Professor Kingston Mills
Professor of Experimental Immunology, Biochemistry
Director TBSI, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute
Kingston Mills is Professor of Experimental Immunology, School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Trinity College Dublin (TCD). He is Academic Director of Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute (TBSI) and TCD Research Theme Champion for Immunology, Inflammation and Infection. He is Co-lead on the Trinity COVID-19 Research hub. He is a graduate of TCD and trained at as a Postdoctoral Fellow at University College London and the National Institute for Medical Research, Mill Hill (now the Crick Institute), London, before joining the Scientific Staff of NIBSC, Herts, UK. He returned to Ireland in 1993 to take up an academic position at Maynooth University. He was appointed to a Personal Chair at Trinity College Dublin in 2001 and was Head of the School of Biochemistry and Immunology from 2008-2011. He heads an active research team focusing on T cells in infection and autoimmunity. He is co-founder of Opsona Therapeutics, TriMod Therapeutics and Parvalis Tx, biotech companies focused on developing immunotherapeutics for inflammatory diseases and cancer.
Publications and Further Research Outputs
Peer-Reviewed Publications
McCarthy KN, Hone S, McLoughlin RM, Mills KHG., IL-17 and IFN-"-producing respiratory tissue resident memory CD4"T cells persist for decades in adults immunized as children with whole cell pertussis vaccines., The Journal of infectious diseases, 2024, pjiae034
Leane, C.M. and Sutton, C.E. and Moran, B. and Mills, K.H.G., PD-1 regulation of pathogenic IL-17-secreting γΎ T cells in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, European Journal of Immunology, 2024
Douglas, A. and Stevens, B. and Rendas, M. and Kane, H. and Lynch, E. and Kunkemoeller, B. and Wessendorf-Rodriguez, K. and Day, E.A. and Sutton, C. and Brennan, M. and Oâ Brien, K. and Kohlgruber, A.C. and Prendeville, H. and Garza, A.E. and Oâ Neill, L.A.J. and Mills, K.H.G. and Metallo, C.M. and Veiga-Fernandes, H. and Lynch, L., Rhythmic IL-17 production by γΎ T cells maintains adipose de novo lipogenesis, Nature, 2024
Kelly AM, McCarthy KN, Claxton TJ, Carlile SR, O'Brien EC, Vozza EG, Mills KH, McLoughlin RM., IL-10 inhibition during immunization improves vaccine-induced protection against Staphylococcus aureus infection., JCI insight, 9, (13), 2024, pe178216
Pinto, M.V. and Barkoff, A.-M. and Bibi, S. and Knuutila, A. and TerÀsjÀrvi, J. and Clutterbuck, E. and Gimenez-Fourage, S. and Pagnon, A. and van Gaans-van den Brink, J.A.M. and Corbiere, V. and De Montfort, A. and Saso, A. and Jobe, H. and Roetynck, S. and Kampmann, B. and Simonetti, E. and Diavatopoulos, D. and Lambert, E.E. and Mertsola, J. and Blanc, P. and van Els, C.A.C.M. and Kelly, D. and He, Q. and Diavatopoulos, D.A. and Mills, K.H.G. and Kester, K.E. and Silerova, M. and Heininger, U. and van Dongen, J.J.M. and van der Most, R.G. and Huijnen, M.A. and Siena, E. and Mielcarek, N. and Ochs, M.M. and Denoël, P. and Berbers, G. and Buisman, A.M. and de Jonge, M.I. and Fenwick, C. and Gorringe, A. and Le Grand, R. and Locht, C. and Mascart, F. and Orfao, A. and Pantaleo, G. and Pollard, A.J. and Preston, A. and Read, R. and Sebo, P. and van Els, C. and Vecerek, B. and Londoño-Hayes, P. and de Groot, R., A novel whole blood assay to quantify the release of T cell associated cytokines in response to Bordetella pertussis antigens, Journal of Immunological Methods, 534, (113758), 2024
Ryan, T.A.J. and Hooftman, A. and Rehill, A.M. and Johansen, M.D. and Brien, E.C.O. and Toller-Kawahisa, J.E. and Wilk, M.M. and Day, E.A. and Weiss, H.J. and Sarvari, P. and Vozza, E.G. and Schramm, F. and Peace, C.G. and Zotta, A. and Miemczyk, S. and Nalkurthi, C. and Hansbro, N.G. and McManus, G. and Oâ Doherty, L. and Gargan, S. and Long, A. and Dunne, J. and Cheallaigh, C.N. and Conlon, N. and Carty, M. and Fallon, P.G. and Mills, K.H.G. and Creagh, E.M. and Donnell, J.S.O. and Hertzog, P.J. and Hansbro, P.M. and McLoughlin, R.M. and Wygrecka, M. and Preston, R.J.S. and ZasÅ'ona, Z. and Neill, L.A.J.O., Dimethyl fumarate and 4-octyl itaconate are anticoagulants that suppress Tissue Factor in macrophages via inhibition of Type I Interferon, Nature Communications, 14, (1), 2023
Schmitt, P. and Borkner, L. and Jazayeri, S.D. and McCarthy, K.N. and Mills, K.H., Nasal vaccines for pertussis, Current Opinion in Immunology, 84, (102355), 2023
Mills, K.H.G., IL-17 and IL-17-producing cells in protection versus pathology, Nature Reviews Immunology, 2023, p38-54
Diallo, B.K. and Chasaide, C.N. and Wong, T.Y. and Schmitt, P. and Lee, K.S. and Weaver, K. and Miller, O. and Cooper, M. and Jazayeri, S.D. and Damron, F.H. and Mills, K.H.G., Intranasal COVID-19 vaccine induces respiratory memory T cells and protects K18-hACE mice against SARS-CoV-2 infection, npj Vaccines, 8, (1), 2023
Baran, M. and Feriotti, C. and McGinley, A. and Carlile, S.R. and Jiang, Z. and Calderon-Gonzalez, R. and Dumigan, A. and Sá-Pessoa, J. and Sutton, C.E. and Kearney, J. and McLoughlin, R.M. and Mills, K.H.G. and Fitzgerald, K.A. and Bengeochea, J.A. and Bowie, A.G., PYHIN protein IFI207 regulates cytokine transcription and IRF7 and contributes to the establishment of K. pneumoniae infection, Cell Reports, 42, (4), 2023
Cunningham KT, Mills KHG., Modulation of haematopoiesis by protozoal and helminth parasites., Parasite immunology, 2023, pe12975
Moran, B. and Smith, C.M. and Zaborowski, A. and Ryan, M. and Karman, J. and Dunstan, R.W. and Smith, K.M. and Hambly, R. and Musilova, J. and Petrasca, A. and Fabre, A. and O'Donnell, M. and Hokamp, K. and Mills, K.H.G. and Housley, W.J. and Winter, D.C. and Kirby, B. and Fletcher, J.M., Targeting the NLRP3 inflammasome reduces inflammation in hidradenitis suppurativa skin, The British journal of dermatology, 189, (4), 2023, p447-458
Curham, L.M. and Mannion, J.M. and Daly, C.M. and Wilk, M.M. and Borkner, L. and Lalor, S.J. and McLoughlin, R.M. and Mills, K.H.G., Bystander activation of Bordetella pertussis-induced nasal tissue-resident memory CD4 T cells confers heterologous immunity to Klebsiella pneumoniae, European Journal of Immunology, 2023
Ryan, T.A.J. and Hooftman, A. and Rehill, A.M. and Johansen, M.D. and Oâ Brien, E.C. and Toller-Kawahisa, J.E. and Wilk, M.M. and Day, E.A. and Weiss, H.J. and Sarvari, P. and Vozza, E.G. and Schramm, F. and Peace, C.G. and Zotta, A. and Miemczyk, S. and Nalkurthi, C. and Hansbro, N.G. and McManus, G. and Oâ Doherty, L. and Gargan, S. and Long, A. and Dunne, J. and Cheallaigh, C.N. and Conlon, N. and Carty, M. and Fallon, P.G. and Mills, K.H.G. and Creagh, E.M. and Oâ Donnell, J.S. and Hertzog, P.J. and Hansbro, P.M. and McLoughlin, R.M. and Wygrecka, M. and Preston, R.J.S. and ZasÅ'ona, Z. and Oâ Neill, L.A.J., Publisher Correction: Dimethyl fumarate and 4-octyl itaconate are anticoagulants that suppress Tissue Factor in macrophages via inhibition of Type I Interferon (Nature Communications, (2023), 14, 1, (3513), 10.1038/s41467-023-39174-1), Nature Communications, 14, (1), 2023
Mills, K.H.G., How immunology can help reverse the pertussis vaccine failure, Nature Immunology, 24, (11), 2023, p1779-1780
Mills, K.H.G., Innate lymphoid cells recruit T cells to turn up the heat on tumors, Cancer Cell, 40, (4), 2022, p362-364
Mallon PW, Horgan M, McAloon CG, Lunn PD, Little J, Beck A, Bennett A, Shaver N, Conway A, O'Regan R, Whelan B, Rapid Testing Expert Advisory Group, Ireland, Members of the Rapid Testing Expert Advisory Group., Development of a risk assessment profile tool to determine appropriate use of SARS-CoV-2 rapid antigen detection tests for different activities and events in Ireland, since October 2021., Euro surveillance : bulletin Europeen sur les maladies transmissibles = European communicable disease bulletin, 27, (3), 2022
Ryan, L. and Mills, K.H.G., Sex differences regulate immune responses in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis and multiple sclerosis, European Journal of Immunology, 52, (1), 2022, p24-33
Cervantes-Silva MP, Carroll RG, Wilk MM, Moreira D, Payet CA, O'Siorain JR, Cox SL, Fagan LE, Klavina PA, He Y, Drewinski T, McGinley A, Buel SM, Timmons GA, Early JO, Preston RJS, Hurley JM, Finlay DK, Schoen I, Javier Sánchez-García F, Mills KHG, Curtis AM., The circadian clock influences T cell responses to vaccination by regulating dendritic cell antigen processing., Nature communications, 13, (1), 2022, p7217
Cunningham KT, Mills KHG., Trained Innate Immunity in Hematopoietic Stem Cell and Solid Organ Transplantation., Transplantation, 2021
Borkner, L. and Curham, L.M. and Wilk, M.M. and Moran, B. and Mills, K.H.G., Correction: IL-17 mediates protective immunity against nasal infection with Bordetella pertussis by mobilizing neutrophils, especially Siglec-F+ neutrophils (Mucosal Immunology, (2021), 14, 5, (1183-1202), 10.1038/s41385-021-00407-5), Mucosal Immunology, 14, (5), 2021, p1218-1219
Borkner L, Curham LM, Wilk MM, Moran B, Mills KHG., IL-17 mediates protective immunity against nasal infection with Bordetella pertussis by mobilizing neutrophils, especially Siglec-F+ neutrophils., Mucosal immunology, 2021
Murphy, D.M. and Mills, K.H.G. and Basdeo, S.A., The Effects of Trained Innate Immunity on T Cell Responses; Clinical Implications and Knowledge Gaps for Future Research, Frontiers in Immunology, 12, (706583), 2021
Cunningham Kyle , Finlay Conor , Mills Kingston H, Helminth Imprinting of Hematopoietic Stem Cells Sustains Anti-Inflammatory Trained Innate Immunity That Attenuates Autoimmune Disease, Journal of Immunology, 206, (7), 2021, p1618 - 1630
Netea, M.G. and Balkwill, F. and Chonchol, M. and Cominelli, F. and Donath, M.Y. and Giamarellos-Bourboulis, E.J. and Golenbock, D. and Gresnigt, M.S. and Heneka, M.T. and Hoffman, H.M. and Hotchkiss, R. and Joosten, L.A.B. and Kastner, D.L. and Korte, M. and Latz, E. and Libby, P. and Mandrup-Poulsen, T. and Mantovani, A. and Mills, K.H.G. and Nowak, K.L. and Oâ Neill, L.A. and Pickkers, P. and van der Poll, T. and Ridker, P.M. and Schalkwijk, J. and Schwartz, D.A. and Siegmund, B. and Steer, C.J. and Tilg, H. and van der Meer, J.W.M. and van de Veerdonk, F.L. and Dinarello, C.A., Author Correction: A guiding map for inflammation (Nature Immunology, (2017), 18, 8, (826-831), 10.1038/ni.3790), Nature Immunology, 22, (2), 2021, p254 -
Damron, F.H. and Barbier, M. and Dubey, P. and Edwards, K.M. and Gu, X.-X. and Klein, N.P. and Lu, K. and Mills, K.H.G. and Pasetti, M.F. and Read, R.C. and Rohani, P. and Sebo, P. and Harvill, E.T., Overcoming waning immunity in pertussis vaccines: Workshop of the national institute of allergy and infectious diseases, Journal of Immunology, 205, (4), 2020, p877-882
Mela, V. and Mota, B.C. and Milner, M. and McGinley, A. and Mills, K.H.G. and Kelly, Ã .M. and Lynch, M.A., Exercise-induced re-programming of age-related metabolic changes in microglia is accompanied by a reduction in senescent cells, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 87, 2020, p413-428
McGinley, A.M. and Sutton, C.E. and Edwards, S.C. and Leane, C.M. and DeCourcey, J. and Teijeiro, A. and Hamilton, J.A. and Boon, L. and Djouder, N. and Mills, K.H.G., Interleukin-17A Serves a Priming Role in Autoimmunity by Recruiting IL-1β-Producing Myeloid Cells that Promote Pathogenic T Cells, Immunity, 52, (2), 2020, p342-356.e6
Emma B. O'Connor, Natalia Muñoz-Wolf, Gemma Leon, Ed C. Lavelle, Kingston H. G. Mills, Patrick T. Walsh and Richard K. Porter, UCP3 reciprocally controls CD4+ Th17 and Treg cell differentiation, PLoS ONE, 15, (11), 2020, pe02-
Olwyn R. Mahon, David C. Brow, Tomas Gonzalez-Fernandez, Pierluca Pitaccoc, Ian T. Whelan, Stanislas Von E, Christopher Hobbs, Valeria Nicolosi, Kyle T. Cunningham, Kingston. H. G. Mills , Daniel J. Kelly and Aisling Dunne, Nano-particle mediated M2 macrophage polarization enhances bone formation and MSC osteogenesis in an IL-10 dependent manner, Biomaterials, 239, 2020, p119833-
Angiari, S. and Runtsch, M.C. and Sutton, C.E. and Palsson-McDermott, E.M. and Kelly, B. and Rana, N. and Kane, H. and Papadopoulou, G. and Pearce, E.L. and Mills, K.H.G. and O'Neill, L.A.J., Pharmacological Activation of Pyruvate Kinase M2 Inhibits CD4+ T Cell Pathogenicity and Suppresses Autoimmunity, Cell Metabolism, 31, (2), 2020, p391-405.e8
Z. Zas³ona , E. Flis, M.M. Wilk, R.G. Carroll, E.M. Palsson-McDermott, M.M. Hughes, C. Diskin, K. Banahan, D.G. Ryan, A. Hooftman, A. Misiak, J. Kearney, G. Lochnit, W. Bertrams, T. Greulich, B. Schmeck, O.J. McElvaney, K.H.G. Mills, E.C. Lavelle, M. Wygrecka, E.M. Creagh & L.A.J. O'Neill , Caspase-11 promotes allergic airway inflammation, Nature Communications, 2020
Locht, C. and Carbonetti, N.H. and Cherry, J.D. and Damron, F.H. and Edwards, K.M. and Fernandez, R. and Harvill, E.T. and Hozbor, D. and Mills, K.H.G. and Rodriguez, M.E. and Mascart, F., Highlights of the 12th International Bordetella Symposium, Clinical infectious diseases : an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, 71, (9), 2020, p2521-2526
Chasaide, C.N. and Mills, K.H.G., Next-generation pertussis vaccines based on the induction of protective t cells in the respiratory tract, Vaccines, 8, (4), 2020, p1-28
Finlay, C.M. and Cunningham, K.T. and Doyle, B. and Mills, K.H.G., IL-33-stimulated murine mast cells polarize alternatively activated macrophages, which suppress T cells that mediate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, Journal of Immunology, 205, (7), 2020, p1909-1919
Edwards, S.C. and Sutton, C.E. and Ladell, K. and Grant, E.J. and McLaren, J.E. and Roche, F. and Dash, P. and Apiwattanakul, N. and Awad, W. and Miners, K.L. and Lalor, S.J. and Ribot, J.C. and Baik, S. and Moran, B. and McGinley, A. and Pivorunas, V. and Dowding, L. and Macoritto, M. and Paez-Cortez, J. and Slavin, A. and Anderson, G. and Silva-Santos, B. and Hokamp, K. and Price, D.A. and Thomas, P.G. and McLoughlin, R.M. and Mills, K.H.G., A population of proinflammatory T cells coexpresses αβ and γΎ T cell receptors in mice and humans, Journal of Experimental Medicine, 217, (5), 2020
Fitzgibbon, G. and Mills, K.H.G., The microbiota and immune-mediated diseases: Opportunities for therapeutic intervention, European Journal of Immunology, 50, (3), 2020, p326-337
Wilk M.M, Borkner L, Misiak A, Curham L, Allen A.C, Mills K.H.G, Immunization with whole cell but not acellular pertussis vaccines primes CD4 T
Hughes, M.M. and Hooftman, A. and Angiari, S. and Tummala, P. and Zaslona, Z. and Runtsch, M.C. and McGettrick, A.F. and Sutton, C.E. and Diskin, C. and Rooke, M. and Takahashi, S. and Sundararaj, S. and Casarotto, M.G. and Dahlstrom, J.E. and Palsson-McDermott, E.M. and Corr, S.C. and Mills, K.H.G. and Preston, R.J.S. and Neamati, N. and Xie, Y. and Baell, J.B. and Board, P.G. and O'Neill, L.A.J., Glutathione Transferase Omega-1 Regulates NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation through NEK7 Deglutathionylation, Cell Reports, 29, (1), 2019, p151-161.e5
Diavatopoulos, D.A. and Mills, K.H.G. and Kester, K.E. and Kampmann, B. and Silerova, M. and Heininger, U. and van Dongen, J.J.M. and van der Most, R.G. and Huijnen, M.A. and Siena, E. and Mielcarek, N. and Ochs, M.M. and Denoël, P. and Berbers, G. and Buisman, A.M. and de Jonge, M.I. and Fenwick, C. and Gorringe, A. and He, Q. and Kelly, D. and Le Grand, R. and Locht, C. and Mascart, F. and Mertsola, J. and Orfao, A. and Pantaleo, G. and Pollard, A.J. and Preston, A. and Read, R. and Sebo, P. and van Els, C. and Vecerek, B. and Londoño-Hayes, P. and de Groot, R., PERISCOPE: road towards effective control of pertussis, The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 19, (5), 2019, pe179-e186
Cossarizza, A. and Chang, H.-D. and Radbruch, A. and Acs, A. and Adam, D. and Adam-Klages, S. and Agace, W.W. and Aghaeepour, N. and Akdis, M. and Allez, M. and Almeida, L.N. and Alvisi, G. and Anderson, G. and AndrÀ, I. and Annunziato, F. and Anselmo, A. and Bacher, P. and Baldari, C.T. and Bari, S. and Barnaba, V. and Barros-Martins, J. and Battistini, L. and Bauer, W. and Baumgart, S. and Baumgarth, N. and Baumjohann, D. and Baying, B. and Bebawy, M. and Becher, B. and Beisker, W. and Benes, V. and Beyaert, R. and Blanco, A. and Boardman, D.A. and Bogdan, C. and Borger, J.G. and Borsellino, G. and Boulais, P.E. and Bradford, J.A. and Brenner, D. and Brinkman, R.R. and Brooks, A.E.S. and Busch, D.H. and BÃŒscher, M. and Bushnell, T.P. and Calzetti, F. and Cameron, G. and Cammarata, I. and Cao, X. and Cardell, S.L. and Casola, S. and Cassatella, M.A. and Cavani, A. and Celada, A. and Chatenoud, L. and Chattopadhyay, P.K. and Chow, S. and Christakou, E. and Ä iÄ in-Å ain, L. and Clerici, M. and Colombo, F.S. and Cook, L. and Cooke, A. and Cooper, A.M. and Corbett, A.J. and Cosma, A. and Cosmi, L. and Coulie, P.G. and Cumano, A. and Cvetkovic, L. and Dang, V.D. and Dang-Heine, C. and Davey, M.S. and Davies, D. and De Biasi, S. and Del Zotto, G. and Dela Cruz, G.V. and Delacher, M. and Della Bella, S. and Dellabona, P. and Deniz, G. and Dessing, M. and Di Santo, J.P. and Diefenbach, A. and Dieli, F. and Dolf, A. and Dörner, T. and Dress, R.J. and Dudziak, D. and Dustin, M. and Dutertre, C.-A. and Ebner, F. and Eckle, S.B.G. and Edinger, M. and Eede, P. and Ehrhardt, G.R.A. and Eich, M. and Engel, P. and Engelhardt, B. and Erdei, A. and Esser, C. and Everts, B. and Evrard, M. and Falk, C.S. and Fehniger, T.A. and Felipo-Benavent, M. and Ferry, H. and Feuerer, M. and Filby, A. and Filkor, K. and Fillatreau, S. and Follo, M. and Förster, I. and Foster, J. and Foulds, G.A. and Frehse, B. and Frenette, P.S. and Frischbutter, S. and Fritzsche, W. and Galbraith, D.W. and Gangaev, A. and Garbi, N. and Gaudilliere, B. and Gazzinelli, R.T. and Geginat, J. and Gerner, W. and Gherardin, N.A. and Ghoreschi, K. and Gibellini, L. and Ginhoux, F. and Goda, K. and Godfrey, D.I. and Goettlinger, C. and González-Navajas, J.M. and Goodyear, C.S. and Gori, A. and Grogan, J.L. and Grummitt, D. and GrÃŒtzkau, A. and Haftmann, C. and Hahn, J. and Hammad, H. and HÀmmerling, G. and Hansmann, L. and Hansson, G. and Harpur, C.M. and Hartmann, S. and Hauser, A. and Hauser, A.E. and Haviland, D.L. and Hedley, D. and Hernández, D.C. and Herrera, G. and Herrmann, M. and Hess, C. and Höfer, T. and Hoffmann, P. and Hogquist, K. and Holland, T. and Höllt, T. and Holmdahl, R. and Hombrink, P. and Houston, J.P. and Hoyer, B.F. and Huang, B. and Huang, F.-P. and Huber, J.E. and Huehn, J. and Hundemer, M. and Hunter, C.A. and Hwang, W.Y.K. and Iannone, A. and Ingelfinger, F. and Ivison, S.M. and JÀck, H.-M. and Jani, P.K. and Jávega, B. and Jonjic, S. and Kaiser, T. and Kalina, T. and Kamradt, T. and Kaufmann, S.H.E. and Keller, B. and Ketelaars, S.L.C. and Khalilnezhad, A. and Khan, S. and Kisielow, J. and Klenerman, P. and Knopf, J. and Koay, H.-F. and Kobow, K. and Kolls, J.K. and Kong, W.T. and Kopf, M. and Korn, T. and Kriegsmann, K. and Kristyanto, H. and Kroneis, Guidelines for the use of flow cytometry and cell sorting in immunological studies (second edition), European Journal of Immunology, 49, (10), 2019, p1457-1973
Zurita, M.E. and Wilk, M.M. and Carriquiriborde, F. and Bartel, E. and Moreno, G. and Misiak, A. and Mills, K.H.G. and Hozbor, D., A Pertussis Outer Membrane Vesicle-Based Vaccine Induces Lung-Resident Memory CD4 T Cells and Protection against Bordetella pertussis, including Pertactin Deficient Strains, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology, 9, (APR), 2019
Quinn S.M, Raverdeau M, McGinley A.M, Mills K.H.G, Helminths products directly modulate TÂ cells that mediate experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, European Journal of Immunology, 2019
Quinn, S.M. and Cunningham, K. and Raverdeau, M. and Walsh, R.J. and Curham, L. and Malara, A. and Mills, K.H.G., Anti-inflammatory trained immunity mediated by helminth products attenuates the induction of T cell-mediated autoimmune disease, Frontiers in Immunology, 10, (MAY), 2019
Brian Flood*, Joan Manils*, Ciara Nulty, Ewelina Flis, Sinead Kenealy, Gillian Barber, Joanna Fay, Kingston H. G. Mills, Elaine W. Kay and Emma M. Creagh. , Caspase-11 regulates the tumour suppressor function of STAT1 in a murine model of colitis-associated carcinogenesis, Oncogene, 38, (14), 2019, p2658-2674
Raverdeau M, Christofi M, Malara A, Wilk M.M, Misiak A, Kuffova L, Yu T, McGinley A.M, Quinn S.M, Massilamany C, Reddy J, Forrester J.V, Mills K.H.G, Retinoic acid-induced autoantigen-specific type 1 regulatory T cells suppress autoimmunity, EMBO Reports, 20, (5), 2019
Allen, A.C. and Wilk, M.M. and Misiak, A. and Borkner, L. and Murphy, D. and Mills, K.H.G., Sustained protective immunity against Bordetella pertussis nasal colonization by intranasal immunization with a vaccine-adjuvant combination that induces IL-17-secreting T
Borkner L, Misiak A, Wilk M.M, Mills K.H.G, Azithromycin Clears Bordetella pertussis Infection in Mice but Also Modulates Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses and T Cell Memory, Frontiers in immunology, 9, 2018, p1764-
Wilk, M.M. and Mills, K.H.G., CD4 T
Solans, L. and Debrie, A.-S. and Borkner, L. and Aguiló, N. and Thiriard, A. and Coutte, L. and Uranga, S. and Trottein, F. and MartÃn, C. and Mills, K.H.G. and Locht, C., IL-17-dependent SIgA-mediated protection against nasal Bordetella pertussis infection by live attenuated BPZE1 vaccine, Mucosal Immunology, 11, (6), 2018, p1753-1762
Michelet, X. and Dyck, L. and Hogan, A. and Loftus, R.M. and Duquette, D. and Wei, K. and Beyaz, S. and Tavakkoli, A. and Foley, C. and Donnelly, R. and Oâ Farrelly, C. and Raverdeau, M. and Vernon, A. and Pettee, W. and Oâ Shea, D. and Nikolajczyk, B.S. and Mills, K.H.G. and Brenner, M.B. and Finlay, D. and Lynch, L., Metabolic reprogramming of natural killer cells in obesity limits antitumor responses, Nature Immunology, 19, (12), 2018, p1330-1340
Fuchs, A. and Gliwinski, M. and Grageda, N. and Spiering, R. and Abbas, A.K. and Appel, S. and Bacchetta, R. and Battaglia, M. and Berglund, D. and Blazar, B. and Bluestone, J.A. and BornhÃ"user, M. and Brinke, A. and Brusko, T.M. and Cools, N. and Cuturi, M.C. and Geissler, E. and Giannoukakis, N. and Golab, K. and Hafler, D.A. and van Ham, S.M. and Hester, J. and Hippen, K. and Di Ianni, M. and Ilic, N. and Isaacs, J. and Issa, F. and Iwaszkiewicz-Grzes, D. and Jaeckel, E. and Joosten, I. and Klatzmann, D. and Koenen, H. and Kooten, C. and Korsgren, O. and Kretschmer, K. and Levings, M. and Marek-Trzonkowska, N.M. and Martinez-Llordella, M. and Miljkovic, D. and Mills, K.H.G. and Miranda, J.P. and Piccirillo, C.A. and Putnam, A.L. and Ritter, T. and Roncarolo, M.G. and Sakaguchi, S. and Sánchez-Ramón, S. and Sawitzki, B. and Sofronic-Milosavljevic, L. and Sykes, M. and Tang, Q. and Vives-Pi, M. and Waldmann, H. and Witkowski, P. and Wood, K.J. and Gregori, S. and Hilkens, C.M.U. and Lombardi, G. and Lord, P. and Martinez-Caceres, E.M. and Trzonkowski, P., Minimum information about T regulatory cells: A step toward reproducibility and standardization, Frontiers in Immunology, 8, (JAN), 2018, p01844-
McGinley, A.M. and Edwards, S.C. and Raverdeau, M. and Mills, K.H.G., Th17â¯cells, γΎ T cells and their interplay in EAE and multiple sclerosis, Journal of Autoimmunity, 87, 2018, p16-25
Misiak, A. and Leuzzi, R. and Allen, A.C. and Galletti, B. and Baudner, B.C. and D'Oro, U. and O'Hagan, D.T. and Pizza, M. and Seubert, A. and Mills, K.H.G., Addition of a TLR7 agonist to an acellular pertussis vaccine enhances Th1 and Th17 responses and protective immunity in a mouse model, Vaccine, 35, (39), 2017, p5256-5263
Netea, M.G. and Balkwill, F. and Chonchol, M. and Cominelli, F. and Donath, M.Y. and Giamarellos-Bourboulis, E.J. and Golenbock, D. and Gresnigt, M.S. and Heneka, M.T. and Hoffman, H.M. and Hotchkiss, R. and Joosten, L.A.B. and Kastner, D.L. and Korte, M. and Latz, E. and Libby, P. and Mandrup-Poulsen, T. and Mantovani, A. and Mills, K.H.G. and Nowak, K.L. and O'Neill, L.A. and Pickkers, P. and Van Der Poll, T. and Ridker, P.M. and Schalkwijk, J. and Schwartz, D.A. and Siegmund, B. and Steer, C.J. and Tilg, H. and Van Der Meer, J.W.M. and Van De Veerdonk, F.L. and Dinarello, C.A., A guiding map for inflammation, Nature Immunology, 18, (8), 2017, p826-831
Misiak A, Wilk M.M, Raverdeau M, Mills K.H.G, IL-17-producing innate and pathogen-specific tissue resident memory γΎ T cells expand in the lungs of Bordetella pertussis-infected mice, Journal of Immunology, 198, (1), 2017, p363 - 374
Nascimento, I.P., Rodriguez, D., Santos, C.C., (...), Rappuoli, R., Leite, L.C.C. , Recombinant BCG expressing LTAK63 adjuvant induces superior protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Scientific Reports, 7, (1), 2017, p2109
McManus, R.M., Finucane, O.M., Wilk, M.M., Mills, K.H.G., Lynch, M.A. , FTY720 Attenuates Infection-Induced Enhancement of Aβ Accumulation in APP/PS1 Mice by Modulating Astrocytic Activation, Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 2017, p1-12
Gu, X.-X., Plotkin, S.A., Edwards, K.M., (...), Lu, K.T., Taylor, C.E. , Waning immunity and microbial vaccines-workshop of the National Institute of Allergy and infectious diseases, Clinical and Vaccine Immunology, 24, (7), 2017, pe00034-17
Wilk, M.M., Misiak, A., McManus, R.M., (...), Lynch, M.A., Mills, K.H.G. , Lung CD4 tissue-resident memory T cells mediate adaptive immunity induced by previous infection of mice with bordetella pertussis, Journal of Immunology . , 199, (1), 2017, p233-243
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Dyck, L., Mills, K.H.G. , Immune checkpoints and their inhibition in cancer and infectious diseases, European Journal of Immunology, 47, (5), 2017, p765-779
Sutton, C.E. and Finlay, C.M. and Raverdeau, M. and Early, J.O. and DeCourcey, J. and Zaslona, Z. and O'Neill, L.A.J. and Mills, K.H.G. and Curtis, A.M., Loss of the molecular clock in myeloid cells exacerbates T cell-mediated CNS autoimmune disease, Nature Communications, 8, (1), 2017, p1923-
Varghese S, Cotter M, Chevot F, Fergus C, Cunningham C, Mills KH, Connon SJ, Southern JM, Kelly VP., In vivo modification of tRNA with an artificial nucleobase leads to full disease remission in an animal model of multiple sclerosis., Nucleic Acids Research, 45, (4), 2017, p2029-2039
Palsson-McDermott, E.M. and Dyck, L. and Zaslona, Z. and Menon, D. and McGettrick, A.F. and Mills, K.H.G. and O'Neill, L.A., Pyruvate kinase M2 is required for the expression of the immune checkpoint PD-L1 in immune cells and tumors, Frontiers in Immunology, 8, (OCT), 2017
Finlay, C.M. and Stefanska, A.M. and Coleman, M.M. and Jahns, H. and Cassidy, J.P. and McLoughlin, R.M. and Mills, K.H.G., Secreted products of Fasciola hepatica inhibit the induction of T cell responses that mediate allergy, Parasite Immunology, 39, (10), 2017, pe12460 -
Netea M.G, Joosten L.A.B, Latz E, Mills K.H.G, Natoli G, Stunnenberg H.G, O'Neill L.A.J, Xavier R.J, Trained immunity: A program of innate immune memory in health and disease, Science, 352, (6284), 2016, p427-
Gardiner C.M, Mills K.H.G, The cells that mediate innate immune memory and their functional significance in inflammatory and infectious diseases, Seminars in Immunology, 28, (4), 2016, p343-350
Exley M.A, Tsokos G.C, Mills K.H.G, Elewaut D, Mulhearn B, What rheumatologists need to know about innate lymphocytes, Nature Reviews Rheumatology, 12, (11), 2016, 2016 Nov;12(11):658-668. doi:
Saadatian-Elahi M, Plotkin S, Mills K.H.G, Halperin S.A, McIntyre P.B, Picot V, Louis J, Johnson D.R, Pertussis: Biology, epidemiology and prevention, Vaccine, 34, (48), 2016, p5819 - 5826
Raverdeau M, Breen C.J, Misiak A, Mills K.H.G, Retinoic acid suppresses IL-17 production and pathogenic activity of γΎ T cells in CNS autoimmunity, Immunology and Cell Biology, 94, (8), 2016, p763 - 773
Mulcahy M.E, Leech J.M, Renauld J.-C, Mills K.H.G, McLoughlin R.M, Interleukin-22 regulates antimicrobial peptide expression and keratinocyte differentiation to control Staphylococcus aureus colonization of the nasal mucosa, Mucosal Immunology, 9, (6), 2016, p1429 - 1441
Finlay CM, Stefanska AM, Walsh KP, Kelly PJ, Boon L, Lavelle EC, Walsh PT, Mills KH., Helminth Products Protect against Autoimmunity via Innate Type 2 Cytokines IL-5 and IL-33, Which Promote Eosinophilia., Journal of Immunology, 196, (2), 2016, p703-714
Dyck L, Wilk M.M, Raverdeau M, Misiak A, Boon L, Mills K.H.G, Anti-PD-1 inhibits Foxp3+ Treg cell conversion and unleashes intratumoural effector T cells thereby enhancing the efficacy of a cancer vaccine in a mouse model, Cancer Immunol Immunother , 65, 2016, p1491-
Lee J.P.W, Foote A, Fan H, Peral de Castro C, Lang T, Jones S.A, Gavrilescu N, Mills K.H.G, Leech M, Morand E.F, Harris J, Loss of autophagy enhances MIF/macrophage migration inhibitory factor release by macrophages, Autophagy, 12, (6), 2016, p907 - 916
Bernard NJ, Finlay CM, Tannahill GM, Cassidy JP, O'Neill LA, Mills KH, A critical role for the TLR signaling adapter Mal in alveolar macrophage-mediated protection against Bordetella pertussis., Mucosal immunology, 8, (5), 2015, p982 - 992
Oficjalska K1, Raverdeau M1, Aviello G2, Wade SC1, Hickey A1, Sheehan KM3, Corr SC1, Kay EW3, O'Neill LA1, Mills KH1, Creagh EM4., Protective Role for Caspase-11 during Acute Experimental Murine Colitis., Journal of Immunology, 194, (3), 2015, p1252-1260
Flood, B., Oficjalska, K., Laukens, D., Fay, J., Mills, K.H., Sheahan, K., Ryan, E.J., Doherty, G.A., Kay, E.W. and Creagh, E.M. , Altered Expression of Caspases-4 and -5 during Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Colorectal Cancer - Novel Diagnostic and Therapeutic Potential. , Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 181, (1), 2015, p39-50
Coll, R.C. Robertson, A.A.B. Chae, J.J. Higgins, S.C. Muñoz-Planillo, R. Inserra, M.C. Vetter, I. Dungan, L.S. Monks, B.G. Stutz, A. Croker, D.E. Butler, M.S. Haneklaus, M. Sutton, C.E. Núñez, G. Latz, E. Kastner, D.L. Mills, K.H.G. Masters, S.L. Schroder, K. Cooper, M.A. O'Neill, L.A.J., A small-molecule inhibitor of the NLRP3 inflammasome for the treatment of inflammatory diseases, Nature Medicine, 21, (3), 2015, p248 - 257
Edwards S.C, Higgins S.C, Mills K.H.G, Respiratory infection with a bacterial pathogen attenuates CNS autoimmunity through IL-10 induction, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 50, 2015, p41 - 46
Brummelman J, Wilk MM, Han WG, van Els CA, Mills KH, Roads to the development of improved pertussis vaccines paved by immunology., Pathogens and disease, 73, (8), 2015, pftv067
Netea M.G, Latz E, Mills K.H, O'Neill L.A, Innate immune memory: a paradigm shift in understanding host defense, Nature immunology, 16, (7), 2015, p675 - 679
Basdeo SA, Moran B, Cluxton D, Canavan M, McCormick J, Connolly M, Orr C, Mills KH, Veale DJ, Fearon U, Fletcher JM, Polyfunctional, Pathogenic CD161+ Th17 Lineage Cells Are Resistant to Regulatory T Cell-Mediated Suppression in the Context of Autoimmunity., Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 195, (2), 2015, p528-40
Murphy A.G, O'Keeffe K.M, Lalor S.J, Maher B.M, Mills K.H.G, McLoughlin R.M, Staphylococcus aureus infection of mice expands a population of memory γΎ T cells that are protective against subsequent infection (Journal of Immunology (2014) 192 (3697-3708)), Journal of Immunology, 194, (9), 2015, p4588-
Oficjalska K, Raverdeau M, Aviello G, Wade SC, Hickey A, Sheehan KM, Corr SC, Kay EW, O'Neill LA, Mills KH, Creagh EM, Protective role for caspase-11 during acute experimental murine colitis., Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 194, (3), 2015, p1252-60
Dunne A, Mielke LA, Allen AC, Sutton CE, Higgs R, Cunningham CC, Higgins SC, Mills KH, A novel TLR2 agonist from Bordetella pertussis is a potent adjuvant that promotes protective immunity with an acellular pertussis vaccine., Mucosal immunology, 8, (3), 2015, p607-617
McManus R.M, Mills K.H.G, Lynch M.A, T Cells-Protective or Pathogenic in Alzheimer-s Disease?, Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, 10, (4), 2015, p547-560
Edwards S.C, McGinley A.M, McGuinness N.C, Mills K.H.G, γÎ" T cells and NK cells - distinct pathogenic roles as innate-like immune cells in CNS autoimmunity, Frontiers in Immunology, 6, (SEP), 2015, p1-
Edwards SC, McGinley AM, McGuinness NC, Mills KH, γδ T Cells and NK Cells - Distinct Pathogenic Roles as Innate-Like Immune Cells in CNS Autoimmunity., Frontiers in immunology, 6, 2015, p455
Allen AC, Mills KH, Improved pertussis vaccines based on adjuvants that induce cell-mediated immunity., Expert review of vaccines, 13, (10), 2014, p1253-1264
Mills KH, Ross PJ, Allen AC, Wilk MM, Do we need a new vaccine to control the re-emergence of pertussis?, Trends in microbiology, 22, (2), 2014, p49-52
Dungan LS, McGuinness NC, Boon L, Lynch MA, Mills KH, Innate IFN-gamma promotes development of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis: A role for NK cells and M1 macrophages., European Journal of Immunology, 44, (10), 2014, p2903-17
McManus R, Mills, KHG, Lynch MA, Respiratory infection promotes T cell infiltration and Aβ deposition in APP/PS1 mice., Neurobiol Aging, 35, (1), 2014, p109-121
Mills KH, Prior Exposure to Bacteria Attenuates Viral Disease of the Respiratory Tract: A Role for IL-17 and Innate Immune Memory?, American journal of respiratory and critical care medicine, 189, (2), 2014, p126-8
Raverdeau M, Mills KH, Modulation of T cell and innate immune responses by retinoic Acid., Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 192, (7), 2014, p2953-8
Adkins I, Kamanova J, Kocourkova A, Svedova M, Tomala J, Janova H, Masin J, Chladkova B, Bumba L, Kovar M, Ross PJ, Tuckova L, Spisek R, Mills KH, Sebo P, Bordetella adenylate cyclase toxin differentially modulates toll-like receptor-stimulated activation, migration and T cell stimulatory capacity of dendritic cells., PloS one, 9, (8), 2014, pe104064
Finlay CM, Walsh KP, Mills KH, Induction of regulatory cells by helminth parasites: exploitation for the treatment of inflammatory diseases., Immunological reviews, 259, (1), 2014, p206-30
Mills KH, Gerdts V, Mouse and Pig Models for Studies of Natural and Vaccine-Induced Immunity to Bordetella pertussis., The Journal of infectious diseases, 209 Suppl 1, 2014, pS16-9
Murphy, AG, O'Keeffe, KM, Lalor, SJ, Maher, BM, Mills, KHG, McLoughlin, RM, Staphylococcus aureus Infection of Mice Expands a Population of Memory gamma delta T Cells That Are Protective against Subsequent Infection, JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 192, (8), 2014, p3697-3708
Draper, Eve DeCourcey, Joseph Higgins, Sarah C. Canavan, Mary McEvoy, Fiona Lynch, Mark Keogh, Brian Reynolds, Clare Roche, Helen M. Mills, Kingston H. G. Loscher, Christine E., Conjugated linoleic acid suppresses dendritic cell activation and subsequent Th17 responses, The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 25, (7), 2014, p741-9
Browne TC, McQuillan K, McManus RM, O'Reilly JA, Mills KH, Lynch MA, IFN-" Production by Amyloid ß-Specific Th1 Cells Promotes Microglial Activation and Increases Plaque Burden in a Mouse Model of Alzheimer's Disease., Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 190, (5), 2013, p2241-51
Galvin, K.C., Dyck, L., Marshall, N.A., Stefanska, A.M., Walsh, K.P., Moran, B., Higgins, S.C., (...), Mills, K.H.G., Blocking retinoic acid receptor-α enhances the efficacy of a dendritic cell vaccine against tumours by suppressing the induction of regulatory T cells, Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy, 62, (7), 2013, 1273-1282
Coleman MM, Ruane D, Moran B, Dunne PJ, Keane J, Mills KH, Alveolar Macrophages Contribute to Respiratory Tolerance by Inducing FoxP3 Expression in Naive T Cells., American journal of respiratory cell and molecular biology, 48, (6), 2013, p773-80
Ross PJ, Sutton CE, Higgins S, Allen AC, Walsh K, Misiak A, Lavelle EC, McLoughlin RM, Mills KH, Relative Contribution of Th1 and Th17 Cells in Adaptive Immunity to Bordetella pertussis: Towards the Rational Design of an Improved Acellular Pertussis Vaccine., PLoS pathogens, 9, (4), 2013, pe1003264
Mills, K.H.G., Dungan, L.S., Jones, S.A., Harris, J., The role of inflammasome-derived IL-1 in driving IL-17 responses, Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 93, (4), 2013, p489-497
Mielke LA, Jones SA, Raverdeau M, Higgs R, Stefanska A, Groom JR, Misiak A, Dungan LS, Sutton CE, Streubel G, Bracken AP, Mills KH, Retinoic acid expression associates with enhanced IL-22 production by "" T cells and innate lymphoid cells and attenuation of intestinal inflammation., The Journal of experimental medicine, 210, (6), 2013, p1117-24
Butt AQ, Mills KH, Immunosuppressive networks and checkpoints controlling antitumor immunity and their blockade in the development of cancer immunotherapeutics and vaccines., Oncogene, 2013
Walsh, K.P., Mills, K.H.G., Dendritic cells and other innate determinants of T helper cell polarisation, Trends in Immunology, 34, (11), 2013, p521-530
Morine, M.J., Toomey, S., McGillicuddy, F.C., Reynolds, C.M., Power, K.A., Browne, J.A., Loscher, C., (...), Roche, H.M., Network analysis of adipose tissue gene expression highlights altered metabolic and regulatory transcriptomic activity in high-fat-diet-fed IL-1RI knockout mice, Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 24, (5), 2013, p788-795
Jones SA, Mills KH, Harris J., Autophagy and inflammatory diseases., Immunology and Cell Biology, 91, (3), 2013, p250-258
McGillicuddy FC, Reynolds CM, Finucane O, Coleman E, Harford KA, Grant C, Sergi D, Williams LM, Mills KH, Roche HM, Long-term exposure to a high-fat diet results in the development of glucose intolerance and insulin resistance in interleukin-1 receptor I deficient mice., American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism, 305, (2), 2013, pE834-E844
Morine MJ, Toomey S, McGillicuddy FC, Reynolds CM, Power KA, Browne JA, Loscher C, Mills KH, Roche HM, Network analysis of adipose tissue gene expression highlights altered metabolic and regulatory transcriptomic activity in high-fat-diet-fed IL-1RI knockout mice., The Journal of nutritional biochemistry, 2012, p228-236
Reynolds CM, McGillicuddy FC, Harford KA, Finucane OM, Mills KH, Roche HM, Dietary saturated fatty acids prime the NLRP3 inflammasome via TLR4 in dendritic cells-implications for diet-induced insulin resistance., Molecular nutrition & food research, 56, (8), 2012, p1212-1222
Marshall NA, Galvin KC, Corcoran AM, Boon L, Higgs R, Mills KH, Immunotherapy with PI3K inhibitor and Toll-like receptor agonist induces IFN-ã+IL-17+ polyfunctional T-cells that mediate rejection of murine tumors, Cancer Research, 72, (3), 2012, p581-591
Higgs R, Higgins SC, Ross PJ, Mills KH, Immunity to the respiratory pathogen Bordetella pertussis., Mucosal immunology, 5, (5), 2012, p485-500
Allen AC, Kelly S, Basdeo SA, Kinsella K, Mulready KJ, Mills KH, Tubridy N, Walsh C, Brady JJ, Hutchinson M, Fletcher JM, A pilot study of the immunological effects of high-dose vitamin D in healthy volunteers., Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England), 18, (12), 2012, p1797 - 1800
Cunningham CC, Mills E, Mielke LA, O'Farrell LK, Lavelle E, Mori A, McCarthy GM, Mills KH, Dunne A, Osteoarthritis-associated basic calcium phosphate crystals induce pro-inflammatory cytokines and damage-associated molecules via activation of Syk and PI3 kinase., Clinical immunology (Orlando, Fla.), 144, (3), 2012, p228-236
Sutton CE, Mielke LA, Mills KH, IL-17-producing gamma delta T cells and innate lymphoid cells., European Journal of Immunology, 42, (9), 2012, p2221-2231
Jones, S.A., Sutton, C.E., Cua, D., Mills, K.H.G., Therapeutic potential of targeting IL-17 , Nature Immunology, 13, (11), 2012, p1022-1025
Pindjakova J, Hanley SA, Duffy MM, Sutton CE, Weidhofer GA, Miller MN, Nath KA, Mills KH, Ceredig R, Griffin MD, Interleukin-1 accounts for intrarenal Th17 cell activation during ureteral obstruction., Kidney International, 81, (4), 2012, p379-390
Conroy H, Galvin KC, Higgins SC, Mills KH, Gene silencing of TGF-ß1 enhances antitumor immunity induced with a dendritic cell vaccine by reducing tumor-associated regulatory T cells., Cancer Immunology & Immunotherapy, 61, (3), 2012, p425-431
Immunology of Multiple Sclerosis in, The Biology of Multiple Sclerosis, Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp1-146 , [Fletcher JM and Mills KHG]
Coleman MM, Finlay CM, Moran B, Keane J, Dunne PJ, Mills KH, The Immunoregulatory role of CD4(+) FoxP3(+) CD25(-) regulatory T cells in lungs of mice infected with Bordetella pertussis., FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology, 64, (3), 2012, p413 - 424
Peral de Castro C, Jones SA, Ní Cheallaigh C, Hearnden CA, Williams L, Winter J, Lavelle EC, Mills KH, Harris J, Autophagy Regulates IL-23 Secretion and Innate T Cell Responses through Effects on IL-1 Secretion., Journal of immunology (Baltimore, Md. : 1950), 189, (8), 2012, p4144-4153
Dunne A, Marshall NA, Mills KH, TLR based therapeutics., Current opinion in pharmacology, 11, (4), 2011, p404-11
Lalor, S.J., Dungan, L.S., Sutton, C.E., Basdeo, S.A., Fletcher, J.M., Mills, K.H.G., Caspase-1-processed cytokines IL-1β and IL-18 promote IL-17 production by γδ and CD4 T cells that mediate autoimmunity, Journal of Immunology, 186, (10), 2011, p5738-5748
Mills KH, TLR-dependent T cell activation in autoimmunity., Nature Reviews Immunology, 11, (12), 2011, p807-22
Rebola N, Simões AP, Canas PM, Tomé AR, Andrade GM, Barry CE, Agostinho PM, Lynch MA, Cunha RA, Adenosine A(2A) receptors control neuroinflammation and consequent hippocampal neuronal dysfunction., Journal of Neurochemistry, 117, (1), 2011, p100-111
Byrne WL, Mills KH, Lederer JA, O'Sullivan GC, Targeting regulatory T cells in cancer., Cancer research, 71, (22), 2011, p6915-6920
Eve Draper, Clare M. Reynolds, Mary Canavan, Kingston H. Mills, Christine E. Loscher, and Helen M. Roche, Omega-3 fatty acids attenuate dendritic cell function via NF-kappa B independent of PPAR gamma, Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry, 22, (8), 2011, p784-790
Brereton, C.F., Sutton, C.E., Ross, P.J., Iwakura, Y., Pizza, M., Rappuoli, R., Lavelle, E.C., Mills, K.H.G., Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin promotes protective Th17 responses against infection by driving innate IL-1 and IL-23 production, Journal of Immunology, 186, (10), 2011, p5896-5906
McLoughlin, R.M., Mills, K.H.G., Influence of gastrointestinal commensal bacteria on the immune responses that mediate allergy and asthma, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, 127, (5), 2011, p1097-1107
McGillicuddy FC, Harford KA, Reynolds CM, Oliver E, Claessens M, Mills KH, Roche HM, Lack of interleukin-1 receptor I (IL-1RI) protects mice from high-fat diet-induced adipose tissue inflammation coincident with improved glucose homeostasis., Diabetes, 60, (6), 2011, p1688-98
Marina A. Lynch and Kingston H.G. Mills, Immunology meets neuroscience - opportunities for immune intervention in neurodegenerative diseases, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 26, (1), 2011, p1-10
Dungan, L.S., and Mills, K.H.G , Caspase-1-processed IL-1 family cytokines play a vital role in driving innate IL-17. , Cytokine, 56, (1), 2011, p126 - 132
Cheryl M. Sweeney, Roisin Lonergan, Sharee A. Basdeo, Katie Kinsella, Lara S. Dungan, Sarah C. Higgins, Patrick J. Kelly, Lisa Costelloe, Niall Tubridy, Kingston H.G. Mills, Jean M. Fletcher, IL-27 mediates the response to IFN beta therapy in multiple sclerosis patients by inhibiting Th17 cells, Brain, Behavior and Immunity, 25, (6), 2011, p1170-1181
Sisti F, Fernández J, Higgins SC, Casabuono A, Couto A, Mills KH, Hozbor D, A deep rough type structure in Bordetella bronchiseptica lipopolysaccharide modulates host immune responses., Microbiology and immunology, 55, (12), 2011, p847-854
Masters, S.L., Mielke, L.A. Cornish, A.L., Sutton, C.E., Cengia, L., Roberts, A.W., Wicks, I.P. Mills, K.H.G. and Croker, B.A. , Regulation of interleukin-1β by interferon-γ is species specific, limited by suppressor of cytokine signalling 1 and influences interleukin-17 production , EMBO Reports, 11, (8), 2010, p640 - 646
McGuirk, P., Higgins, S.C., Mills, K.H.G, The role of regulatory T cells in respiratory infections and allergy and asthma, Current Allergy and Asthma Reports, 10, (1), 2010, p21-28
Fletcher, J.M., Lalor, S.J., Sweeney, C.M., Tubridy, N., Mills, K.H.G, T cells in multiple sclerosis and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis , Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 162, (1), 2010, p1-11
Murphy, AC, Lalor, SJ, Lynch, MA and Mills, KH, Infiltration of Th1 and Th17 cells and activation of microglia in the CNS during the course of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 24, (4), 2010, p598-607
Masters, S.L., Dunne, A., Subramanian, S.L., Hull, R.L., Tannahill, G.M., Sharp, F.A., Becker, C., Lavelle,E.C. and O'Neill, L.A.J., Activation of the NLRP3 inflammasome by islet amyloid polypeptide provides a mechanism for enhanced IL-1β 2 in type 2 diabetes , Nature Immunology, 11, (10), 2010, p897-904
Sutton CE, Lalor SJ, Sweeney CM, Brereton CF, Lavelle EC, Mills KH., Response: Characteristics of IL-17-Producing gammadelta T Cells., Immunity, 32, (1), 2010, p3 - 4
Mc Quillan, KL, Lynch MA, and Mills KH., Activation of mixed glia by A-beta-specific Th1 and Th17 cells and its regulation by Th2 cells, Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 24, (4), 2010, p598-607
Higgins, S.C., Mills, K.H.G, TLR, NLR agonists, and other immune modulators as infectious disease vaccine adjuvants, Current Infectious Disease Reports, 12, (1), 2010, p4-12
Coleman MM, Keane J, Mills KH., Tregs and BCG--dangerous liaisons in TB., Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 88, (6), 2010, p1067 - 1069
O'Brien M, Lonergan R, Costelloe L, O'Rourke K, Fletcher JM, Kinsella K, Sweeney C, Antonelli G, Mills KH, O'Farrelly C, Hutchinson M, Tubridy N. , OAS1: a multiple sclerosis susceptibility gene that influences disease severity., Neurology, 75, (5), 2010, p411 - 418
Downer, E.J., Cowley, T.R., Lyons, A., Mills, K.H.G., Berezin, V., Bock, E., Lynch, M.A. , A novel anti-inflammatory role of NCAM-derived mimetic peptide, FGL , Neurobiology of Aging , 31, (1), 2010, p118 - 128
Dunne A, Ross PJ, Pospisilova E, Masin J, Meaney A, Sutton CE, Iwakura Y, Tschopp J, Sebo P, Mills KH, Inflammasome activation by adenylate cyclase toxin directs Th17 responses and protection against Bordetella pertussis., Journal of Immunology , 185, (3), 2010, p1711-9
Lyons, A, McQuillan, K, Deighan, BF, O'Reilly, JA, Downer, EJ, Murphy, AC, Watson, M, Piazza, A, O'Connell, F, Griffin, R, Mills, KH, Lynch, MA, Decreased neuronal CD200 expression in IL-4-deficient mice results in increased neuroinflammation in response to lipopolysaccharide., Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, 23, (7), 2009, p1020 - 1027
de Roos, B, Rungapamestry, V, Ross, K, Rucklidge, G, Reid, M, Duncan, G, Horgan, G, Toomey, S, Browne, J, Loscher, CE, Mills, KH, Roche, HM, Attenuation of inflammation and cellular stress-related pathways maintains insulin sensitivity in obese type I interleukin-1 receptor knockout mice on a high-fat diet., Proteomics, 9, (12), 2009, p3244 - 3256
Walsh, KP, Brady, MT, Finlay, CM, Boon, L, Mills, KH, Infection with a helminth parasite attenuates autoimmunity through TGF-beta-mediated suppression of Th17 and Th1 responses., Journal of Immunology , 183, (3), 2009, p1577 - 1586
Mills KH, Dunne A, Immune modulation: IL-1, master mediator or initiator of inflammation, Nature Medicine, 15, (12), 2009, p1363-1364
Dunne PJ, Moran B, Cummins RC and Mills KH , CD11c+CD8alpha+ dendritic cells promote protective immunity to respiratory infection with Bordetella pertussis. , The Journal of Immunology, 183, 2009, p400 - 410
Mills, K.H.G., Jarnicki, AJ, Toomey D, TCD, Compositions and methods for the treatment of cancer and infectious diseases, 2009, 12/085787
Mills, K.H.G. and Higgins, S., TCD, Compounds and methods for the treatment of autoimmune and inflammatory disorders, 2009, PCT/EP2009/067819
Mills, KH, Designer adjuvants for enhancing the efficacy of infectious disease and cancer vaccines based on suppression of regulatory T cell induction., Immunology letters, 122, (2), 2009, p108-111
Sutton, C.E., Lalor, S.J., Sweeney, C.M., Brereton, C.F., Lavelle, E.C. and Mills, K.H.G , Interleukin-1 and IL-23 induce innate IL-17 production from gammadelta T cells, amplifying Th17 responses and autoimmunity., Immunity, 31, (2), 2009, p331-341
N.M. Curtin, K.H.G. Mills and T.J. Connor, Psychological stress increases expression of IL-10 and its homolog IL-19 via beta-adrenoceptor activation: Reversal by the anxiolytic chlordiazepoxide, Brain Behavior and Immunity, 23, (3), 2009, p371 - 379
Reynolds CM, Draper E, Keogh B, Rahman A, Moloney AP, Mills KH, Loscher CE, Roche HM, A conjugated linoleic acid-enriched beef diet attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammation in mice in part through PPARgamma-mediated suppression of toll-like receptor 4., The Journal of Nutrition, 139, (12), 2009, p2351-2357
Brereton CF, Sutton CE, Lalor SJ, Lavelle EC, Mills KH., Inhibition of ERK MAPK suppresses IL-23- and IL-1-driven IL-17 production and attenuates autoimmune disease., Journal of Immunology, 183, (3), 2009, p1715-2173
N.M. Curtin, N.T. Boyle, K.H.G. Mills and T.J. Connor, Psychological stress suppresses innate IFN-gamma production via glucocorticoid receptor activation: Reversal by the anxiolytic chlordiazepoxide., Brain Behavior and Immunity, 23, 2009, p535 - 547
Fletcher JM, Lonergan R, Costelloe L, Kinsella K, Moran B, O'Farrelly C, Tubridy N, Mills KH, CD39+Foxp3+ regulatory T Cells suppress pathogenic Th17 cells and are impaired in multiple sclerosis., Journal of Immunology , 183, (11), 2009, p7602-7610
Jarnicki, AJ, Conroy, H. Brereton, C, Donnelly, G., Toomey, D., Walsh, K.,, Sweeney, C., Leavy, O., Fletcher, J., Lavelle, E., Dunne, P. and Mills, K.H.G., Attenuating regulatory T cell induction by TLR agonists through inhibition of p38 MAPK signaling in dendritic cells enhances their efficacy as vaccine adjuvants and cancer immunotherapeutics, Journal of Immunology, 180, (6), 2008, p3797 - 3806
Toomey, D., Conroy, H., Jarnicki, A.G., Higgins, S.C., Sutton, C., Mills, K.H.G. , Therapeutic vaccination with dendritic cells pulsed with tumor-derived Hsp70 and a COX-2 inhibitor induces protective immunity against B16 melanoma , Vaccine, 26, (27-28), 2008, p3540-3549
Rowan AG, Fletcher JM, Ryan EJ, Moran B, Hegarty JE, O'Farrelly C and Mills KHG, Hepatitis C virus-specific Th17 cells are suppressed by virus-induced TGF-beta, Journal of Immunology, 181, (7), 2008, p4485 - 4494
Mills, K.H.G. , TLR9 Turns the Tide on Treg Cells , Immunity, 28, (4), 2008, 518-520
Mills, KH, Induction, function and regulation of IL-17-producing T cells., European Journal of Immunology, 38, (10), 2008, p2636-2649
Conroy, H. Marshall, N.A. and Mills, K.H.G., TLR ligand suppression or enhancement of Treg cell - A double edged sword in immunity to tumors. , Oncogene, 27, (2), 2008, p168 - 180
Hickey, F.B., Brereton, C.F., Mills, K.H.G. , Adenylate cycalse toxin of Bordetella pertussis inhibits TLR-induced IRF-1 and IRF-8 activation and IL-12 production and enhances IL-10 through MAPK activation in dendritic cells , Journal of Leukocyte Biology , 84, (1), 2008, p234-243
IL-10 and TGF-beta-producing regulatory T cells in infection in, editor(s)Shuiping Jiang , Regulatory cells and Clinical Application, Springer Science and Business Media, LLC , 2008, pp423 - 453, [Dunne PJ, Rowan A, Fletcher JM and KHG Mills]
Fennelly, N.F., Sisti, F, Higgins, S.C., Ross, P., van der Heide, H. Mooi, F.R., Boyd, A.P. and Mills, K.H.G., Bordetella pertussis expresses a functional type III secretion system that subverts protective innate and adaptive immune responses., Infection and Immunity, 76, (3), 2008, p1257 - 1266
Costelloe C, Watson M, Murphy A, McQuillan K, Loscher C, Armstrong ME,, IL-1F5 mediates anti-inflammatory activity in the brain through induction, J Neurochem, 105, (5), 2008, p1960-1969
Lysaght, J., Jarnicki, A. and Mills, K.H.G. , Reciprocal effects of Th1 and Treg cell inducing pathogen-associated immunomodulatory molecules on anti-tumour immunity. , Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, Published online Feb, (DOI 10.1007/s00262-0), 2007, p1367 - 1379
Braat, H, McQuirk, P., Ten Kate F.J.W., Huibregtse, I., Dunne, P, Hommes, D.W., Deventer, S and Mills, K. H.G. , Prevention of experimental colitis by parenteral administration of a pathogen derived immunomodulatory molecule. , Gut, 56, 2007, p351 - 357
Lyons A, Downer EJ, Crotty S, Nolan YM, Mills KH, Lynch MA., CD200 ligand receptor interaction modulates microglial activation in vivo and in vitro: a role for IL-4., Journal of Neuroscience, 27, (31), 2007, p8309 - 8313
Higgins, S., Jarnicki, A, Lavelle, E.C. and Mills, K.H.G, TLR4 mediates vaccine-induced protective cellular immunity to Bordetella pertussis: role of IL-17-producing T cells, The Journal of Immunology, 177, 2006, p7980 - 7989
Jarnicki, A.G., Lysaght, J, Todryk, S, Mills, K.H.G, Suppression of antitumor immunity by IL-10 and TGF-b-producing T cells infiltrating the growing tumor: influence of tumor environment on the induction of CD4+ and CD8+ regulatory T cells., Journal of Immunology, 177, (2), 2006, p896-904
Sutton, C., Brereton, C., Keogh, B., Mills, K.H.G. Lavelle, E.C., A crucial role for IL-1 in the induction of IL-17 producing T cells that mediate autoimmune encephalomyelitis, The Journal of Experimental Medicine, 203, (7), 2006, p1685 - 1691
Lipinski, K.S., Pelech, S., Mountain, A., Irvine, A.S., Kraaij, R., Bangma, C.H., Mills, K.H.G. and Todryk S.M, Nitroreductase-based therapy of prostate cancer, enhanced by raising expression of heat shock protein 70, acts through increased anti-tumour immunity. , Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy, 55, (3), 2006, p347 - 354
Stephenson, I., Nicholson, K.G. Rudin, A. Colegate, A., Podda, A. Bugarini, R., del Giudice, G., Minutello, A., Bonnington, S., Holmgren, J., Mills, K.H.G, and Zambon, M.C., Phase I evaluation of intranasal trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine with nontoxigenic Escherichia coli enterotoxin and novel biovector as mucosal adjuvants, using adult volunteers, The Journal of Virology, 80, (10), 2006, p4962 - 4970
Nolan Y, Maher FO, Clarke RM, Brady MT, Bolton AE, Mills KHG, Lynch MA, Role of interleukin-4 in regulation of age-related inflammatory changes in the hippocampus., Journal of Biological Chemistry, 280, (10), 2005, p9354 - 9362
Djeha HA, Todryk SM, Pelech S, Wrighton CJ, Irvine AS, Mountain A, Mills, K.H.G., Lipinski KS , Anti-tumour immune response mediated by Adenoviral GDEPT using nitroreductase/CB1954 is enhanced by high-level co-expression of heat shock protein 70., Cancer Gene Therapy, 12, (6), 2005, p560-571
Modified bacterial toxins in, editor(s)Charles J Hackett & Donald A Harn Jr, , Vaccine Adjuvants: Immunological and Clinical Principles., Publisher Humana, 2005, pp296 , [Lavelle EC., Leavy O. Mills KHG. ]
Evasion of immune responses by bacteria. in, editor(s)S. Kaufmann and M. Steward , Topley and Wilson's Microbiology and Microbial Infections: Immunology Volume, London, Hodder Arnold Publishers Ltd, 2005, pp645 - 674, [Mills, K.H.G. and Boyd, A]
Lelivelt CL, McCabe MS, Newell CA, Desnoo CB, van Dun KM, Birch-Machin I, Gray JC, Mills KH, Nugent JM., Stable Plastid Transformation in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.), Plant Molecular Biology, 58, 2005, p763-774
Armstrong ME, Lavelle EC, Loscher CE, Lynch MA, Mills KHG, Proinflammatory Responses in the Murine Brain after Intranasal Delivery of Cholera Toxin: Implications for the Use of AB Toxins as Adjuvants in Intranasal Vaccines, Journal of Infectious Diseases, 192, (9), 2005, p1628 - 1633
Loscher CE, Draper E, Leavy O, Kelleher D, Mills KHG & Roche HM , Conjugated linoleic acid suppresses NF-kappa B activation and IL-12 production in dendritic cells through ERK-mediated IL-10 induction, Journal of Immunology, 175, (8), 2005, p4990 - 4998
Boyd, A.P., Ross, P.J., Conroy, H., Mahon, N Lavelle, E.C.and Mills, K.H.G., Bordetella pertussis adenylate cyclase toxin modulates innate and adaptive immune responses: distinct roles for acylation and enzymatic activity in immunomodulation and cell death, Journal of Immunology, 175, 2005, p730 - 738
Noone, C.M. Lewis, EA, Frawely, A.B., Newman, R.W., Mahon, B.P., Mills, K.H.G. and Johnson, P.A. , Novel mechanism of immunosuppression by influenza virus haemagglutinin: selective suppression of IL-12p35 transcription in murine bone marrow-derived dendritic cells., Journal of General Virology, 86, (7), 2005, p1885-1890
Mills, K.H.G., Mahon, B., Griffin, F., Ryan, M, Genetic Institute / Wyeth, IL-12 as an adjuvant for Bordetella pertussis vaccines., 2005, US patent application 11/071,352. Pub No US2005/0158276 A1; US6929794 - 2005-08-16; US2005158276 - 2005-07-21; JP2005112865 - 2005-04-28.
Modified Bacterial toxins in, editor(s)D. Harn and C.J Hackett , Vaccine Adjuvants: Immunological and Clinical Principles, Humana Press, 2005, pp113 - 155, [Lavelle, E., Leavy, O., Mills, K.H.G.]
Daly, L.M., Johnson, P.A., Nicolson, C., Robertson, J. and Mills, K.H.G., Innate IL-10 promotes the induction of Th2 responses with plasmid DNA expressing HIV gp120, Vaccine, 23, 2005, p963 - 974
Huo ZM, Sinha R, McNeela EA, Borrow R, Giemza R, Cosgrove C, Heath PT, Mills KHG, Rappuoli R, Griffin GE, Lewis DJM, Induction of protective serum meningococcal bactericidal and diphtheria-neutralizing antibodies and mucosal immunoglobulin a in volunteers by nasal insufflations of the Neisseria meningitidis serogroup C polysaccharide-CRM197 conjugate vaccine mixed with chitosan, Infection and Immunity, 73, (12), 2005, p6256 - 6265
Loscher, CL Leavy, O. Kelleher, D, *Mills, K.H.G and *Roche, H.M. *Equal contribution, Conjugated linoleic acid suppresses NFkB activation and IL-12 production in dendritic cells through ERK-mediated IL-10 induction., Journal of Immunology, 175, (8), 2005, p4990 - 4998
McGuirk, P., Higgins, SC, Mills, K.H.G. , Regulatory cells and the control of respiratory infection. , Current Allergy and Asthma Reports, 5, (1), 2005, p51 - 55
Byrne P, McGuirk P, Todryk S, Mills KHG, Depletion of NK cells results in disseminating lethal infection with Bordetella pertussis associated with a reduction of antigen-specific Th1 and enhancement of Th2, but not Tr1 cells, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 34, (9), 2004, p2579 - 2588
Bowe, F., Lavelle, E.C., McNeela, E. A., Hale, C., Clare, S., Arico, B., Giuliani, M.M., Rae, A., Huett, A., Rappuoli, R., Dougan, G. and Mills, K. H.G., Mucosal vaccination against serogroup B meningococcus:Induction of bactericidal antibodies and cellular immunity following intranasal immunization with NadA of Neisseria meningitidis and mutants of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin, Infection and Immunity, 72, (7), 2004, p4052 - 4060
Lavelle EC, Jarnicki A, McNeela E, Armstrong ME, Higgins SC, Leavy O, Mills KHG, Effects of cholera toxin on innate and adaptive immunity and its application as an immunomodulatory agent, Journal of Leukocyte Biology, 75, (5), 2004, p756 - 763
Lavelle, E., McGuirk and Mills, K.H.G., Molecules of infectious agents as immunomodulatory drugs, Current Topics in Med. Chem., 4, (5), 2004, p499 - 508
K.H.G. Mills, Regulatory T cells: friend or foe in immunity to infection. , Nature Reviews Immunology, 4, 2004, p841 - 855
Mills, K.H.G., Keogh, B and McGuirk, P, Methods for suppressing immune responses to biological agents. , 2004, UK patent application
Lavelle, E.C., McGuirk, P. and Mills, K.H.G. , Molecules of Infectious Agents as Immunomodulatory Drugs, Current Medicinal Chemistry , 4, (5), 2004, p499 - 508
Ross, P.J., Lavelle, E.C., Mills, K.H.G. and A.P. Boyd., Adenylate cyclase toxin from Bordetella pertussis synergises with lipopolysaccharide to promote innate IL-10 production and enhance the induction of Th2 and regulatory T cells, Infection and Immunity, 72, (3), 2004, p1568 - 1579
Mills, K.H.G. and McGuirk, P., Antigen-specific regulatory T cells - their induction and role in infection, Seminars in Immunology, 16, (2), 2004, p107 - 117
Mills, K.H.G., Keogh, B and McGuirk, P, Cell-based therapies., 2004, UK patent application
McNeela, E., Jabbal-Gill, E. Illum, L., Pizza, Rappuoli, R., Podda, A., Lewis, D.M. and Mills, K.H.G., Intranasal immunization with genetically detoxified diphtheria toxin induces T cell responses in humans: correlation between toxin neutralizing antibody and Th2 responses, VACCINE, 22, (8), 2004, p909 - 914
Keogh, B., Sheahan, B. J., Atkins, G. J. and Mills, K. H. G., Inhibition of matrix metalloproteinases ameliorates blood-brain barrier disruption and neuropathological lesions caused by avirulent Semliki Forest virus infection., Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology, 94, (3-4), 2003, p185 - 190
Kelly Á, Vereker E, Brady M. Barry C, Loscher C, Mills KHG, Lynch MA., Activation of p38 plays a pivotal role in the inhibitory effect of lipopolysaccharide and interleukin-1beta-induced inhibition of long-term potentiation in rat dentate gyrus, The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 278, 2003, p19453 - 19462
Keogh, B., Atkins, G. J., Mills, K. H. G. and Sheahan, B. J., Role of interferon- × and nitric oxide in the neuropathogenesis of avirulent Semliki Forest virus infection, Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology , 29, (6), 2003, p553 - 562
Keogh, B., Atkins, G.J., Mills, K.H.G. and Sheahan, B.J., Role of interferon-gamma and nitric oxide in the neuropathogenesis of avirulent semliki forest virus infection Neuropathol, Neuropathology and Applied Neurobiology , 29, (6), 2003, p553 - 562
Armstrong, M.E., Loscher, C.E., Lynch, M.A. and Mills, K.H.G., IL-1beta-dependent neurological effects of the whole cell pertussis vaccine: a role for IL-1-associated signalling components in vaccine reactogenicity, J. Neuroimmunol., 136, (1-2), 2003, p25 - 33
Loscher, C.E., Mills, K.H., Lynch, M.A., Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist exerts agonist activity in the hippocampus independent of the interleukin-1 type I receptor, J. Neuroimmunol., 137, 2003, p117 - 124
Kelly, A., Vereker, E., Brady, M., Brooks, C., Loscher, C, Mills, K.H.G. and Lynch, M.A., Activation of p38 plays a pivotal role in the inhibitory effect of lipopolysaccharide and interleukin-1beta induced inhibition of long term potentation in the rat dentate gyrus, J. Biol Chem., 278, (21), 2003, p19453 - 19462
Mills, K.H.G., Cosgrove, C., McNeela E.A., Sexton, A., Giemza, R., Jabbal-Gill, I., Church, A., Lin, W., Illum, L., Podda, A., Rappuoli, R., Pizza, M. Griffin, G.E. and Lewis, D.J.M., Protective levels of diphtheria-neutralizing antibody induced in healthy volunteers by unilateral priming-boosting intranasal immunization associated with restricted ipsilateral mucosal secretory immunoglobulin a, Infection and Immunity, 71, (2), 2003, p726 - 732
Brady, M. MacDonald, A., Rowan, A. and Mills K.H.G., Hepatitis C virus non-structural protein 4 suppresses Th1 responses by stimulating IL-10 production from monocytes, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF IMMUNOLOGY, 33, (12), 2003, p3448 - 3457
Mills, H.H.G., McGuirk, P., Keogh, B., FHA in the prophylaxis of immune mediated disorders., 2003, 2003/076
Mills, K.H.G. and Brady, M., Hepatitis C virus (HCV) proteins., 2003, 2003/0279
Loscher, C.E., Mills, K.H.G. and Lynch, M.A., Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist exerts agonist activity in the hippocampus independent of the interleukin-1 type iota receptor, J. Neuroimmunol., 137, (1-2), 2003, p117 - 124
Induction and detection of T cell responses in, editor(s)A. Robinson, M.J. Hudson, and M. P. Cranage , Methods in Molecular Medicine. Vol 87: Vaccine protocols, 2nd Edition, NJ, USA, Humana Press Inc., 2003, pp255 - 278, [Mills, K.H.G.]
Armstrong, M.E., Loscher, C.E., Lynch, M.A., Mills, K.H., IL-beta-dependent neurological effects of the whole cell pertussis vaccine: a role for IL-1-associated signalling components in vaccine reactogenicity, J. Neuroimmunol., 136, 2003, p25 - 33
Lavelle, E., McNeela, E., Armstrong, M., Leavy, O., Higgins, S.C. and Mills K.H.G., Cholera toxin promotes the induction of regulatory T cells by modulation dendritic cell activation, The Journal of Immunology, 171, 2003, p2384 - 2392
Higgins, S., Lavelle, E., McCann, C., Keogh, B., McNeela, E, Byrne, P., O'Gorman, B., Jarnicki, A., McGuirk, P. and Mills, K.H.G., Toll-like receptor 4-mediated innate IL-10 activates antigen-specific regulatory T cells and confers resistance to Bordetella pertussis by inhibiting inflammatory pathology, Journal of Immunology, 171, (6), 2003, p3119 - 3127
Mills, K.H.G., Boyd, A.P., Ross, P.J. and Lavelle, EC., , CyaA in the prophylaxis/treatment of inflammatory and immune-mediated disorders., 2003
Keogh, B., Atkins, G.J., Sheahan, B.J. and Mills, K.H.G., Inhibition of metalloproteinases ameliorates blood-brain barrier disruption and neuropathological lesions caused by avirulent semliki forest virus infection, Vet. Immunol. Immunopathol., 94, (3-4), 2003, p185 - 190
Lavelle EC, Grant G, Pusztai A, Pfüller U, Leavy O, McNeela E, Mills KH, O'Hagan DT., Mistletoe lectins enhance immune responses to intranasally co-administered herpes simplex virus glycoprotein D2., Journal of Immunology, 107, (2), 2002, p268 - 274
Peter McGuirk, Chantelle McCann, and Kingston H.G. Mills, Pathogen-specific T Regulatory 1 Cells Induced in the Respiratory Tract by a Bacterial Molecule that Stimulates Interleukin 10 Production by Dendritic Cells: A Novel Strategy for Evasion of Protective T Helper Type 1 Responses by Bordetella pertussis, Journal of Experimental Medicine , 195, (2), 2002, p221 - 231
Keogh, B., Atkins, G.J., Mills, K.H.G., Sheahan, B.J, Avirulent Semliki Forest virus replication and pathology in the central nervous system is enhanced in IL-12-defective and reduced in IL-4-defective mice: A role for Th1 cells in the protective immunity , Journal of Neuroimmunology , 125, 2002, p15 - 22
Sheila Donnelly, Christine E. Loscher, Marina A. Lynch, and Kingston H. G. Mills, Whole-cell but not acellular pertussis vaccines induce convulsive activity in mice: evidence of a role for toxin-induced interleukin-1 beta in a new murine model for analysis of neuronal side effects of vaccination, Infection and Immunity, 69, (7), 2001, p4217 - 4223
P.A. Johnson, M. Conway, J. Daly, C. Nicolson J. Robertson K.H.G. Mills., Influenza HA DNA induces Th1 cells and protection despite limited antibody responses. Options for the Control of Influenza virus., International Congress Series , 1219, 2001, pp911-915
Ryan, E.R., Daly, L. and Mills K.H.G., Immunomodulators and delivery systems for vaccination by mucosal routes, Trends Biotech., 19, (8), 2001, p293 - 304
O'Neill, Mills, K.H.G. and Dalton, J.P., Fasciola hepatica cathepsin L cysteine proteinase suppresses Bordetella pertussis-specific IFN-gamma production in vivo, Parasite Immunol., 23, (10), 2001, p541 - 548
Mills, K.H.G., Review: Immunity to Bordetella pertussis, Microbes and Infection, 3, 2001, p293 - 304
McNeela, E. and Mills, K.H.G., Manipulating the immune system - humoral versus cell-mediated immunity, Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 51, 2001, p41 - 52
Pizza, M., Giuliani, M.M., M.R. Fontana, E. Monacai, G. Douce, G. Dougan, K.H.G. Mills, R. Rappuoli, and G. Del Giudice., Mucosal vaccines: non toxic derivatives of LT and CT as mucosal adjuvants, Vaccine, 19, 2001, p2534 - 2541
O'Neill, S.M., Brady, M.T., Callanan, J.J., Mulcahy, G, Joyce, P., Mills, K.H.G. and Dalton, J.P., Fasciola hepatica infection downregulates Th1 responses in mice, Parasite Immunol., 22, (3), 2000, p147 - 156
Christine E. Loscher, Sheila Donnelly, Marina A. Lynch Kingston H. G. Mills, Induction of inflammatory cytokines in the brain following respiratory infection with bordetella pertussis, Journal of Neuroimmunology, 102, (2), 2000, p172 - 181
Ryan E.J., Nilsson, L, Kjellman, N.-I. M., Gothefors, L and Mills K.H.G., Booster immunization of children with an acellular pertussis vaccine enhances Th2 cytokine production and serum IgE against pertussis toxin but not against common allergens, Clinical and Experimental Immunology, 121, (2), 2000, p193 - 200
McGuirk P. and Mills K.H.G., Local cellular immunity to infection in the respiratry tract, Mucosal Immunology Update, 8, (2), 2000, pp8 - 10
Mills, K.H.G. , A murine model for control and new developments in pertussis vaccination, Pharmeuropa, Biological beyond 2000. Proceedings of International Conference on 'Challenge for quality standards in an evolving field', Council of Europe, Strasburg, France, 2000, pp205 - 210
Mahon, B.P., Brady, M.T. and Mills, K. H. G., Protection against Bordetella pertussis in mice in the absence of circulating antibody; implications for long term immunity in children, J. Infect. Dis., 181, 2000, p2087 - 2091
Fisch, P., Mills, K.H.G. and vanMeerwijk, J.P.M., Molecular Determinants of T cell Immunity, The Immunologist, 8, 2000, pp114 - 118
McGuirk P. Johnson, Ryan, E.J. and Mills K.H.G., Filamentous Haemagglutinin and pertussis toxin from Bordetella pertussis modulate immune responses to unrelated antigens, J. Infect. Dis., 182, 2000, p1286 - 1288
Johnson, P.A., Conway, M., Daly, J., Nicolson C., Robertson J. and Mills K.H.G., Plasmid DNA coding for influenza virus haemagglutinin induces Th1 cells and protection against respiratory infection despite its limited ability to generate antibody responses, Journal of General Virology, 81, 2000, p1737-1745
McGuirk, P. and Mills, K.H.G., A regulatory role for IL-4 in differential inflammatory responses in the lung following infection of mice primed with Th1- or Th2-inducing pertussis vaccines, Infection and Immunity, 68, (3), 2000, p1383 - 1391
McGuirk, P. and Mills, K.H.G., Direct anti-inflammatory effect of a bacterial virulence factor: IL-10-dependent suppresssion of IL-12 production by filamentous haemagglutinin from Bordetella pertussis, Eur. J. Immunol., 30, 2000, p415 - 422
McNeela, EA, O'Connor, D., Jabbal-Gill, I., Illum, L., Davis, S.S., Pizza, M., Peppoloni, S., Rappuoli, R. and Mills, K.H.G., A mucosal vaccine against diphtheria: Formulation of cross reacting material (CRM197) of diphtheria toxin with chitosan enhances local and systemic antibody and Th2 responses following nasal delivery, Vaccine, 19, (9-10), 2000, p1188 - 1198
Christine E. Loscher, Sheila Donnelly, Kingston H. G. Mills, and Marina A. Lynch, Interleukin-1â-dependent changes in the hippocampus following parenteral immunization with a whole cell pertussis vaccine , Journal of Neuroimmunology, 111, (1-2), 2000, p68 - 76
E. J. Ryan, E. McNeela, M. Pizza, R. Rappuoli, L. O'Neill and K. H. Mills, Modulation of innate and acquired immune responses by Escherichia coli heat-labile toxin: distinct pro- and anti-inflammatory effects of the nontoxic AB complex and the enzyme activity, Journal of Immunology (Baltimore, Md, 165, (10), 2000, p5750-9
Brady, M.T. O'Neill, S.M. Dalton, J.P. and Mills, K.H.G., Fasciola hepatica suppresses a protective Th1 response against Bordetella pertussis, Infection and Immunity, 67, 1999, p5372 - 5378
Ryan, E.J. McNeela, E, Murphy, G., Stewart, H., O'Hagan, D. Pizza, M, Rappuoli, R. and Mills K.H.G., Mutants of E. coli heat labile toxin act as effective mucosal adjuvants for nasal delivery of an acellular pertussis vaccine: differential effects of the non-toxic AB complex and enzyme activity on Th1 and Th2 cells, Infection and Immunity, 67, 1999, p6270 - 6280
O'Keeffe J, Mills K. H.G., Jackson J, Feighery C, T cell proliferation, MHC class II restriction and cytokine products of gliadin-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC), Clin. Exp. Immunol., 117, 1999, p269 - 276
Murine T cell culture in, editor(s)Rowland Jones, S and McMichael A. , Lymphocytes - A Practical Approach, Oxford, IRL Press, 1999, pp95 - 134, [Mills, K.H.G.]
Mahon, B.P. and Mills, K.H.G., Interferon-gamma mediated immune effector mechanisms against Bordetella pertussis, Immunol. Letts., 68, 1999, p213 - 217
Moore, A., McCarthy, L. and Mills, K.H.G., The adjuvant combination monophosphoryl lipid A and QS21 switches T cell responses induced with a recombinant HIV protein from Th2 to Th1, Vaccine, 17, (20-21), 1999, p2517 - 2527
Donnelly, Sheila; Loscher, Christine; Mills, Kingston H.G.; Lynch, Marina , Glycerol-induced seizure: Involvement of IL-1[beta] and glutamate, NEUROREPORT, 10, (9), 1999, p1821 - 1825
Mills, K.H.G. Ryan, M., McGuirk, Griffin, F., Murphy, G. and Mahon, B., The immunology of Bordetella pertussis infection, Biologicals, 27, 1999, pp77
Almond, N, Jenkins, A., Jones, S., Silvera, P., Kent, K., Mills, K.H.G. and Stott, E.J., The Appearance of escape variants in vivo does not account for the failure of recombinant envelope Vaccines to protect against simian immunodeficiency virus, Journal of General Virology, 80, 1999, p2375 - 2382
Donnelly, Sheila; Loscher, Christine; Mills, Kingston H.G.; Lynch, Marina, GLYCEROL-INDUCED SEIZURE: INVOLVEMENT OF IL-1 BETA AND GLUTAMATE, NEUROREPORT, 10, (9), 1999, p1821 - 1825
Brady, M, Mahon B.P. and Mills, K. H. G., Pertussis infection and vaccination induces Th1 cells and does not enhance allergy, Immunol. Today, 19, 1998, p534
Mills, K.H.G., Ryan, M., Ryan, E. and Mahon, B. P., A murine model in which protection correlates with pertussis vaccine efficacy in children demonstrates complementary roles for humoral and cell mediated immunity in protection against Bordetella pertussis, Infection and Immunity, 66, (2), 1998, p594 - 602
Mills, K.H.G., Adjuvants for Vaccines: General considerations. Rapporteur's Summary., Modulation of the immune response to vaccine antigens, Dev. Biol. Stand., 92, (29), 1998
Johnson, P. A., Conway, M., Cox-Brokstad, R, Haaheim, L., Daly, J., Robertson, J. and Mills, K.H.G., Selective induction of Th1 cells with plasmid DNA coding for influenza virus haemagglutinin, Proceeding of European 2nd Biotechnology meeting on Vaccinology, edited by P. Roy and C. Leclerc. , 1998, pp42 - 43
McGuirk, P. Mahon, B.P., Griffin, F. and Mills K.H.G., Compartmentalization of T cell responses following infection with B. pertussis: hyporesponsiveness of lung T cell are associated with modulated expression of the costimulatory molecule CD28, Eur. J. Immunol., 28, (1), 1998, p153 - 163
Ryan, M. McCarthy, L., Mahon, B, Rappuoli, R. Mills K.H.G., Pertussis Toxin potentiates Th1 and Th2 responses to co-injected antigen: adjuvant action is associated with enhanced regulatory cytokine production and expression of the co-stimulatory molecules B7-1, B7-2 and CD28, International Immunology, 10, (4), 1998, p651 - 662
Ryan, M. Murphy, G Nilsson, L., Shackley, F., Gothefors, L., Ømar, K., Miller, E. Storsaeter, J. and Mills, K.H.G., Distinct T-cell subtypes induced with whole cell and acellular pertussis vaccines in children, Immunology, 93, (1), 1998, p1 - 10
Loscher CE, Donnelly S, McBennett S, Lynch MA, Mills KH., Proinflammatory cytokines in the adverse systemic and neurologic effects associated with parenteral injection of a whole cell pertussis vaccine., Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 856, 1998, p274 - 277
Mahon, B. P., Johnson, P. Moore, A. and Mills, K.H.G., Approaches to New Vaccines, Crit. Rev. Biotech., 18, (1), 1998, p257 - 281
Mills, K.H.G., Brady, M. Ryan, E. and Mahon B.P., A respiratory challenge model for infection with Bordetella pertussis: application in assessment of pertussis vaccine potency and in definition of the mechanism of protective immunity, Dev. Biol. Stand., 95, 1998, p31 - 41
Ryan, M., Murphy, G., Gothefors, L., Nilsson, L, Storsaeter J. and Mills, K.H.G., Bordetella pertussis respiratory infection in children is associated with preferential activation of type 1 Th cells, J. Infect. Dis., 175, 1997, p1246 - 1250
Mahon B. P. Ryan, M. Griffin, F., and Mills K.H.G.(ed.), Mechanisms of immunity to the respiratory pathogen Bordetella pertussis in normal and gene knockout mice: clearance of primary infection is not enhanced by therapeutic IL-12, Biochem. Soc. Trans., 25, (1), 1997, 341S p
Ryan, M, and Mills K.H.G., The role of the S-1 and B-oligomer components of pertussis toxin in its adjuvant properties for Th1 and Th2 cells, Biochem. Soc. Trans., 25, (1), 1997, p126S
Mc Guirk P., Mahon B.P., Griffin, F. and Mills K.H.G.(ed.), Local cellular immunity to the respiratory pathogen Bordetella pertussis: role of costimulatory molecules, Biochem. Soc. Trans., 25, (1), 1997, 124S p
Ryan, M., Gothefors, Storsaeter J. and Mills, K. H. G., Bordetella pertussis-specific Th1/Th2 cells generated following respiratory infection or immunization with an acellular vaccine: comparison of the T cell cytokine profiles in infants and mice, Dev. Biol. Stand., 89, 1997, p251 - 259
Mahon B.P, Griffin F., Sheahan, B. and Mills, K.H.G., Atypical disease after Bordetella pertussis respiratory infection of mice with targeted disruptions in IFN- × receptor or immunoglobulin Ý chain genes, Journal of Experimental Medicine, 186, (11), 1997, p1843 - 1851
Induction and detection of T cell responses in, editor(s)A. Robinson , Methods in Molecular Medicine - Vaccine protocols, NJ, USA, Humana Press Inc, 1996, pp197 - 221, [Mills, K.H.G.]
Mahon, B. P., Ryan, M. Griffin, F. Mills, K.H.G., Interleukin-12 is produced by macrophages in response to live or killed Bordetella pertussis and enhances the efficacy of an acellular pertussis vaccine by promoting the induction of Th1 cells, Infection and Immunity, 64, (12), 1996, p5295 - 5301
Barnard, A, Mahon, B.P., Watkins, J., Redhead, K. and Mills, K.H.G., Th1/Th2 cell dichotomy in acquired immunity to Bordetella pertussis: variables in the in vivo priming and in vitro cytokine detection techniques affect the classification of T cell subsets as Th1, Th2 or Th0, Immunology, 87, (3), 1996, p372 - 380
Moore, A, McQuirk P, Adams S., Jones, W.C, McGee, J.P., O'Hagan, D. and Mills, K.H.G., Induction of HIV-specific CD8+ CTL and CD4+ Th1 cells by immunization with recombinant gp120 entrapped in biodegradable microparticles, Vaccine, 13, 1995, p1741 - 1749
Mahon, B.P., Katrak, K., Nomoto, A., Macadam A., Minor, P.D. and Mills, K.H.G., Poliovirus-specific CD4+ Th1 clones with both cytotoxic and helper activity mediate protective humoral immunity against a lethal poliovirus infection in transgenic mice expressing the human poliovirus receptor, Journal of Experimental Medicine, 181, (4), 1995, p1285 - 1292
Cahill, E.S., O'Hagan, D.T., Illum, L., Barnard, A., Mills, K.H.G. and Redhead, K., Immune responses and protection against Bordetella pertussis infection after intranasal immunization of mice with filamentous haemagglutinin in solution or incorporated in biodegradable microparticles, Vaccine, 13, 1995, p455 - 462
Mills, K.H.G. and Jones W.C. , CD4+ T cell responses to Simian immunodeficiency virus, Cur. Topics Immunol. Microbiol., 188, 1994, p161 - 174
Kent K.A., Kitchin, K., Mills, K.H.G. Page, M., Taffs, F., Corcoran, T., Silvera, P., Flanagan B., Powell, C., Rose, J. Ling, C., Aubertin A.M. and Stott, E.J., Passive immunization of cynomolgus macaques with immune sera or a pool of neutralizing monoclonal antibodies failed to protect against challenge with SIV mac251, AIDS Res. Hu. Retrovir., 10, (2), 1994, p189 - 194
Animal models in the development of AIDS vaccines in, editor(s)M. Girard and L. Valette , Retroviruses of human AIDS and related animal diseases, Pasteur Merieux, 1994, pp131 - [Stott, E.J., Almond, N., Kent, K.A., Chan, W.L., Cranage, M.P., Kitchin, P.A., Mills, K.H.G., Page, M., and Rud, E]
Mammalian cell cloning in, editor(s)J. Davis , Basic Animal cell culture: A practical approach, IRL Press at Oxford University press, 1994, pp181 - 222, [Hayashi, I., Hayashi, J., Hoshi, H., Kawamoto, T., Mc Keehan, W., Matsuzaki, R. Mills, K.H.G. , Okamoto, T., Serrero, G., Sussman D., and Kan, M.]
Redhead, K., Barnard, A., Watkins, J. and Mills, K.H.G., Effective immunization against Bordetella pertussis respiratory infection of mice is dependant on the induction of cell mediated immunity, Infection and Immunity, 61, (8), 1993, p3190 - 3198
Mills, K.H.G., Redhead, K., Cellular immunity in pertussis , Journal of Medical Microbiology, 39, 1993, p163 - 164
T cells and protective immunity to human and simian immunodeficiency viruses in, editor(s)D.B. Thomas, Marcel Decker , Viruses and the cellular immune response, New York, 1993, pp127 - 164, [Mills, K.H.G.]
Barnard, A.L., Redhead, K. and Mills, K.H.G., Induction of Th1 and Th2 cells by immunization or respiratory infection with Bordetella pertussis, Biologicals, 21, (1), 1993, p32
Cellular and humoral immune responses to poliovirus and tetanus following priming vaccination of SIV infected macaques in, Molecular pathological aspects of animal models of HIV infection, Basel, Karger Medical and Scientific Publishers, 1993, pp75 - 85, [Mills, K.H.G., Jones, W.C., Mahon, B.P., Katrak, K., Taffs, F., Stott, E.J. and Page, M.]
Mills, K.H.G., Barnard, A., Watkins, J. and Redhead, K., The critical role of T cells in the induction of protective immunity to B. Pertussis with acellular vaccines based on recombinant pertussis toxin, Biologicals, 21, 1993, p19 - 20
Mills, K.H.G., Page, M., Kitchin, P., Chan, L., Jones, W., Silvera, P., Corcoran, T., Flanagan, B., Ling, C., Thiriart, C., DeWilde, M., Bruck, C., Rud, E. Clark, B. & Stott, E.J., Immunization of macaques with SIV env recombinants: Specificity of T cell and antibody responses and evaluation of protective efficacy, J. Med. Primatol., 22, 1993, p20 - 28
Redhead, K., Watkins, J., Barnard, A. and Mills, K.H.G., Comparison of humoral and cellular immune responses to pertussis immunization and infection in a murine model, Biologicals, 21, 1993, p18 - 19
Mills, K.H.G., Barnard, A.L., Watkins, J. and Redhead, K., Cell mediated immunity to Bordetella pertussis: role of Th1 cells in bacterial clearance in a murine respiratory infection model, Infect. Immun., 61, (2), 1993, p399 - 410
O'Hagan, D.T. Mc Gee, J.P., Holmgren, J., Mowat, A., Donachie A.M., Mills, K.H.G., Gaisford, W., Rahman, D. and Challcombe, S.J., Biodegradable microparticles for oral immunization, Vaccine, 11, 1993, p149 - 157
Vaccination of macaques against SIV infection and the significance of host (C8166) cell components in, editor(s)Des, F. Brown, R. Chanock, H.S. Ginsberg and R. Lerner. , Vaccines 93: Modern approaches to new vaccines including the prevention of AIDS, New York, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, 1993, pp71 - 76, [Kitchin, P. Mills, K.H.G., Page, M. Taffs, F., Chan, W.L., Cranage, M., Farrar, G., Greenway, P., and Stott, J.]
Cellular immune responses to pertussis toxin in aerosol infected mice in, editor(s)Witholt et al , Bacterial protein toxins, Gustav Fischer, 1992, pp306 - 307, [Redhead, K., Barnard, A., Watkins, J. and Mills, K.H.G.]
Jones, W.C., Barnard, A.L., Slade, A. and Mills, K.H.G., Heterogeneity in the recognition of the SIV envelope glycoprotein by CD4+ T cell clones from immunized macaques, J. Immunol., 149, 1992, p3120 - 3126
Katrak, K., Mahon, B.P., Jones, W., Brautigam, S. and Mills, K.H.G., Preparative separation of foreign antigens for highly efficient presentation to T cells in vitro, J. Immunol. Methods, 156, 1992, p247 - 254
Cranage, M., Stott, J., Mills, K.H.G., Ashworth, T., Taffs, F., Farrar, G., Chan, W.L., Page, M., Kithcin, P. and Greenaway, P., Vaccine studies with the 32H reisolate of SIV mac251: an overview., AIDS Res. Hu. Retrovir., 8, 1992, p1479 - 1481
Mills, K.H.G., Page, M., Chan, W.L., Kitchin, P., Stott, E.J., Taffs, F., Jones, W et al., Protection against SIV infection in macaques by immunization with inactivated virus from the BK28 molecular clone but not with BK28-derived recombinant env and gag proteins, J. Med. Primatol., 21, 1992, p50 - 58
The primate (non-human) immune system in, editor(s)I. Roitt and P. Delves, W.B. , Encyclopaedia of Immunology, Sanders Scientific Publishers, 1992, pp1269 - 1292, [Mills, K.H.G.]
Mahon, B.P., Katrak, K. and Mills, K.H.G. , Poliovirus-specific murine CD4+ T cell clones recognise serotype specific epitopes on VP1 and VP3 and cross reactive epitopes on VP4, J. Virol., 66, 1992, p1479 - 1481
Prospects for immunization against HIV infection: Immunology of HIV infection in, A.G. Bird , Immunology and Medicine Series. Vol. 17, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1991, pp155 - 176, [Mills, K.H.G.]
Burnette, W.N., Mar, V.L., Bartley, H.R., Mills, K.H.G. et al., The Molecular engineering of pertussis toxoid, Dev. Biol. Stand., 73, 1991, p75 - 78
Stott, E.S., Chan, W.L., Mills, K.H.G., Page, M., Taffs, F., Cranage, M., Greenaway P and Kitchin P., Protection of cynomolgus macaques against simian immunodeficiency virus by a whole fixed infected cell vaccine, Lancet, 336, 1991, p1536 - 1541
Mills, K.H.G., Redhead, K. and Watkins, J., T-cell immunity in protection against Bordetella pertussis infection in mice, J. Med. Microbiol., 35, 1991, p175 - 176
Vaccination against simian-immunodeficiency virus infection of macaques in, editor(s)M. Girard and L. Valette , Retroviruses of human AIDS and related animal diseases. Sixieme colloque des cent gardes 1991, Pasteur Merieux, 1991, pp261 - 265, [Stott, J., Cranage, M., Kitchin, P., Farrar, G., Taffs, F., Ashworth, E., Page, M., Chan, L., Baskerville, A., Greenaway, P. and Mills, K.H.G.]
Page, M., Mills, K.H.G., Schild, G.C., Ling, C., Patel, V., McKnight, A., Barnard, A.L., Dilger, P. and Thorpe, R., Studies on the immunogenicity of CHO cell-derived recombinant gp120 (HIV1-IIIb)., Vaccine, 9, 1991, p47 - 52
Katrak, K., Mahon, B.P., Minor, P.D. and Mills, K.H.G., Cellular and humoral immune responses to poliovirus in mice: a role for helper T cells in heterotypic immunity to poliovirus, Journal of General Virology, 72, 1991, p1093 - 1098
Mills, K.H.G., Barnard A.L., Williams, M., Stott, J.F., Silvera, P., Page, M., Taffs, F., Kingsman, A.S., Adams, S.E., Almond, N., Kitchin, P.A., Jones, W.C., Vaccine-induced CD4+ T cells against the simian immunodeficiency virus gag protein: epitope specificity and relevance to protective immunity, J. Immunol., 147, 1991, p3560 - 3567
Stott, E.J., Kitchin, P.A., Page, M., Flanagan, B., Taffs, L.F., Chan, W.L., Mills, K.H.G., Silvera, P. and Rodgers, A., Anti cell antibody in macaques., Nature, 353, (393), 1991
Almond, N., Page, M., Mills, K.H.G., Jerkins, A., Ling, C., Thorpe, R. and Kitchin, P., The production and purification of PCR derived recombinant simian immunodeficiency virus p27 gag protein: its use in detecting serological and T-cell responses in macaques., J. Virol. Methods, 28, 1990, p321 - 326
Titration of SIV MAC 251 (32H isolate) in cynomolgus macaques for use as a challenge in vaccination studies in, editor(s)H. Schellekens and M.C. Horzinek , Animal models for AIDS, Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990, pp115 - 129, [Kitchin, P.A., Cranage, M.P., Almond, N., Barnard, A., Baskerville, A., Corcoran, T., Fromlhloc, C. Greenway, P., Grief, C., Jerkins, A., Kent, K., Mahon, B., Mills, K.H.G., Page, M., Silvera, P., Szotyori, Z., Taffs, F. and Stott, E.J.]
Induction of HIV-specific immune responses in primates: fine specificity of antibody and helper T-cell recognition of the HIV-p24 protein. in, editor(s)F. Brown, R. Chanock, H.S. Ginsberg and R. Lerner , Vaccines 90: Modern approaches to new vaccines including the prevention of AIDS, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York, 1990, pp213 - 218, [Mills, K.H.G., Barnard, A.L., Mahon, B.P., Kitchin, P.A., Adams, S.E., Kingsman, A.M. and Kingsman, A.J.]
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Mills, K.H.G., Barnard, A., Watkins, S. and Redhead, K., Specificity of the T cell response to Bordetella pertussis in aerosol infected mice, Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on pertussis, Dept. Health and Human Services, United States Public Health Service, Bethesda, Ma, USA, 1990, pp166 - 174
Mills, K.H.G., Recognition of foreign antigen by T cells and their role in immune protection., Cur. Opin. Infect. Dis., 2, (6), 1989, p804 - 814
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Skehel, J.J., Barnett, B.C., Burt, D.S., Daniels, R.S., Douglas, A.R., Graham, C.M., Hodgson, J., Knossow, M., Mills, K.H.G., Riska, P.F., Thomas, D.B., Weis, W.,Wiley, D.C. & Wrigley, N.C., Immune recognition of influenza virus haemagglutinin, Philos. Trans. Royal Soc. London B., 323, 1989, p479 - 483
Burt, D.S., Mills, K.H.G., Skehel, J.J. and Thomas, D.B., Diversity of the class II (I-Ak/I-Ek) restricted T-cell repertoire for influenza haemagglutinin and antigenic drift: six non-overlapping epitopes on the HA1 sub-unit are defined by synthetic peptides, Journal of Experimental Medicine, 170, (2), 1989, p383 - 397
Mills, K.H.G, Inhibitory effects of monoclonal antibodies to a synthetic peptide of influenza haemagglutinin on the processing and presentation of viral antigens to class II-restricted T cell clones, Immunology, 65, 1988, p365 - 371
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Mills, K.H.G., Armitage, R.J. and Worman, C.P, An indirect technique for the identification and separation of human lymphocyte populations by monoclonal antibodies: a comparison with immunofluorescence techniques, Immunol. Letts , 6, 1983, p241 - 246
Armitage, R.J., Worman, C.P., Mills, K.H.G. and Cawley, J.C, A B cell proliferation with aberrant E-rosette formation: a sequential study with a panel of monoclonal antibodies and other surface markers, Scand. J. Haematol, 30, (3), 1983, p211 - 217
Mills, KHG, Greally JF, Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in the rat:Effect of cellular content on graft "take" and graft-versus-host disease, Transplant Proceedings, 15, 1983, p1446 - 1450
Mills, K.H.G., Worman, C.P. and Cawley, J.C, Helper/suppressor T cells in B cell malignancies, Br. J. Haematol, 53, 1983, p271 - 275
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Worman, C.P., Mills, K.H.G., Linch, D.C., Beverley, P.C.L., Goldstone, A.H. and Cawley, J.C., Amegokaryocytic thrombocytopenia associated with an excess of Leu 2a+ suppressor cells, Scand. J. Haematol., 28, 1982, p215 - 219
Mills, K.H.G., Worman, C.P. and Cawley, J.C., T cell subsets in B-chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)., Br. J. Haematol., 50, 1982, p710 - 712
Mills, K.H.G. and Cawley, J.C., Suppressor T cells in B-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia: relationship to clinical stage., Leuk. Res, 6, 1982, p653 - 657
Mills, K.H.G., Greally, J.F., Temperley, I.J. and Mullins, G.M., Haematological and immune-suppressive effects of total body irradiation in the rat, Ir J. Med. Sci., 149, 1980, p201 - 208
Bailey, C.J., Jeffroy, P. and Mills, K.H.G., An examination of the distribution of Hen- and Goose-type lysozyme in anseriforms, Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 553, 1977, p429 - 433
Research Expertise
A major interest of my research is to understand the effector immune responses that protect us against infection and cancer and how, when uncontrolled this can lead to autoimmune diseases. I am particularly interested the factors that affect the induction, of the distinct subpopulations of CD4+ T cells, termed Th1, Th2 and T regulatory (Treg) and Th17 cells, and the role of innate immune system, in particular dendritic cells, in directing T cell responses. The work has direct application to the development of new or improved vaccines and includes studies on Bordetella pertussis, Fasciola hepatica, influenza virus and hepatitis C virus. In the last number of years my group has focused on immune regulation and immune modulation by pathogens. This has been made possible through PI and Strategic research cluster (SRC) awards from Science Foundation Ireland. The aims are to examine the role of pathogen-derived molecules in modulating immune responses, with particular reference to the induction, regulation and function of T cell subtypes and the induction and control of inflammatory responses. Our hypothesis is that the study of immunomodulation by microbial pathogens is an ideal approach to understand mechanisms of protective immunity and immunoregulation in vivo and will allow the identification and characterization of novel immunomodulatory molecules with potential as therapies for immune mediated diseases. We have identified molecules capable of specifically suppressing or enhancing immune response that regulate or mediate certain human diseases. The application of this research is the development of new or improved vaccines against infectious diseases, active immunotherapeutics against cancer and anti-inflammatory therapeutics against autoimmune diseases. A recent SFI PI award on 'the role of regulatory T cell control of pathogenic and effector T cells and their manipulation as potential therapies for human disease' is focused on the interface between innate and adaptive immunity, specifically how we can manipulate dendritic cells to selectively alter the balance of regulatory (Treg) versus effector (Th1 or Th2) or pathogenic (Th17). Our aim is to design new approaches to treat autoimmunity by enhancing induction of Treg which suppress Th17 cells and to develop new infectious diseases vaccines and cancer immunotherapeutics by enhancing induction of Th1 and Th2 cells, while inhibiting Treg cells.Projects
- Title
- The local immune response to a respiratory pathogen
- Summary
- 38,000
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board project grant
- Date From
- 1993
- Date To
- 1996
- Title
- Investigations on the mechanism of immunity to B. pertussis in a murine model
- Summary
- 283,000
- Funding Agency
- Wellcome Trust project grant
- Date From
- 1994
- Date To
- 1997
- Title
- Programme EVA "Vaccine Delivery systems for the selective induction of cellular immune responses with candidate HIV vaccines
- Summary
- 38,000
- Funding Agency
- EU Biomed-1
- Date From
- 1994
- Date To
- 1996
- Title
- T cell responses to Bordetella pertussis in children and the development of an acellular pertussis vaccine
- Summary
- 38,000
- Funding Agency
- The Health Research Board project grant
- Date From
- 1994
- Date To
- 1997
- Title
- Cellular immune responses to HIV
- Summary
- Support for Postdoctoral fellow plus 13,000 for consumables costs
- Funding Agency
- Commonwealth AIDS Research Grants
- Date From
- 1994
- Date To
- 1995
- Title
- The use of controlled release microparticles as oral and parenteral vaccines against Vibrio cholera, E. coli and Bordetella pertussis
- Summary
- 15,400
- Funding Agency
- EU STD Programme
- Date From
- 1995
- Date To
- 1997
- Title
- Investigations of the biochemical basis for the immunomodulatory properties of pertussis toxin
- Summary
- 25,000,
- Funding Agency
- Forbairt Basic Research Grant
- Date From
- 1995
- Date To
- 1997
- Title
- Mucosal vaccines for respiratory diseases based upon nasal administration
- Summary
- 239,000, 1996-2000.
- Funding Agency
- EU Innovation Programme
- Date From
- 1996
- Date To
- 2000
- Title
- The role of T cell-derived cytokines in vaccine induced immunity against whooping cough in infants
- Summary
- 44,000
- Funding Agency
- National Institute for Health (NIH), USA
- Date From
- 1996
- Date To
- 1997
- Title
- Evaluation of biodegradable microparticles as a vaccine delivery system for an acellular pertussis vaccine
- Summary
- 305,000
- Funding Agency
- Forbairt Applied Research Award and Elan Corporation
- Date From
- 1997
- Date To
- 2001
- Title
- Genetic and immunological safety of nucleic acid vaccines
- Summary
- 220,000,
- Funding Agency
- EU Biotechnology Programme
- Date From
- 1997
- Date To
- 2000
- Title
- Virus variants and host immune response in the resolution and progression of chronic liver disease following Hepatitis C virus infection
- Summary
- 890,000
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board Unit with D. Kelleher, C. O'Farrelly, W. Hall, J, Hegarty
- Date From
- 1997
- Date To
- 2002
- Title
- Chiron Corporation Fellowship 'Mechanism of adjuvant activity of E
- Summary
- 68,000
- Funding Agency
- coli heat labile toxin
- Date From
- 1996
- Date To
- 1999
- Title
- Mechanism of adjuvant activity of E. coli heat labile toxin
- Summary
- 68,000
- Funding Agency
- Chiron Corporation Fellowship
- Date From
- 1996
- Date To
- 1999
- Title
- HIV nucleic acid vaccination: targeting of antigen presenting cells and induction of specific mucosal immune responses'
- Summary
- 85,000
- Funding Agency
- EU Biomed Programme
- Date From
- 1997
- Date To
- 2000
- Title
- Neuroimmunological interactions in response to infection with a Gram negative bacterium
- Summary
- 95,000
- Funding Agency
- Forbairt Basic Research Grant
- Date From
- 1997
- Date To
- 2000
- Title
- Purchase of an irradiator for inhibition of cell proliferation, induction of apoptosis and gene mutations and conditioning recipients in murine adoptive transfer experiments
- Summary
- 100,000
- Funding Agency
- Wellcome Trust Equipment award S. Martin, co-applicant
- Date To
- 1997
- Title
- Interdependence of immune mechanisms in protection against Bordetella pertussis
- Summary
- 215,000
- Funding Agency
- Wellcome Trust project grant
- Date From
- 1997
- Date To
- 2001
- Title
- Acquisition of an automated DNA sequencer and gel documentation system for investigations on the mechanisms of programmed cell death and immunity to infectious diseases
- Summary
- 75,500
- Funding Agency
- Wellcome Trust/HRB equipment award with S. Martin
- Date To
- 1997
- Title
- Regulation and effector function of Th1 and Th2 cells in immunity to a respiratory pathogen'
- Summary
- 38,000
- Funding Agency
- The Health Research Board Project Grant
- Date From
- 1997
- Date To
- 2000
- Title
- Biosafety of vaccines based on self-replicating recombinant alphavirus'
- Summary
- 123, 000
- Funding Agency
- EU Biotechnology Programme
- Date From
- 1998
- Date To
- 2000
- Title
- The role of cathepsin L cysteine proteinases secreted by helminth pathogns in modulation of immune responses
- Summary
- 76,000
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board Postdoctoral Fellowship
- Date From
- 1999
- Date To
- 2000
- Title
- Demonstration and Shared cost projects Mucosal Vaccines - mucosal adjuvanticity of LT mutants with influenza virus antigens for intranasal immunization
- Summary
- 200,000
- Funding Agency
- EU Framework 5 Biotechnology Programme
- Date From
- 2000
- Date To
- 2003
- Title
- Modulation of immune responses by filamentous haemagglutinin from Bordetella pertussis
- Summary
- 89,000
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board project grant
- Date From
- 2000
- Date To
- 2003
- Title
- Role of toxin induced interlukin-1b in the neurological responses to gram negative bacteria'
- Summary
- 89,000
- Funding Agency
- Enterprise Ireland Basic research grant
- Date From
- 2000
- Date To
- 2004
- Title
- Programme for Research in Third level Institutions in Ireland
- Summary
- 11.3million award to the NUI Maynooth, including 1m current costs for Immunology Research,
- Funding Agency
- Higher Education Authority
- Date From
- 1999
- Date To
- 2001
- Title
- Activation of innate responses by immunostimulatory sequences in bacterial DNA
- Summary
- 155,500
- Funding Agency
- Elan Corporation Student Fellowship
- Date From
- 2000
- Date To
- 2003
- Title
- Nasal vaccination - a balance between beneficial immunity and neurotoxicity'
- Summary
- 152,000,
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board Project grant
- Date From
- 2001
- Date To
- 2004
- Title
- Regulatory T cell induction - an immune subversion strategy by Bordetella pertussis'
- Summary
- 149,000
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board Postdoctoral Fellowship to Dr Peter Mc Guirk
- Date From
- 2001
- Date To
- 2004
- Title
- Pathogen-derived immunomodulatory molecules - future therapeutics and vaccines
- Summary
- 6.5m
- Funding Agency
- Science Foundation Ireland Principal Investigator Award
- Date From
- 2001
- Date To
- 2006
- Title
- The role of regulatory T cells in parasite immunosuppression'
- Summary
- 163,021
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board Postdoctoral fellowship to Dr Miriam Brady
- Date From
- 2002
- Date To
- 2005
- Title
- Modulation of host immune responses by effector proteins of he type III secretion system of Bordetella pertussis
- Summary
- 163,352
- Funding Agency
- IRSCET Basic Research Project
- Date From
- 2002
- Date To
- 2005
- Title
- With Prof Cliona O'Farrelly, St Vincent's Hospital (PI), Dr Dermot Kelleher, Trinity College Dublin and Dr Derek Doherty, NUI Maynooth. Characterisation of hepatitis C virus induced immunological subversion and its implications for treatment response
- Summary
- 552,000
- Funding Agency
- Health Research Board Programme Grant
- Date From
- 2003
- Date To
- 2006
- Title
- Mucosal Vaccines for Poverty Related Diseases (MUVAPRED). FP6-2002-LIFESCIHEALTH-2.3, Proposal No 503240
- Summary
- 15m approx 350,000 to TCD
- Funding Agency
- EU 6th Framework Programme
- Date From
- 2003
- Date To
- 2006
- Title
- Pre-clinical evaluation of immunomodulatory molecules in the prevention or treatment of immune-mediated diseases
- Summary
- 379,646
- Funding Agency
- Enterprise Ireland
- Date From
- 2004
- Date To
- 2007
- Title
- Purchase of a high speed cell sorter
- Summary
- 387,200.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2004
- Title
- Regulation of T cell responses in immunity to Bordetella pertussis
- Summary
- 209491
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2005
- Date To
- 2008
- Title
- The evaluation of immunomodulators in ex-vivo models of cell based therapies and in the enhancement of efficacy of marketed biologicals
- Summary
- 372,704
- Funding Agency
- EI
- Date From
- 2005
- Date To
- 2007
- Title
- Regulatory T cell control of pathogenic and effector T cells and their manipulation as potential therapies for human diseases
- Summary
- 3.6m
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2007
- Date To
- 2112
- Title
- Nasal Pandemic Influenza Vaccine (NASPANVAC)
- Summary
- 4.07m; 488,016 to TCD
- Funding Agency
- EU
- Date From
- 1st May 2008
- Date To
- April 2011
- Title
- Immunology Research Centre
- Summary
- 7.5m
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2008
- Date To
- 2013
- Title
- The role of NOD-like receptors in inflammatory responses
- Summary
- IRCSET Enterprise Partnership Scheme Postgraduate Scholarship Award to Patrick Kelly, Co-funded by Industrial sponsor Opsona Therapeutic
- Funding Agency
- IRCSET Enterprise Partnership Scheme
- Date From
- 1.10.09
- Date To
- 30.9.12
- Title
- IA study of exogenous and endogenous factors that precipitate, exacerbate or regulate the T cells that cause autoimmune diseases
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 1.10.2009
- Date To
- 30.9.2011
- Title
- Activation and role of γδ T cells in mucosal immunity
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 10/2010
- Date To
- 9/2013
- Title
- The role of infections agents in precipitating the neurodegenerative changes that lead to development of Alzheimer's disease.
- Funding Agency
- TCD-UCD Innovation Alliance (joint project with Marina Lynch)
- Date From
- 2010
- Date To
- 2014
- Title
- Regulatory T cell inducing vaccine for autoimmune diseases.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2011
- Date To
- 2014
- Title
- New immunotherapeutics approaches based on the Th1/Th17 axis and its regulation.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2012
- Date To
- 2017
- Title
- Function and regulation IL-17-secreting T cells
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2012
- Date To
- 2015
- Title
- Flow Cytometry Cell Sorter, 587,000.
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2013
- Date To
- 2015
- Title
- Helminth-derived immunomodulatory molecules as therapeutics for immune-mediated disease
- Funding Agency
- Date From
- 2014
- Date To
- 2015
- Title
- The effect of retinoic acid on the fate of γδ T cells.
- Funding Agency
- EU-FP7
- Date From
- 2014
- Date To
- 2016
Member, Irish Branch Committee of the Society for General Microbiology.
Member, Immunology & Pathology Committee of the Health Research Board.
Irish representative at the International Union of Immunological Societies and the European Federation of Immunology Societies.
Member, Expert Committee on Blood Products and Vaccines of Irish Medicines Board.
Member, WHO International Committee on DNA Vaccines.
Member, Life Sciences / Biotechnology Panel, Enterprise Ireland Strategic and Basic Research Grant schemes.
Member, National Committee for Biochemistry of the Royal Irish Academy.
Member, Editorial Board of European Federation of Microbiology Societies, Immunology and Medical Microbiology.
Member, Infection & Immunity Committee of British Society for Immunology.
Member, World Health Organization Working Group on Pertussis Vaccines.
Member of Microbiology and Mechanisms of Infectious Disease and Host Defence Committee of the Health Research Board.
Member expert committee on Medical Devices, Irish Medicines Board.
Member of Board of Management of the Adelaide Hospital of The Adelaide, Meath and National Children's Hospital, Tallaght, Dublin.
Member of Scientific Advisory Committee of Science Foundation Ireland.
Chairman of Infection & Immunity Group of the British Society for Immunology.
Chair an Expert Group established by the Minister for Health and Children to examine processes to ensure continuing quality of vaccine products.
Member of Life Science Committee of Royal Irish Academy.
Panel Chairman, Science Foundation Ireland Basic Research Grants.
Member of the Wellcome Trust Immunology and Infectious Disease Committee
Member of the Editorial Board of Clinical and Experimental Immunology
Associate Editor. The Journal of Immunology
Member of the Editorial Board. Immunology and Cell Biology
Section Editor, The Journal of Immunology
Awards and Honours
SFI Researcher of the Year
Provost Innovation award
Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland Doctor award in Respiratory Medicine and best overall paper
Laboratory Scientist of the year and Laboratory of the year, Irish Lab awards
Elected to Fellowship of Trinity College Dublin
Royal Irish Academy Award in Biochemistry
Inaugural Annual Award of Irish Society for Immunology
Awarded Graves Medal and present the 39th Annual Graves Lecture
Elected to membership of the Institute of Biology of Ireland
Elected Fellow of The Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland
Elected to fellowship of The Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland
Merit award of rapid promotion to Senior Scientist scale
Young scientist award from International Union of Immunology Societies
Awarded fellowship by International Network of Immunology
Awarded EURATOM travelling fellowship
Elected Student of the year, Wilson's Hospital, Secondary School
American Association of Immunologists
American Society for Microbiology
International Society for Mucosal Immunology
British Society for Immunology
British and Irish Society for General Microbiology
Biochemical Society
Irish Research Scientists Association
Irish Society for Immunology
Royal Academy of Medicine in Ireland
Institute of Biology of Ireland
Member, UK MRC Committee on Vaccines & Immunization Procedures
Member, Irish Branch Committee of the Society for General Microbiology
Member, Irish Area Committee of The Biochemical Society.