TRiSS Events
TRiSS is pleased to share information on upcoming events by TRiSS and our associate member schools, held both at the TRiSS Seminar Room and elsewhere in Trinity College Dublin.
Several of our member schools, including Business, Education, Law, Sociology, Political Science, Economics, and Psychology, hold regular research seminar series throughout the academic year. For information on the full series, please see the schools' individual websites and the TRiSS Events Calendar
Upcoming Events
Past Events

Bitesize Discussion and Pizza: The US Election 2024, Wed 13 November, 1pm
Join us on Wed 13 Nov, 1pm, at the TRiSS Seminar Room to take part in a Q&A session and discussion on the US Presidential Election 2024.

Bitesize Talk and Pizza: Technology and Society, Wed 1 November, 1pm
Bitesize Talks and Pizza are back! Join us on Wed 1 Nov, 1pm, at the TRiSS Seminar Room to hear a snapshot of social science research projects.

Seminar on EU Criminal Law: Cooperation and Mutual Trust Post-Brexit, 9 Dec, 3.30 - 5pm
Two scholars will discuss current research into some post-Brexit developments in EU criminal law, at the TRiSs Seminar Room.

Lunch time seminar by Riikka Korkiamäki, 8 Nov, 1 - 2pm
Join us for Prof Riikka Korkiamäks talk on Rethinking everyday solidarity – insights from two studies with young people in Finland, at the TRiSs Seminar Room.

Young Irish Economists hold inaugural session October 6 2022
Xidong Guo will be the first speaker for the YIESS series. He will present his paper "Assessing the Outcome of the 2008 Consultants’ Contract Reform in Ireland.

AREUEA Dublin Conference July 6 - 9 2022
AREUEAs annual International Conference over the years has become the leading conference to address global developments in international topics that affect real estate and urban economics. The conference will be hosted by the Department of Economics and TRiSS at Trinity College.

A House to Live and Pay for Care: Nursing Home Policy Change in Ireland
A talk by TRiSS Visiting Scholar, Stephan Köppe. Click here for more details and a link to register.

Webinars from the Trinity Centre for Asian Studies
Click here for details of this exciting new series.

Webinar: Internment as a Technology of Governance.
Wednesday 22 September. Click here for more details and a link to register.

Postgraduate Research Conference 2021 - Save the Date: May 8th 2021
Hosted by the School of Education,this conference will reflect on times of change for research, researchers, and researching during and hopefully Post Covid-19.

Trends and Directions in Criminal Justice: Learning from the Past, Creating the Future
TRiSS was delighted to host this online webinar featuring Professor Vivian Geiran and Professor Nicola Carr.

The three Trinity College Faculties and Trinity Research in Social Sciences have put together a a half-day online symposium with multiple events that you can dip-in-and-out of. The theme of the event is The Visibility of Role Models.

In Conversation With...Eleanor Drago-Severson | Educational Policy and Leadership Experts
On January 21st, Dr Gavin Murphy will be in conversation with Eleanor Drago-Severson. Eleanor Drago-Severson is Professor of Education Leadership and Adult Learning and Leadership, and director of the PhD Program in Educational Leadership, at Teachers College, Columbia University.

The Law Student Colloquium will take place on Saturday 6 February 2021.
For the thirteenth year, Trinity College Dublin is pleased to hold the Trinity College Law Student Colloquium on Saturday the 6th of February 2021 between 9:00 - 18:00 GMT.

If Trump Loses - What's next for America?
On the day of the final Presidential Debate in the United States, Professors Sunstein and Ambassador Power discussed the future of politics in that country, moderated by Dr Donna Lyons. Watch the recording here.

Open Access Conference by the European Sociological Association
Inclusive Education and Society in a Time of Change: Theories, Policies and Practices, took place on Aug 21st and 22nd. Click here for more information and recordings of the keynote sessions.

Prof. Tannam on the legacy of John Hume
Taken from an event hosted by TRiSS on January 30th, 2019 to commemorate the anniversary of Bloody Sunday, Prof. Tannam discussed the legacy of Hume and the lessons for Brexit

How to fight fake news about climate change
TRiSS is delighted to host this online talk by Prof. John Cook from the Center for Climate Change Communication at George Mason University.

European Research Council Grants application support sessions
We are organising sessions to support researchers who wish to apply for ERC grants. The first of these will take place either on November 11th or 18th 2020. Mail 'subscribe' to be the first to hear the details of this.

Conclusion of TRiSS weekly webinar
Trinity Research in Social Sciences, in partnership with its member schools and disciplines,ran a webinar series called "Covid19 and a Changing Society". Over seven webinars we had 20 speakers, 1,376 real time attendees and reached over 6,000 people with our livestreams. Click here for more information.

Watch the final instalment of our weekly webinar series, which was on The Future of Retail
Co hosted with the School of Business, this webinar features Jonathan Reynolds, Devon Hughes, Sinead Roden, and Laurent Muzellec.

July 13th: a special once-off lecture from Thomas Philippon
Thomas Philippon, Max L. Heine Professor of Finance at the Stern School of Business, New York University will discuss: Corporate competition and concentration after Covid19

Next instalment of our weekly webinar will be on The Future of Retail on June 29th
Co hosted with the School of Business, this webinar will feature Jonathan Reynolds, Devon Hughes, Sinead Roden, and Laurent Muzellec.

Video now available of Covid19 and the Future of Travel
Co hosted with the School of Business, this webinar featured Prof. Brian Lucey from Trinity College, Prof. Denise O'Leary from Technological University Dublin, Prof. Brent Ritchie from the University of Queensland and Prof. Jane Ali-Knight from Edinburgh Napier University.

Video now available of webinar on how COVID-19 will affect Human Rights and Democracy
Co hosted with the School of Law and Trinity Centre for Constitutional Governance (TriCon). This webinar features Gabor Halmai from the European University institute, Alok Prasanna Kumar of the VIDHI Centre for Legal Policy in New Delhi, Donna Lyons from Trinity College, and Suryapratim Roy from Trinity College.

Next instalment of weekly webinar on Challenges to Democracy on June 15th
Co hosted with the department of Political Science, this webinar will feature Daphne Halikiopoulou, Gizem Arikan, Zoltan Fazekas and Roman Gabriel Olar.

Next instalment of weekly webinar on the Future of Travel
Co hosted with the School of Business, this webinar will feature Prof. Brian Lucey from Trinity College, Prof. Denise O'Leary from Technological University Dublin, Prof. Brent Ritchie from the University of Queensland and Prof. Jane Ali-Knight from Edinburgh Napier University.

How will COVID-19 affect Human Rights and Democracy?
Co hosted with the School of Law and Trinity Centre for Constitutional Governance (TriCon). This webinar will feature Prof Gabor Halmai from the European University institute, Mr Alok Prasanna Kumar of the VIDHI Centre for Legal Policy in New Delhi, Prof. Donna Lyons from Trinity College, and Prof. Suryapratim Roy from Trinity College.

Podcast now available of the Prof. Gazi Salah Uddin webinar on Measuring Uncertainty in Economics and Finance
Gazi Salah Uddin is an Associate Professor of Financial Economics at the Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University, Sweden. His talk took place on April 7th at 3.30pm.

Podcast now available of Open Data in the Social Sciences event
Jointly hosted by TRiSS and the Taskforce on Open Scholarship, this seminar was to assess interest in Open Data infrastructure among TCD Social Science community.

Video now available of our last Bitesized Talk, in honour of International Womens' Day
Speakers were: Nandini Gupta who is working on a comparative analysis between Northern Ireland and Kashmir conflict in general and women's contribution to peace-making processes and Dr.Ciara O'Connell on 'Gender, women and prisons: Doing empirical research.'

Research Funding – Where to start and how to get involved - podcast now available
A workshop about the concepts and processes of research funding given by Dr Nina Shiel, Research Programme Officer in the Faculty of the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Webinar May 18th: COVID-19 and the Future of Cities
On May 18th at 3pm, Prof. Edward Glaeser, Prof. Jessie Handbury, and Prof. Diego Puga will discuss how cities are likely to develop after the pandemic.

Next Bitesized Talk: Lessons for the Covid 19 Crisis
On May 1st at 3.30pm, three Trinity academics will present their current research that relates to the pandemic.

Our next Bitesized Talk on March 12th will be in honour of International Womens' Day
Speakers are: Nandini Gupta who is working on a comparative analysis between Northern Ireland and Kashmir conflict in general and women's contribution to peace-making processes and Dr.Ciara O'Connell on 'Gender, women and prisons: Doing empirical research.'

Podcast now available of TRiSS event to commemorate the Fall of the Berlin Wall
The event was held on November 17th and the journalist and broadcaster Charlie Bird chaired the session, with speakers Prof. Roman Gabriel Olar and Prof. Jacqueline Hayden from Political Science and Prof. Balzs Apor from European Studies.

Symposium on the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
The Symposium will take place in the TRiSS seminar room on the 3rd of December, the International Day of People with Disabilities

Public Event on November 14th at 7pm to commemorate the Fall of the Berlin Wall
The journalist and broadcaster Charlie Bird will chair the session, with speakers Roman Gabriel Olar and Jacqueline Hayden from Political Science and Balzs Apor from European Studies.

Our Bitesized series continues with War and Peacekeeping on November 28th
Speakers include Prof. Thomas Chadefaux on International Conflict and Shelli Garland on Identity through Volunteering

Talk on Urban Transitions in East Africa Today by visiting Prof. James Murphy
Our visiting scholar from Clark University will discuss Urban transitions in East Africa today: Assessing the prospects for generative urbanization on November 6th at 2pm in the TRiSS Seminar room. Refreshments provided.

Our BiteSized Talks and Pizza continue in October
We will have Prof. Philip Lawton from the department of Geography in the School of Natural Sciences on Gentrification and Urban development, Ciaran Devlin from the Department of Sociology will discuss Virtual Futures, Amy Stapleton from the School of Social Work and Social Policy will discuss the experience of separated young people in France

Our BiteSized Talks and Pizza are back in September
On the eve on the Student Climate Strike, we have a special event focusing on Climate Change and Energy Economics

Trying corporations – why not prosecute?
The Corporate Law, Governance and Capital Markets Research Group of the School of Law, is hosting a guest lecture by Professor Liz Campbell, Francine McNiff Chair of Criminal Jurisprudence on Thursday, 20 June 2019, at 1 pm.

The Tempest Within: Reconciling Disagreements on Climate-Conflict Links
A lecture by Cullen Hendrix, Professor of Politics, University of Denver on Friday 31st May 2019 at 3 pm, in the ISE-LI Building, Trinity College Room G16.

Economics in the Anthropocene: can a natural capital approach prevent ecological collapse?
On May 1st Prof Dieter Helm CBE, Professor of Economic Policy and Official Fellow in Economics, New College, Oxford will discuss the role of economics in a human-dominated epoch and the potential for the natural capital approach to take society off a trajectory of ecological collapse.

The next BiteSized talk will be on Visualisation Methodology
Speakers include: Prof. Andrew Loxley from the School of Education, and Michelle Share - a Senior Research Fellow also with the School of Education.

Northern Ireland - from Peace talks to Brexit deals podcast now available
To mark the anniversary of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Movement and Bloody Sunday, TRiSS hosted a public discussion of Northern Irelands past and future with Dearbhail McDonald, Prof. Etain Tannam, Professor Paul Arthur and Daithi OCeallaigh.

Independence, Nationalism and Democracy podcast now available
The exiled former president of the Government of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont discussed the right to self-determination in Europe.

Multilingual Multinationals - a special guest lecture by Prof. Andrew John
On April 25th Prof. Andrew John from the Melbourne Business School will discuss multinational firms operating in countries with different languages.

Our next BiteSized talk will be on on April 11th
Speakers include: David Moore from the School of Political Science on the effect of emotive language in far-right conspiratorial messaging on individuals perception of political conspiracy theories.

The last BiteSized talk commemorated International Women's Day
Speakers include: Phil Mullen from the School of Sociology on Mixed Race Women in Care, Prof. Catherine Conlon from Social Work and Social Policy on womens' sexual bodies and Prof. Gillian Wylie on sex work and social justice.

Public Lecture February 21st- The Breakdown of Trust in Society
Is trust in political institutions declining? How much does media bias affect electoral outcomes? And how can we re-establish trust where it has been lost?

School of Education Research Seminar February 28th
Whats the Point? Teachers Perceptions of the Bonus Points Initiative in Mathematics will take place in 3105 at 4pm

Mixed Methods Approaches in Social Science Research February 6th
Dr Charlotte Wilson, Assistant Professor in Clinical Psychology, will provide an introduction to mixed methods research with a focus on mixed methods approaches in social science research..

The second instalment of our BiteSized series in the New Year will be on Valentines Day
From cardiology to literature, TRiSS will explore the matters of the heart.

Northern Ireland - from Peace talks to Brexit deals on January 30th
To mark the anniversary of the Northern Ireland Civil Rights Movement and Bloody Sunday, TRiSS is hosting a public discussion of Northern Irelands past and future.

Exiled Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont gives public talk
The public lecture on "Independence, Nationalism and Democracy" was hosted by the School of Social Sciences and Philosophy and Trinity Research in Social Sciences (TRiSS).

Our BiteSized series continues with Issues of Imprisonment
With speakers from the School of Law and Social Work and Social Policy, our next Bitesized talk promises to be captivating.

Keynote address from the Minister of Finance January 17th
This address is the fifth in a series of lectures on Populism and the Challenges to the Liberal Order, which is co-hosted by the IIEA and Trinity College Dublin in association with Trinity Research in Social Sciences (TRiSS).

Conference: Irish Philosophy in the Age of Berkeley
An interdisciplinary conference, Irish Philosophy in the Age of Berkeley, will take place in the Trinity Long Room Hub 5th-6th April 2019. Potential presenters should submit abstracts by 15 October 2018.
Our BiteSized series continues with Ethnic Segregation
Enjoy a pizza lunch on November 1st and listen to talks on the effects of ethnic segregation
School of Education Research Seminar 29th November at 4pm
The November Research Seminar at 4pm in The TRiSS Seminar Room will be on Trinity Access 21: Large-scale action research facilitating iterative change in Irish schools.
Register now for tickets for Dr. Laura Ferrara MEP
Our TRiSS-IIEA lecture series on the theme of "Populism and Challenges to the liberal order" continues with Dr Laura Ferrara MEP on November 30th .

Workshop on Migration
The latest in our workshop series co-hosted by the IIEA, this lunchtime series on Migration looked at a range of aspects from the historical to the economic.

Successful fundraiser for Breast Cancer
TRiSS hosted a coffee morning to welcome those who have recently joined us and also to raise funds for Breast Cancer

TRiSS Guest Lecture – Challenges facing Europe
TRiSS hosted a guest lecture by Rory Montgomery on the Challenges facing Europe on 2nd October

Register now to get tickets for this event on Monday
Our joint series with IIEA continues with Prof. Matthew Goodwin on November 12th

Register here for tickets to our TRiSS research series
Our research series will continue with Prof. Constantine Boussalis presenting his latest research findings on Climate Change denial on November 6th
Research Seminar October 25th
Sustaining a Career in Arts/Music Education: Cultivating Hope, Engaging in Self-renewal.
Our BiteSized series continues on the Powers The Be
Enjoy a pizza lunch on November 1st and listen to talks on the various powers in society - from police and politicians to corporations
Register now to get one of the last remaining tickets for this event on Friday
The second event in the TRiSS-IIEA lecture series on the theme of "Populism and Challenges to the liberal order" will be given by Dr Laura Ferrara MEP and member of the Italian Five Star Movement on October 12th .

TRiSS Guest Lecture – Challenges facing Europe
TRiSS hosted a guest lecture by Rory Montgomery on the Challenges facing Europe on 2nd October

The Future of News in an Age of Social Media (11th April 2018)
Has the internet distorted and marginalised accurate and reflective news reporting or is it simply the case that the traditional news outlets are not dead but merely adapting to the new reality? Is social media a force for good or a dark energy contributing to civilisation's decline? To discuss these, and other aspects of the effects of social media, we have lined up a distinguished panel of speakers.

Information Webinar for Postgraduate Diploma in Social Policy and Practice, 12th April 6pm
This fully online event will give you the opportunity to: talk to the course director about the course, learn how the online programme is structured and delivered, and experience how the Virtual Learning Platform interface works

Conference: Getting Ready for the GDPR (9th May 2018 2018)
This is an evening event, which is aimed at legal practitioners, those involved in data protection compliance, as well as others who are interested in data protection and privacy. Our speakers will consider a number of topics, ranging from an update on the state of play of the GDPR, data protection damages, the new Irish Data Protection Bill and issues around privacy policies, electronic contracts, and emerging technologies

Department of Economics Research Seminar Series presents Peter McQuade (Central Bank of Ireland) (13th February 2018)
Peter McQuade will discuss his paper 'America First? A US-centric view of global capital flows' (jointly authored with Martin Schmitz)

Trinity School of Psychology Research Seminar Series: Shirley Reynolds, University of Reading (15th February 2018)
Shirley Reynolds will explore The Puzzle of Adolescent Depression

Trinity Business School Free Lunchtime Research Seminar Series presents Rajit Panwar, Appalachia State University (15th February 2018)
Rajit Panwar will deliver a talk entitled 'Stock Market Reaction to a Flexible CSR Regulation'

Department of Political Science Research Seminar Series: Kevin Lacourse, Andrea Salvi, TCD (16th February 2018)
Title to be announced

Sociology Department Research Seminar Series hosts Paloma Viejo Otero, PhD Candidate, School of Communications, Dublin City University (21st February 2018)
Title of Seminar: Hate Speech in online environments

School of Law presents: #MeToo – Then and Now. Wednesday 7th March 6:30-8:00pm
Professor Deirdre Ahern presents Equal in Name: The Limits of Law, Then and Now at #MeToo – Then and Now, Wednesday, 7 March 2018, 6:30 – 8pm, Trinty Long Room Hub

Trinity Business School Free Lunchtime Research Seminar Series presents Mitchell J Larsen, University of Central Lancashire (8th February 2018)
Mitchell J Larsen will deliver a talk entitled 'Strategic Responses to Global Stimuli: The “Big Four” UK Banks, 1973 - 2010'

Trinity School of Psychology Research Seminar Series: Rhodri Cusack, Trinity College Dublin (8th February 2018)
Dr Cusack’s research examines infant learning to understand how the development of brain functions goes awry following perinatal brain injury.

Sociology Department Research Seminar Series hosts Liam Kneafsey, Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Trinity College Dublin (7th February 2018)
Title of Seminar: Media Ownership, Coverage Effects and Dynamic Attitudinal Change: The Case of the 1984-85 UK Miners' Strike

School of Law Arthur Cox Summer Internship Open Evening - Monday, 5th February 6 - 8pm
Thinking of applying for a summer internship? Kickstart your application by attending the Arthur Cox Open Evening at 10 Earlsford Terrace on Monday 5 February 2018 from 6-8pm. For more information and to register email

Trinity College Law Student Colloquium - Saturday, 3 February 2018
The tenth Trinity College Law Student Colloquium will take place on Saturday, 3rd February 2018, in the Trinity Long Room Hub, Trinity College, Dublin. Judge Anthony M Collins, Chamber President of the General Court of the European Union, will be delivering the Brian Lenihan Memorial Lecture at the GMB Chamber afterwards. Attendance is free.

TRiSS Bite Size Talks and Pizza Lunchtime Series (1st February 2018)
In the TRiSS Bite Size Talks and Pizza lunchtime sessions, three speakers provide a taster of their research. This month: Julian Friedland, Assistant Professor in Business Ethics, Trinity Business School; Derina Johnson, PhD Candidate, School of Social Work and Social Policy; and Evgenia Likhovtseva - PhD Candidate, School of Education

TRiSS Shut Up and Write! (1st February 2018)
We invite academics from our member schools to take the opportunity of silence and coffee at these dedicated writing sessions. All you need is a laptop or note book and the will (or need) to write.

Trinity School of Psychology Research Seminar Series: Klaas Enno Stephan, University of Zurich (1st February 2018)
Dr Stephan's research translates advances in computational neuroscience into diagnostic tools for clinical practice

Sociology Department Research Seminar Series hosts Yaqoub BouAynaya, PhD Graduate, Department of Sociology, Trinity College Dublin (31st January 2018)
Title of Seminar: 'Perceived Irishness'. Contact the Department of Sociology for more information

Department of Economics Research Seminar Series presents Alain De Janvry, UC Berkeley (31st January 2018)
To be announced

Department of Economics Research Seminar Series presents Elisabeth Sadoulet, UC Berkeley (30th January 2018)
'Subsidy Policies and Insurance Demand' (joint with Alain de Janvry)

Department of Political Science Research Seminar Series: Todd Hartman, Sheffield (26th January 2018)
Title to be announced

Trinity School of Education hosts a Research Seminar by Dr John Walsh, Ussher Assistant Professor in Higher Education, Trinity College Dublin (25th January 2018)
'The Hunt Report and Higher Education Policy in Ireland: Bureaucracy or Managerialism'

Trinity School of Psychology Research Seminar Series: Amy Summerville, Miami University, Ohio (25th January 2018)
Dr Summerville's research focuses on the experience of regret

Trinity Business School Free Lunchtime Research Seminar Series presents Goo Hyeok Chung, Assistant Professor, Kwangwoon University, Seoul (25th January 2018)
Goo Hyeok Chung will deliver a talk entitled 'Innovation Implementation: Past, Present and Future'

Sociology Department Research Seminar Series hosts Dr Thomas Grund, School of Sociology, University College Dublin (24th January 2018)
'Public Denunciation and the Limits of Scandal'. Contact the Department of Sociology for more information

Department of Political Science Research Seminar Series: Marco Schito and Eleonora La Spada, Trinity College Dublin (19th January 2018)
Title to be announced

Trinity School of Psychology Research Seminar Series: Gaia Scerif, University of Oxford (18th January 2018)
Dr Scerif's research explores the development of attentional control and neurodevelopmental disorders of attention

Trinity School of Law Constitutional Governance and Social Change Research Group and the Irish Jurisprudence Society host Dr. Tarunabh Khaitan, University of Oxford (18th January 2018)
Dr Khaitan will speak about his study on 'Directive Principles and the Expressive Accommodation of Ideological Dissenters', and his talk will be followed by a response by the Hon. Mr. Justice Gerard Hogan.

TRiSS Social Science Methods Series presents Mixed Methods by Dr Charlotte Wilson (17th January 2018)
Join Dr Wilson's interactive workshop on mixed methods in social science research

Trinity Business School Free Lunchtime Research Seminar Series presents Professor Sjur Westgaard, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (17th January 2018)
Professor Westgaard will deliver a talk entitled 'Forecasting Price Distributions in the German Electricity Market'

Department of Economics Research Seminar Series welcomes Helios Herrera, University of Warwick (16th January 2018)
Populism: Demand and Supply (joint with L. Guiso, M. Morelli and T. Sonno)

Trinity Business School Lunchtime Research Seminar Series (11th January 2018): Johanna Frosen (Hanken School of Economics, Finland)
'Marketing Analytics as an Organizational Capability: Assessment of Performance Implications'

Department of Political Science Research Seminar Series (15 December): Jason Sharman (Trinity Business School)
'Gunboat Diplomacy: Power and Profit at Sea in the Making of the International System'

Trinity Business School Lunchtime Research Seminar Series (14 December): Jongwook Pak (Trinity Business School)
'Capturing Variability within Organizations in the Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) Research'

Department of Sociology Seminar Series (13 December): Prof. Sinisa Malesevic (University College Dublin)
Professor Malesevic will speak on ''Corporate Warriors' and Nationalism in the 21st Century'

Department of Economics (12 December) Research Seminar Series: Pramila Krishnan (University of Oxford)
'Fading Choice: Transport Costs and Variety in Consumer Goods' (joint with Jan Willem Gunning, Andualem Telaye)

Department of Political Science Research Seminar Series (8 December): Imke Harbers (University of Amsterdam)
Imke Harbers will give a talk entitled 'Rendering Citizens Legible? Birth Certificates as a Measure of State Capacity in Mexico'