CLU11108 Sources and Methods for Ancient History and Archaeology

This module provides an introduction to the primary sources and methodologies employed by historians and archaeologists. It introduces the practical, analytical and critical skills required to assess both textual sources and material remains. It explores the nature and reliability of the different types of evidence, and challenges students to think about and assess how modern scholars approach the study of the ancient world. Group seminars focus on developing skills with the primary sources: working with artefacts such as coins, inscriptions and pottery; and debating archaeological ethics.
- Module Organisers:
- Dr Giorgos Papantoniou, Dr Shane Wallace
- Duration:
- All year
- Contact Hours:
- 31 (22 lectures and 9 seminars)
- Weighting:
- 10 ECTS
- Assessment:
- 100% coursework (four written assignments)
- Course Open To::
- Classics, Ancient History and Archaeology; TJH Ancient History and Archaeology; Columbia Dual Degree; Ancient and Medieval History and Culture; Visiting (in one-term version)
Learning Outcomes
Upon the successful completion of this module students should be able to demonstrate:
- Employ and define the basic terminology used in the study of Ancient History and Archaeology.
- Outline the main practical and intellectual developments in the study of history and archaeology.
- Analyse critically the purposes and methods of history writing in the ancient and modern worlds.
- Identify the different categories and types of evidence available, explaining how examples of these have survived.
- Evaluate the usefulness and limitations of different types of evidence.
- Analyse the major issues.
- Communicate the above in verbal and written form.