for Engineers
Trinity Electives
Students take a Trinity Elective in the first semester:
A diverse range of modules to enrich the student learning experience.
Computer Engineering Module Choices
Modules are 5 ECTS unless indicated otherwise.
Semester One
- MAU33E01
Engineering Mathematics V - EEU33C01
Signals and Systems - EEU33C02
Digital Circuits - CSU33D01
Microprocessor Systems I - CSU33D05
Data Structures and Algorithms
Semester Two
- EEU33C07
Digital Systems Design - EEU33E03
Probability and Statistics - CSU23021
Microprocessor Systems II - CSU33D03
Computer Networks - CSU23016
Operating Systems - CSU33D06
Software Design Analysis
Trinity Electives
Students take a Trinity Elective in the first semester:
A diverse range of modules to enrich the student learning experience.
Electronic and Computer Engineering Module Choices
Modules are 5 ECTS unless indicated otherwise.
Semester One
- MAU33E01
Engineering Mathematics V - EEU33C01
Signals and Systems - EEU33C02
Digital Circuits - CSU33D01
Microprocessor Systems I - CSU33D05
Data Structures and Algorithms
Semester Two
- EEU33E03
Probability and Statistics - EEU33C05
Telecommunications - EEU33C07
Digital Systems Design - CSU23021
Microprocessor Systems II - CSU33D03
Computer Networks - EEU33C10Circuits and Systems Design
Trinity Electives
Students take a Trinity Elective in the first semester:
A diverse range of modules to enrich the student learning experience.
Electronic Engineering Module Choices
Modules are 5 ECTS unless indicated otherwise.
Semester One
- MAU33E01
Engineering Mathematics V - EEU33C01
Signals and Systems - EEU33C02
Digital Circuits - CSU33D01
Microprocessor Systems I - CSU33D05
Data Structures and Algorithms
Semester Two
- EEU33E03
Probability and Statistics - EEU33C03
Analogue Circuits - EEU33C05
Telecommunications - EEU33C07
Digital Systems Design - EEU33C10Circuits and Systems Design
- EEU33C11Sensors
Trinity Electives
Students take a Trinity Elective in the first semester:
A diverse range of modules to enrich the student learning experience.
Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering Module Choices
Modules are 5 ECTS unless indicated otherwise.
Semester One
- MAU33E01
Engineering Mathematics V - MEU33B02
Fluid Mechanics - MEU33B04
Mechanical Engineering Materials - MEU33B09Universal Design Innovation [5 ECTS]
- EEU33C01
Signals and Systems - MEU23B103D Computer Aided Design
Semester Two
- EEU33E03
Probability and Statistics - MEU33B01
Thermodynamics - MEU33B03
Mechanics of Solids - MEU33B05
Mechanics of Machines - MEU33B07
Manufacturing Technology and Systems
Trinity Electives
Students take a Trinity Elective in the first semester:
A diverse range of modules to enrich the student learning experience.
- Lab schedule - Electronic
- Timetable - Biomedical (Semester 2)
- Timetable - Civil, Structural & Environmental (Semester 2)
- Timetable - Electronic & Computer (Semester 2)
- Timetable - Mechanical & Manufacturing (Semester 2)
- Handbook - Biomedical
- Handbook - Civil
- Handbook - Electronic and Computer
- Handbook - Mechanical
- Academic Year Structure
- Examination Timetable
- Examination Regulations
Course Information
Eligibility for Internship and Study Abroad
In order to be eligible to apply for an international exchange in the Senior Sophister year or to apply for the 4E4 Industrial Partnership/Internship module in the second semester of the Senior Sophister year, students must have a minimum grade of II.1 (60 – 69%) at the first sitting of the Junior Sophister Engineering examinations. Those required to sit supplemental Junior Sophister Engineering examinations will be deemed ineligible to apply. No exceptions to this rule will be considered.
Find out more about study abroad opportunities and information on taking an internship can be viewed in the 4E4 module descriptors for each stream on the Senior Sophister page.
Eligibility to proceed to MAI year
Students must achieve a minimum overall mark of 60% for the combined Junior Sophister and Senior Sophister years (on a 30:70 basis) at the annual session of the B.A.I. degree year in order to be eligible to proceed to the MAI year.
MAI projects
Students will be sent a list of available MAI projects at the end of the Senior Sophister year and asked to rank their preferences from 1 to 5. The allocation is made based on a student's Junior Sophister ranking.