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School of Law in association with Trinity Research in Social Sciences (TRiSS)

  • Professor Deirdre Ahern, Associate Professor, School of Law, Trinity College Dublin presents 'Equal in Name: The Limits of Law, Then and Now at #MeToo – Then and Now'

  • Date: Wednesday 7th March 2018

  • Time: 6.30-8.00pm

  • Venue: Trinity Long Room Hub

Me Too

Professor Deirdre Ahern presents Equal in Name: The Limits of Law, Then and Now at #MeToo – Then and Now, Wednesday, 7 March 2018, 6:30 – 8pm

Professor Deirdre Ahern will discuss the disconnect between the recognised values of gender equality in the law and the reality of the impact of continuing gendered decision-making in our world. A century after women gained the vote we take for granted that the law provides guarantees of equal treatment and equal pay. Less certain is the honouring of equality guarantees in practice, as evidenced by continuing debate on the merits of gender quotas in boardrooms and headline revelations of pay gaps for female film and media stars. The equality and fairness debate stemming from the #MeToo dialogue therefore allows a timely reality check in relation to the lived experiences of women as divorced from protections offered by the law.

Please contact the Trinity Long Room Hub for more information on the event, panellists and how to register.