Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology

Click on the headings below to see the degree programme pathway options over your four years.
Junior Freshman Year (JF)
For your Junior Freshman year, you will be invited to choose between a dual language pathway (involving the study of both Latin and Ancient Greek, and usually leading to a Single or Joint Honours degree in Classics) and a single language pathway (involving at least one year’s study of Greek or Latin, and leading to a range of Single and Joint Honours combinations in Ancient History and Archaeology, Classical Civilisation, Greek and Latin). It is possible to switch between pathways in the Senior Freshman year. Depending upon your existing level of Latin or Greek and ambitions, there are several JF pathways from which to choose.
Dual Language JF Pathways
In the four dual language pathways, Greek and Latin for non-beginners (Greek A and Latin A) are designed for those who have already studied ancient Greek and/or Latin in school, and who wish to continue to read classical literature in the original languages. Beginners Greek and/or Latin (Greek and Latin B) are available to those who have not previously studied the language(s). If you are a beginner in both languages, you will begin Latin in the JF year and Greek in the SF year.
Single Language JF Pathways
In the four single language pathways, you either continue in your studies of that one language at intermediate level (Greek or Latin A) or learn one language as a beginner (Greek or Latin B).
Dual Language Pathway 1 (Latin A and Greek A)
You must have Leaving Certificate or equivalent in Greek and Latin
All modules are mandatory in Yr 1
- CLU11100 Introduction to Greek and Roman History (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11104 Greek and Roman Art and Architecture (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU11411 Latin in Context I (10 ECTS)
- CLU11311 Greek in Context I (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU11412 Latin in Context II (10 ECTS)
- CLU11312 Greek in Context II (10 ECTS)
Dual Language Pathway 2 (Latin A and Greek B)
You must have Leaving Certificate or equivalent in Latin and you are a beginner in Greek
All modules are mandatory in Yr 1
- CLU11100 Introduction to Greek and Roman History (5+5=10 ECTS)
- CLU11104 Greek and Roman Art and Architecture (5+5=10 ECTS)
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU11411 Latin in Context I (10 ECTS)
- CLU12313 Elementary Greek I (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU11412 Latin in Context II (10 ECTS)
- CLU12314 Elementary Greek II (10 ECTS)
Dual Language Pathway 3 (Latin B and Greek A)
You must have Leaving Certificate or equivalent in Greek and you are a beginner in Latin
All modules are mandatory in Yr 1
- CLU11100 Introduction to Greek and Roman History (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11104 Greek and Roman Art and Architecture (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU11413 Elementary Latin I (10 ECTS)
- CLU11311 Greek in Context I (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU11414 Elementary Latin II (10 ECTS)
- CLU11312 Greek in Context II (10 ECTS)
Dual Language Pathway 4 (Latin B and Greek B)
You are a beginner in Latin and in Greek. You will study Latin in Yr 1 and take up Greek in Yr 2
- CLU11100 Introduction to Greek and Roman History (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11104 Greek and Roman Art and Architecture (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11413 Elementary Latin I (10 ECTS) (Semester 1)
- CLU11414 Elementary Latin II (10 ECTS) (semester 2)
Choose 20 ECTS from these modules in AHA or CC:
- CLU11108 Sources and Methods for Ancient History and Archaeology (10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11200 Greek and Roman Mythology and Religion (10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11203 Reading Ancient Literature (5 ECTS) (Semester 1)
- CLU11204 Writing about Ancient Literature (5 ECTS) (Semester 2)
Single Language Pathway 1 (Latin A)
You must have Leaving Certificate or equivalent in Latin.
- CLU11100 Introduction to Greek and Roman History (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11104 Greek and Roman Art and Architecture (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11411 Latin in Context I (10 ECTS) (Semester 1)
- CLU11412 Latin in Context II (10 ECTS) (Semester 2)
Choose 20 ECTS from these modules in AHA or CC:
- CLU11108 Sources and Methods for Ancient History and Archaeology (10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11200 Greek and Roman Mythology and Religion (10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11203 Reading Ancient Literature (5 ECTS) (Semester 1)
- CLU11204 Writing about Ancient Literature (5 ECTS) (Semester 2)
Single Language Pathway 2 (Latin B)
You are a beginner in Latin.
- CLU11100 Introduction to Greek and Roman History (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11104 Greek and Roman Art and Architecture (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11413 Elementary Latin I (10 ECTS) (Semester 1)
- CLU11414 Elementary Latin II (10 ECTS) (semester 2)
Choose 20 ECTS from these modules in AHA or CC:
- CLU11108 Sources and Methods for Ancient History and Archaeology (10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11200 Greek and Roman Mythology and Religion (10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11203 Reading Ancient Literature (5 ECTS) (Semester 1)
- CLU11204 Writing about Ancient Literature (5 ECTS) (Semester 2)
Single Language Pathway 3 (Greek A)
You must have Leaving Certificate or equivalent in Greek.
- CLU11100 Introduction to Greek and Roman History (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11104 Greek and Roman Art and Architecture (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11311 Greek in Context I (10 ECTS) (Semester 1)
- CLU11312 Greek in Context II (10 ECTS) (Semester 2)
Choose 20 ECTS from these modules in AHA or CC:
- CLU11108 Sources and Methods for Ancient History and Archaeology (10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11200 Greek and Roman Mythology and Religion (10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11203 Reading Ancient Literature (5 ECTS) (Semester 1)
- CLU11204 Writing about Ancient Literature (5 ECTS) (Semester 2)
Single Language Pathway 4 (Greek B)
You are a beginner in Greek.
- CLU11100 Introduction to Greek and Roman History (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11104 Greek and Roman Art and Architecture (5+5=10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU12313 Elementary Greek I (10 ECTS) (Semester 1)
- CLU12314 Elementary Greek II (10 ECTS) (semester 2)
Choose 20 ECTS from these modules in AHA or CC:
- CLU11108 Sources and Methods for Ancient History and Archaeology (10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11200 Greek and Roman Mythology and Religion (10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
- CLU11203 Reading Ancient Literature (5 ECTS) (Semester 1)
- CLU11204 Writing about Ancient Literature (5 ECTS) (Semester 2)
Choices at the end of your Junior Freshman year
Irrespective of whether you have begun your degree as a dual or single language pathway student, at the end of your 1st year you will make further choices about your degree, deciding which one of the four kinds of degrees set out below you wish to pursue.
- Single Honours (40 ECTS in one Subject + 20 ECTS in Trinity Electives/Open Modules)
- Major with Minor (40 ECTS in your Major Subject + 20 ECTS in your Minor Subject)
- Joint Honours (20 ECTS in each of your two Subjects + 20 ECTS in Trinity Electives/Open Modules)
- Triple Strand (20 ECTS in each of your three Subjects)
Senior Freshman Year (SF)
The Single Honours Pathways open to you in SF are:
1. Single Honours Classics (Latin and Greek)
20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in Trinity Electives/Classics Open Modules
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22447 Latin Comedy (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22345 Greek Drama (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12313 Elementary Greek I (10 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22449 Catullus and Cicero (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22342 Herodotus (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12314 Elementary Greek II (10 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
2. Single Honours Classical Civilisation
40 ECTS in Classical Civilisation, 20 ECTS Trinity Electives/Classics Open Modules
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22201 Heroism, Identity and Authority (10 ECTS)
- CLU22205 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22200 Writing the Past (10 ECTS)
- CLU22204 Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
3. Single Honours Ancient History and Archaeology
40 ECTS in Ancient History and Archaeology, 20 ECTS in Trinity Electives/Open Modules
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22115 Greek Archaeology (10 ECTS)
Choose either two 5-ECTS modules or one 10-ECTS module:
- CLU22111 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece (5 ECTS)
- CLU22117 Archaeological Practice (5 ECTS)
- CLU22113 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece with Project (10 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22122 The Archaeology of Minoan Crete (5 ECTS)
- CLU22124 Roman History: The Roman Empire (5 ECTS)
- CLU22126 Living on the Bay of Naples (5 ECTS)
- CLU22128 Independent Project (SF) (5 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
The Major/Minor Pathways open to you are:
4. Major in Classics (Greek and Latin) with Minor in AHA
20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in Ancient History and Archaeology
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22447 Latin Comedy (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22345 Greek Drama (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12313 Elementary Greek I (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22115 Greek Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- CLU22113 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece with Project (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22449 Catullus and Cicero (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22342 Herodotus (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12314 Elementary Greek II (10 ECTS)
Choose two:
- CLU22122 The Archaeology of Minoan Crete (5 ECTS)
- CLU22124 Roman History: The Roman Empire (5 ECTS)
- CLU22126 Living on the Bay of Naples (5 ECTS)
5. Major in Classics (Greek and Latin) with Minor in CC
20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in Classical Civilisation
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22447 Latin Comedy (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22345 Greek Drama (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12313 Elementary Greek I (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22201 Heroism, Identity and Authority (10 ECTS)
- CLU22205 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22449 Catullus and Cicero (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22342 Herodotus (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12314 Elementary Greek II (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22200 Writing the Past (10 ECTS)
- CLU22204 Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
6. Major in Classical Civilisation with Minor in AHA
40 ECTS in Classical Civilisation, 20 ECTS in Ancient History and Archaeology
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22201 Heroism, Identity and Authority (10 ECTS)
- CLU22205 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22115 Greek Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- CLU22113 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece with Project (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22200 Writing the Past (10 ECTS)
- CLU22204 Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
Choose two:
- CLU22122 The Archaeology of Minoan Crete (5 ECTS)
- CLU22124 Roman History: The Roman Empire (5 ECTS)
- CLU22126 Living on the Bay of Naples (5 ECTS)
7. Major in Classical Civilisation with Minor in Greek
40 ECTS in Classical Civilisation, 20 ECTS in Greek
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22201 Heroism, Identity and Authority (10 ECTS)
- CLU22205 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22345 Greek Drama (10 ECTS)
(if you have Leaving Cert Greek or you studied Greek in JF) - CLU12313 Elementary Greek I (10 ECTS)
(if you are a beginner in Ancient Greek)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22200 Writing the Past (10 ECTS)
- CLU22204 Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22342 Herodotus (10 ECTS)
(if you have Leaving Cert Greek or you studied Greek in JF) - CLU12314 Elementary Greek II (10 ECTS)
(if you took CLU12313 in Semester 1)
8. Major in Classical Civilisation with Minor in Latin
40 ECTS in Classical Civilisation, 20 ECTS in Latin
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22201 Heroism, Identity and Authority (10 ECTS)
- CLU22205 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
- CLU22447 Latin Comedy (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22200 Writing the Past (10 ECTS)
- CLU22204 Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
- CLU22449 Catullus and Cicero (10 ECTS)
9. Major in Ancient History and Archaeology with Minor in CC
40 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS in Classical Civilisation
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22115 Greek Archaeology (10 ECTS)
Choose either two 5-ECTS modules or one 10-ECTS module:
- CLU22111 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece (5 ECTS)
- CLU22117 Archaeological Practice (5 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22201 Heroism, Identity and Authority (10 ECTS)
- CLU22205 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World with project (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22122 The Archaeology of Minoan Crete (5 ECTS)
- CLU22124 Roman History: The Roman Empire (5 ECTS)
- CLU22126 Living on the Bay of Naples (5 ECTS)
- CLU22128 Independent Project (SF) (5 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22200 Writing the Past (10 ECTS)
- CLU22204 Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
10. Major in Ancient History and Archaeology with Minor in Greek
40 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS in Greek
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22115 Greek Archaeology (10 ECTS)
Choose either two 5-ECTS modules or one 10-ECTS module:
- CLU22111 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece (5 ECTS)
- CLU22117 Archaeological Practice (5 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22345 Greek Drama (10 ECTS)
(if you have Leaving Cert Greek or you studied Greek in JF) - CLU12313 Elementary Greek I (10 ECTS)
(if you are a beginner in Ancient Greek)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22122 The Archaeology of Minoan Crete (5 ECTS)
- CLU22124 Roman History: The Roman Empire (5 ECTS)
- CLU22126 Living on the Bay of Naples (5 ECTS)
- CLU22128 Independent Project (SF) (5 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22342 Herodotus (10 ECTS)
(if you have Leaving Cert Greek or you studied Greek in JF) - CLU12314 Elementary Greek II (10 ECTS)
(if you took CLU12313 in Semester 1)
11. Major in Ancient History and Archaeology with Minor in Latin
40 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS in Latin
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22115 Greek Archaeology (10 ECTS)
Choose either two 5-ECTS modules or one 10-ECTS module:
- CLU22111 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece (5 ECTS)
- CLU22117 Archaeological Practice (5 ECTS)
- CLU22113 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece with Project (10 ECTS)
- CLU22447 Latin Comedy (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22122 The Archaeology of Minoan Crete (5 ECTS)
- CLU22124 Roman History: The Roman Empire (5 ECTS)
- CLU22126 Living on the Bay of Naples (5 ECTS)
- CLU22128 Independent Project (5 ECTS)
- CLU22449 Catullus and Cicero (10 ECTS)
12. Major in Greek with Minor AHA
40 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in AHA
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22345 Greek Drama (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12313 Elementary Greek I (10 ECTS)
- CLU22350 Greek Directed Reading (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22115 Greek Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- CLU22113 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece with Project (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22342 Herodotus (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12314 Elementary Greek II (10 ECTS)
- CLU22702 Ancient Visual and Material Culture with Project (10 ECTS)
Choose two:
- CLU22122 The Archaeology of Minoan Crete (5 ECTS)
- CLU22124 Roman History: The Roman Empire (5 ECTS)
- CLU22126 Living on the Bay of Naples (5 ECTS)
13. Major in Greek with Minor CC
40 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in Classical Civilisation
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22345 Greek Drama (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12313 Elementary Greek I (10 ECTS)
- CLU22350 Greek Directed Reading (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22201 Heroism, Identity and Authority (10 ECTS)
- CLU22205 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22342 Herodotus (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12314 Elementary Greek II (10 ECTS)
- CLU22702 Ancient Visual and Material Culture with Project (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22200 Writing the Past (10 ECTS)
- CLU22204 Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
14. Major in Latin with Minor in AHA
40 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in AHA
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22447 Latin Comedy (10 ECTS)
- CLU22450 Latin Directed Reading (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22115 Greek Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- CLU22113 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece with Project (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22449 Catullus and Cicero (10 ECTS)
- CLU22702 Ancient Visual and Material Culture with Project (10 ECTS)
Choose two:
- CLU22122 The Archaeology of Minoan Crete (5 ECTS)
- CLU22124 Roman History: The Roman Empire (5 ECTS)
- CLU22126 Living on the Bay of Naples (5 ECTS)
15. Major in Latin with Minor in CC
40 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in Classical Civilisation
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22447 Latin Comedy (10 ECTS)
- CLU22450 Latin Directed Reading (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22201 Heroism, Identity and Authority (10 ECTS)
- CLU22205 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22449 Catullus and Cicero (10 ECTS)
- CLU22702 Ancient Visual and Material Culture with Project (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
The Joint Honours Pathways open to you are:
16. Joint Honours in Ancient History and Archaeology and Greek
20 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22115 Greek Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- CLU22113 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece with Project (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22345 Greek Drama (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12313 Elementary Greek I (10 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
Choose two:
- CLU22122 The Archaeology of Minoan Crete (5 ECTS)
- CLU22124 Roman History: The Roman Empire (5 ECTS)
- CLU22126 Living on the Bay of Naples (5 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22342 Herodotus (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12314 Elementary Greek II (10 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
17. Joint Honours in Ancient History and Archaeology and Latin
20 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22447 Latin Comedy (10 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
- CLU22115 Greek Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- CLU22113 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece with Project (10 ECTS)
Choose One
Semester 2 (30 ECTS):
- CLU22449 Catullus and Cicero (10 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
- CLU22122 The Archaeology of Minoan Crete (5 ECTS)
- CLU22124 Roman History: The Roman Empire (5 ECTS)
- CLU22126 Living on the Bay of Naples (5 ECTS)
Choose Two
18. Joint Honours in Classical Civilisation and Greek
20 ECTS in Class Civ, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22201 Heroism, Identity and Authority (10 ECTS)
- CLU22205 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22345 Greek Drama (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12313 Elementary Greek I (10 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22200 Writing the Past (10 ECTS)
- CLU22204 Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World with Project (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22342 Herodotus (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12314 Elementary Greek II (10 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
19. Joint Honours in Classical Civilisation and Latin
20 ECTS in Class Civ, 20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22447 Latin Comedy (10 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Open Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
- CLU22201 Heroism, Identity and Authority (10 ECTS)
- CLU22205 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World with project (10 ECTS)
Choose One
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22449 Catullus and Cicero (10 ECTS)
- Trinity Electives and Classics Modules (5+5 or 10 ECTS)
- CLU22200 Writing the Past (10 ECTS)
- CLU22204 Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World with project (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
The Triple Strand Options open to you are:
20. Ancient History and Archaeology, Greek & Classical Civilisation
20 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in Classical Civilisation
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22115 Greek Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- CLU22113 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece with project (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22345 Greek Drama (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12313 Elementary Greek I (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22201 Heroism, Identity and Authority (10 ECTS)
- CLU22205 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World with project (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
Choose two:
- CLU22122 The Archaeology of Minoan Crete (5 ECTS)
- CLU22124 Roman History: The Roman Empire (5 ECTS)
- CLU22126 Living on the Bay of Naples (5 ECTS)
Choose one:
Either (if you studied Greek in JF)
- CLU22342 Herodotus (10 ECTS)
Or (if you take up Greek in SF)
- CLU12314 Elementary Greek II (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
- CLU22200 Writing the Past (10 ECTS)
- CLU22204 Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World with project (10 ECTS)
21. Ancient History and Archaeology, Latin & Classical Civilisation
20 ECTS in Ancient History and Archaeology, 20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in Classical Civilisation
Semester 1 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22447 Latin Comedy (10 ECTS)
- CLU22115 Greek Archaeology (10 ECTS)
- CLU22113 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece with project (10 ECTS)
- CLU22201 Heroism, Identity and Authority (10 ECTS)
- CLU22205 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World with project (10 ECTS)
Choose one:
Choose one:
Semester 2 (30 ECTS)
- CLU22449 Catullus and Cicero (10 ECTS)
- CLU22122 The Archaeology of Minoan Crete (5 ECTS)
- CLU22124 Roman History: The Roman Empire (5 ECTS)
- CLU22126 Living on the Bay of Naples (5 ECTS)
- CLU22200 Writing the Past (10 ECTS)
- CLU22204 Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World with project (10 ECTS)
Choose Two
Confirm your pathway at the end of your Senior Freshman year
At the end of your 2nd year you will be asked to choose your Sophister pathway, either confirming the choice you’ve made at the end of Year 1 now, or adjusting your route by choosing a different pathway for your Sophister years and final degree. Click on Junior Sophister Year below to see your options.
Junior Sophister Year (JS)
Your options for JS year include:
- Single Honours: in this Pathway you will drop your Minor Subject (if any) at the end of year 3
JS: 50 ECTS in your SH Subject + 10 ECTS in Minor Subject/Trinity Electives/Classics Open Modules
SS: 60 ECTS in your SH Subject - Major with Minor Option A: in this Pathway you will continue with both subjects in Year 4
JS: 40 ECTS in your Major Subject + 20 ECTS in your Minor Subject
SS: 40 ECTS in your Major Subject + 20 ECTS in your Minor Subject - Major with Minor Option B: In this Pathway you will drop your Minor Subject at the end of Year 3
JS: 30 ECTS in your Major Subject + 30 ECTS in your Minor Subject
SS: 60 ECTS in your Major Subject - Joint Honours: in this Pathway you will continue with both subjects in Year 4
JS: 30 ECTS in Subject 1 + 30 ECTS in Subject 2
SS: 40 ECTS in Subject 1 + 20 ECTS in Subject 2
The Single Honours Pathways open to you in JS are:
1. Single Honours Classics
25 ECTS in Latin, 25 ECTS in Greek
10 ECTS in Trinity Electives/Classics Open Modules
Semester 1
- CLU33381 Greek Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33483 Latin Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- Trinity Elective or Classics Open Module* (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Semester 2
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose one of the following.
If you take CLU33381 Greek Close Reading in Sem 1 you must take CLU33410 Independent Latin Project in Sem 2.
If you take CLU33481 Latin Close Reading in Sem 1 you must take CLU33310 Independent Greek Project in Sem 2.
- CLU33310 Independent Greek Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33410 Independent Latin Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- Trinity Elective or Classics Open Module* (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
* If you took one Trinity Elective in SF you may take one TE in the JS year.
If you took two TEs in SF you must take 10 ECTS of Designated (Classics) Open Modules in JS.
You may only take 10 ECTS worth of Trinity Elective modules throughout your degree.
2. Single Honours Classical Civilisation
50 ECTS in Classical Civilisation
10 ECTS in either your Subject 2 or Trinity Electives or Classics Open Modules
Semester 1
- CLU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33215 Drama and Performance with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33216 Creative Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
One 5-ECTS module from the list below, depending on what pathway you are in SF:*
- CLU33483 Latin Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33381 Greek Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- Trinity Elective or Classics Open Module** (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Semester 2
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33214 Social Media in the Ancient World with project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
One 5-ECTS module from the list below, depending on what pathway you are in SF:*
- CLU33410 Independent Latin Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33310 Independent Greek Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) [page under construction]
- Trinity Elective or Classics Open Module** (5 ECTS) (Optional)
* You will take options in Latin, Greek or AHA (as appropriate) if you are currently on a Major ClassCiv with Minor Latin, Greek or AHA route and you wish to switch to Single Honours ClassCiv and keep your Minor Subject as Subject 2 in JS.
If you wish to drop your Minor Subject in JS you must select your 10 ECTS options from Trinity Electives or Classics Open Modules.
** If you took one Trinity Elective in SF you may take one TE in the JS year.
If you took two TEs in SF you must take 10 ECTS of Designated (Classics) Open Modules in JS.
You may only take 10 ECTS worth of Trinity Elective modules throughout your degree.
3. Single Honours Ancient History and Archaeology
50 ECTS in Ancient History and Archaeology
10 ECTS in in either your Subject 2 or Trinity Electives or Classics Open Modules
Semester 1
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33137 Late Antiquity with project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33119 Archaeological Practice (JS) (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
One 5-ECTS module from the list below, depending on what pathway you are in SF:*
- CLU33481 Latin Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33381 Greek Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33215 Drama and Performance with Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- Trinity Elective or Classics Open Module** (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Semester 2
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Mandatory) [page under construction]
- CLU33131 Roman Archaeology (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33118 Independent Archaeological project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
One 5-ECTS module from the list below, depending on what pathway you are in SF:*
- CLU33410 Independent Latin Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33310 Independent Greek Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- Trinity Elective or Classics Open Module** (5 ECTS) (Optional)
* You will take options in Latin, Greek or ClassCiv (as appropriate) if you are currently on a Major AHA with Minor Latin, Greek or ClassCiv route and you wish to switch to Single Honours AHA and keep your Minor Subject as Subject 2 in JS.
If you wish to drop your Minor Subject in JS you must select your 10 ECTS options from Trinity Electives or Classics Open Modules.
** If you took one Trinity Elective in SF you may take one TE in the JS year.
If you took two TEs in SF you must take 10 ECTS of Designated (Classics) Open Modules in JS.
You may only take 10 ECTS worth of Trinity Elective modules throughout your degree.
The Major/Minor Pathways (Option A/B) open to you are:
4. Major in Classics, Minor in Ancient History and Archaeology (Option A)
20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in AHA
Semester 1
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33137 Late Antiquity with project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Semester 2
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Mandatory) [page under construction]
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
5. Major in Classics, Minor in Ancient History and Archaeology (Option B)
15 ECTS in Latin, 15 ECTS in Greek, 30 ECTS in AHA
You must have equal number of credits in Greek and Latin across the year:
see rules for modules choice below.
Semester 1
- CLU33381 Greek Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33481 Latin Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33119 Archaeological Practice (JS) (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Rules:if you choose CLU33341 Greek Epic in Sem 1 you must take CLU33485 Latin Historians in Sem 2.
Rules:if you choose CLU33442 Latin Epic in Sem 1 you must take CLU33385 Greek Philosophy in Sem 2.
Choose one of the following:
Semester 2
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33410 Independent Latin Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33310 Independent Greek Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) [page under construction]
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
if you choose CLU33442 Latin Epic in Sem 1 you must take CLU33385 Greek Philosophy in Sem 2.
Rules:if you choose CLU33341 Greek Epic in Sem 1 you must take CLU33485 Latin Historians in Sem 2.
Choose one of the following two. Rules: If you take CLU33381 Greek Close Reading in Sem 1 you must take CLU33410 Independent Latin Project in Sem 2.If you take CLU33481 Latin Close Reading in Sem 1 you must take CLU33310 Independent Greek Project in Sem 2.
6. Major in Classics, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option A)
20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in ClassCiv
Semester 1
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- ClU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33215 Drama and Performance with Project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose either CLU33210 or CLU33212+CLU33217
7. Major in Classics, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option B)
15 ECTS in Latin, 15 ECTS in Greek, 30 ECTS in ClassCiv
You must have equal number of credits in Greek and Latin across the year:
see rules for modules choice below.
Semester 1
- CLU33381 Greek Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33481 Latin Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- ClU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33215 Drama and Performance with Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Rules: if you choose CLU33341 Greek Epic in Sem 1 you must take CLU33485 Latin Historians in Sem 2.
Rules: if you choose CLU33442 Latin Epic in Sem 1 you must take CLU33385 Greek Philosophy in Sem 2.
Semester 2
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33310 Independent Greek Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33410 Independent Latin Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
if you choose CLU33345 Latin Historians in Sem 1 you must take CLU33385 Greek Philosophy in Sem 2
Rules: if you choose CLU33341 Greek Epic in Sem 1 you must take CLU33485 Latin Historians in Sem 2.
Choose one of the following.
If you take CLU33381 Greek Close Reading in Sem 1 you must take CLU33410 Independent Latin Project in Sem 2.
If you take CLU33481 Latin Close Reading in Sem 1 you must take CLU33310 Independent Greek Project in Sem 2.
Choose one of the following
8. Major in Classical Civilisation, Minor in AHA (Option A)
40 ECTS in Classical Civilisation, 20 ECTS in AHA
Semester 1
- ClU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33215 Drama and Performance with Project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33213 Drama and Performance (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33216 Creative Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33137 Late Antiquity with project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose either CLU33215 or CLU33213 + CLU33216
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) [page under construction]
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose any two of the following
9. Major in Classical Civilisation, Minor in AHA (Option B)
30 ECTS in Classical Civilisation, 30 ECTS in AHA
Semester 1
- ClU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33213 Drama and Performance (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33119 Archaeological Practice (JS) (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Semester 2
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) [page under construction]
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose one of the following
10. Major in Classical Civilisation, Minor in Greek (Option A)
40 ECTS in Classical Civilisation, 20 ECTS in Greek
Semester 1
- CLU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33215 Drama and Performance with Project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33213 Drama and Performance (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33216 Creative Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose either CLU33215 or CLU33213 + CLU33216
Semester 2
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose one of the following
11. Major in Classical Civilisation, Minor in Greek (Option B)
30 ECTS in Classical Civilisation, 30 ECTS in Greek
Semester 1
- CLU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33213 Drama and Performance (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33381 Greek Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Semester 2
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33310 Independent Greek Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose one of the following
12. Major in Classical Civilisation, Minor in Latin (Option A)
40 ECTS in Classical Civilisation, 20 ECTS in Latin
Semester 1
- CLU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33215 Drama and Performance with Project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33213 Drama and Performance (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33216 Creative Project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose either CLU33215 or CLU33213 + CLU33216
Semester 2
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
13. Major in Classical Civilisation, Minor in Latin (Option B)
30 ECTS in Classical Civilisation, 30 ECTS in Latin
Semester 1
- CLU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33213 Drama and Performance (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33481 Latin Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Semester 2
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33410 Independent Latin Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
14. Major in AHA, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option A)
40 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS in ClassCiv
Semester 1
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33137 Late Antiquity with Project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33119 Archaeological Practice (JS) (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- ClU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33215 Drama and Performance with Project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose either CLU33137 or CLU33135+CLU33119
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Mandatory) [page under construction]
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33131 Roman Archaeology (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33118 Independent Archaeological project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose either CLU33122 or CLU33112+ CLU33118
Choose either CLU33210 or CLU33212+CLU33217
15. Major in AHA, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option B)
30 ECTS in AHA, 30 ECTS in ClassCiv
Semester 1
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33119 Archaeological Practice (JS) (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33213 Drama and Performance (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Mandatory) [page under construction]
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose one of the following
16. Major in AHA, Minor in Greek (Option A)
40 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS in Greek
Semester 1
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33137 Late Antiquity with project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33119 Archaeological Practice (JS) (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose either CLU33137 or CLU33135+CLU33119
Semester 2
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Mandatory) [page under construction]
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33131 Roman Archaeology (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33118 Independent Archaeological project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose either CLU33122 or CLU33112+ CLU33118
17. Major in AHA, Minor in Greek (Option B)
30 ECTS in AHA, 30 ECTS in Greek
Semester 1
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33119 Archaeological Practice (JS) (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33381 Greek Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Mandatory) [page under construction]
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33310 Independent Greek Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
18. Major in AHA, Minor in Latin (Option A)
40 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS in Latin
Semester 1
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33137 Late Antiquity with project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33119 Archaeological Practice (JS) (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose either CLU33137 or CLU33135+CLU33119
Semester 2
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Mandatory) [page under construction]
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33131 Roman Archaeology (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33118 Independent Archaeological project (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose either CLU33122 or CLU33112+ CLU33118
19. Major in AHA, Minor in Latin (Option B)
30 ECTS in AHA, 30 ECTS in Latin
Semester 1
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33119 Archaeological Practice (JS) (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33481 Latin Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Mandatory) [page under construction]
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33410 Independent Latin Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
20. Major in Greek, Minor in AHA (Option A)
40 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in AHA
Semester 1
- CLU33383 Greek Close Reading with project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33137 Late Antiquity with project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33310 Independent Greek Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33700 Classics Research Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Mandatory) [page under construction]
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose any two of the following
21. Major in Greek, Minor in AHA (Option B)
30 ECTS in Greek, 30 ECTS in AHA
Semester 1
- CLU33381 Greek Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33119 Archaeological Practice (JS) (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33310 Independent Greek Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Mandatory) [page under construction]
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
22. Major in Greek, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option A)
40 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in ClassCiv
Semester 1
- CLU33383 Greek Close Reading with project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33215 Drama and Performance with project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33310 Independent Greek Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33700 Classics Research Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose either CLU33210 or CLU33212+CLU33217
23. Major in Greek, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option B)
30 ECTS in Greek, 30 ECTS in ClassCiv
Semester 1
- CLU33381 Greek Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- ClU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33213 Drama and Performance (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Semester 2
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33310 Independent Greek Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose one
24. Major in Latin, Minor in AHA (Option A)
40 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in AHA
Semester 1
- CLU33483 Latin Close Reading with project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33137 Late Antiquity with project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33410 Independent Latin Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33700 Classics Research Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Optional) [page under construction]
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose any two of the following
25. Major in Latin, Minor in AHA (Option B)
30 ECTS in Latin, 30 ECTS in AHA
Semester 1
- CLU33481 Latin Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33119 Archaeological Practice (JS) (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33410 Independent Latin Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Mandatory) [page under construction]
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
26. Major in Latin, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option A)
40 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in ClassCiv
Semester 1
- CLU33483 Latin Close Reading with project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33215 Drama and Performance with project (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33410 Independent Latin Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33700 Classics Research Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
Choose either CLU33210 or CLU33212+CLU3321
27. Major in Latin, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option B)
30 ECTS in Latin, 30 ECTS in ClassCiv
Semester 1
- CLU33481 Latin Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33213 Drama and Performance (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Semester 2
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33410 Independent Latin Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
The Joint Honours Pathways open to you are:
28. Joint Honours in AHA and Greek
30 ECTS in AHA, 30 ECTS in Greek
Semester 1
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33119 Archaeological Practice (JS) (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33381 Greek Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Mandatory) [page under construction]
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33310 Independent Greek Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
29. Joint Honours in AHA and Latin
30 ECTS in AHA, 30 ECTS in Latin
Semester 1
- CLU33122 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece with Project (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33119 Archaeological Practice (JS) (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33481 Latin Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose one of the following
Semester 2
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (5 ECTS) (Optional) [page under construction]
- CLU33139 Roman Archaeology (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33134 Receptions and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33410 Independent Latin Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
30. Joint Honours in Classical Civilisation and Greek
30 ECTS in ClassCiv, 30 ECTS in Greek
Semester 1
- CLU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33213 Drama and Performance (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33381 Greek Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33341 Greek Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Semester 2
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33310 Independent Greek Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose one of the following
31. Joint Honours in Classical Civilisation and Latin
30 ECTS in ClassCiv, 30 ECTS in Latin
- CLU33211 Explaining The World (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33213 Drama and Performance (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33481 Latin Close Reading (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Semester 2
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World (5 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU33410 Independent Latin Project (5 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Choose one of the following
Senior Sophister Year (SS)
1. Single Honours Classics
20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44391 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Semester 2
- CLU44390 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
2. Single Honours Classical Civilisation
40 ECTS in Classical Civilisation*, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
*Subject to approval, you may take 10 ECTS of AHA in either or both semesters
Semester 1
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Semester 2
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
3. Single Honours Ancient History and Archaeology
40 ECTS in Ancient History and Archaeology*, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
*Subject to approval, you may take 10 ECTS of ClassCiv modules in either or both semesters
Semester 1
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Semester 2
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44505
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44501/2 Entertainment and Spectacle (10+10 ECTS, all year) (Optional)
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
4. Major in Classics, Minor in Ancient History and Archaeology (Option A)
10 ECTS in Latin, 10 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44391 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
If you choose CLU44391 you must take CLU44488 in Sem 2
Semester 2
- CLU44390 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
If you choose CLU44390 you must take CLU44485 in Sem 1
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44501/2 Entertainment and Spectacle (10+10 ECTS, all year) (Optional)
5. Major in Classics, Minor in Ancient History and Archaeology (Option B)
20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44391 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Semester 2
- CLU44390 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
6. Major in Classics, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option A)
10 ECTS in Latin, 10 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in ClassCiv, 20 Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44391 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional) If you take CLU44391 you may not take this module
If you choose CLU44391 you must take CLU44488 in Sem 2
Semester 2
- CLU44390 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional) If you take CLU44390 you may not take this module.
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
If you choose CLU44385 you must take CLU44488 in Sem 1
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
7. Major in Classics, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option B)
20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44391 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Semester 2
- CLU44390 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
8. Major in Classical Civilisation, Minor in AHA (Option A)
20 ECTS in Classical Civilisation, 20 ECTS in AHA, 20 Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Semester 2
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
9. Major in Classical Civilisation, Minor in AHA (Option B)
40 ECTS in Classical Civilisation*, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
*Subject to approval, you may take 10 ECTS of AHA modules in either or both semesters
Semester 1
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Semester 2
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44501/2 Entertainment and Spectacle (10+10 ECTS, all year) (Optional)
10. Major in Classical Civilisation, Minor in Greek (Option A)
20 ECTS in Classical Civilisation*, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 Capstone Dissertation
*Subject to approval, you may substitute AHA modules for the one available option in ClassCiv in this pathway
Semester 1
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44391 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
Semester 2
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501
- CLU44390 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
11. Major in Classical Civilisation, Minor in Greek (Option B)
40 ECTS in Classical Civilisation*, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
*Subject to timetabling constraints, you may take 10 ECTS of AHA modules in either or both semesters
Semester 1
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Semester 2
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
12. Major in Classical Civilisation, Minor in Latin (Option A)
20 ECTS in Classical Civilisation*, 20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
*Subject to approval, you may take 10 ECTS of AHA modules in one semester
Semester 1
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Semester 2
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
13. Major in Classical Civilisation, Minor in Latin (Option B)
40 ECTS in Classical Civilisation*, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
*Subject to approval, you may take 10 ECTS of AHA modules in either or both semesters
Semester 1
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Semester 2
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
14. Major in AHA, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option A)
20 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS in ClassCiv, 20 Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502
Semester 2
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
15. Major in AHA, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option B)
40 ECTS in AHA*, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
*Subject to approval, you may take 10 ECTS of ClassCiv modules in either or both semesters
Semester 1
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Semester 2
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
16. Major in AHA, Minor in Greek (Option A)
20 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44391 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502 - Not Running In 24-25
Semester 2
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44390 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
17. Major in AHA, Minor in Greek (Option B)
40 ECTS in Ancient History and Archaeology*, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
*Subject to approval, you may take 10 ECTS of ClassCiv modules in either or both semesters
Semester 1
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502 - Not Running In 24-25
Semester 2
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44558 Hellenistic Poetry (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
18. Major in AHA, Minor in Latin (Option A)
20 ECTS in AHA*, 20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
*Subject to approval, you may take 10 ECTS of ClassCiv modules in one semester
Semester 1
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502 - Not Running In 24-25
Semester 2
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
19. Major in AHA, Minor in Latin (Option B)
40 ECTS in AHA*, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
*Subject to approval, you may take 10 ECTS of ClassCiv modules in either or both semesters
Semester 1
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502 - Not Running In 24-25
Semester 2
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
20. Major in Greek, Minor in AHA (Option A)
20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in AHA, 20 Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44391 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502 - Not Running In 24-25
Semester 2
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
21. Major in Greek, Minor in AHA (Option B)
40 ECTS in Greek (20 ECTS non-language), 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44391 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502 - Not Running In 24-25
Semester 2
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
22. Major in Greek, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option A)
20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS in ClassCiv*, 20 Capstone Dissertation
*Subject to approval, you may substitute AHA modules for the one available option in ClassCiv in this pathway
Semester 1
- CLU44391 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502 - Not Running In 24-25
Semester 2
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
23. Major in Greek, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option B)
40 ECTS in Greek (20 ECTS non-language), 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44391 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502 - Not Running In 24-25
Semester 2
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
24. Major in Latin, Minor in AHA (Option A)
20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in AHA, 20 Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502 - Not Running In 24-25
Semester 2
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
25. Major in Latin, Minor in AHA (Option B)
40 ECTS in Latin (20 ECTS non-language), 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502 - Not Running In 24-25
Semester 2
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
26. Major in Latin, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option A)
20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in ClassCiv, 20 Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Semester 2
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
27. Major in Latin, Minor in Classical Civilisation (Option B)
40 ECTS in Latin (20 ECTS non-language), 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502 - Not Running In 24-25
Semester 2
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
28. Joint Honours in AHA and Greek
20 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44391 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502 - Not Running In 24-25
Semester 2
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
29. Joint Honours in AHA and Latin
20 ECTS in AHA, 20 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44501 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44502 - Not Running In 24-25
Semester 2
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44502 Entertainment and Spectacle (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44501 - Not Running In 24-25
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
30. Joint Honours in Classical Civilisation and Greek
20 ECTS in ClassCiv*, 20 ECTS in Greek, 20 ECTS Capstone Dissertation
*Subject to approval, you may substitute AHA modules for the one available option in ClassCiv in this pathway
Semester 1
- CLU44391 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44548 Sacred Spaces and Identities (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Semester 2
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)
31. Joint Honours in Classical Civilisation and Latin
20 ECTS in ClassCiv, 20 ECTS in Latin, 20 Capstone Dissertation
Semester 1
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44509 Anthropology and the Greeks I (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44510
- CLU44550 How to Be Happy (10 ECTS) (Optional)
Semester 2
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS) (Mandatory)
- CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks II (10 ECTS) (Optional) Co-requisite CLU44509
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS) (Optional)
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS) (Optional)
All Year
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS) (Mandatory)