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How to connect to the Staff Wi-Fi on Windows

The Staff Wi-Fi network is available, under the network name of "TCDwireless", in all Trinity campus locations.

Provided you have satified both of the above pre-requisites, your options are one of the following:

  1. Connect to the Staff Wi-Fi network only
    • This option is relevant to users whom have already joined their computer to the College domain
  2. Connect to the Staff Wi-Fi network and the College domain
    • This option is relevant to users setting up a new computer or whom are connecting a computer to the College domain for the first time

Connection options

Choose from one of the options below:

How to connect to the Staff Wi-Fi network only For a computer that has previously connected to the College domain How to connect to the Staff Wi-Fi network and the College domain For a computer that has never connected to the College domain

If you are taking over ownership a computer that was previously set up for use on the College domain, including the Staff Wi-Fi service, see how to connect to the Staff Wi-Fi network from a previously configured computer instead.