International Workshops
July, 2007: International Plato Conference
June, 2007: Sean Freyne conference
September, 2004: Josephus: Interpretation and History
September, 2003: Ireland and the Middle East
One-Day Symposium co-hosted with Consultative Committee for the Bible and the Ancient Near East , Royal Irish Academy.
September, 2002: Cultural Encounters: from Babylon to Byzantium
May, 2002: The Study of Islam Today
Trinity College Dublin Trinity Week Academic Symposium
March, 2002: Rabbinic Law in its Roman and Near Eastern Context
June, 2001: Neoplatonism and Society
September, 2001: The Limits of Biography
May 1999: Defensive settlements of the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean
Stanford Lectures 2008
Dr Johannes Haubold (University of Durham)
'Greece and Mesopotamia: Dialogues in Literature'
Lecture 1. Homer, Hesiod and the epics of Babylon
Lecture 2. Herodotus and Mesopotamian ideologies of empire
Lecture 3. Berossos between Babylon and Greece
Stanford Lectures 2006
Dr Yannis Hamilakis (University of Southampton)
‘The Social Lives of Ruins’.
Lecture 1. Enchanted marbles: indigenous archaeologies in pre-modern Greece
Lecture 2. The production of national matter-realities
Lecture 3. From modernity to post-modernity: the persistence of ruins
(This series was held in co-operation with The Irish Institute for Hellenic Studies at Athens).
Stanford Lectures 2005
Dr Katelijn Vandorpe (University of Leuven)
The Multicultural Society of Pathyris: An Egyptian Town after Alexander
Lecture 1: 'A Greek colonel and an Egyptian lady. Ethnic diversity in a wealthy household'.
Lecture 2: 'Nubian roots, Egyptian traditions and Hellenizing intentions. Soldier families of Upper Egypt'.
Lecture 3: 'Family archives: how people lived, what people cherished'.