
Members of the international advisory board of the Irish Chancery Project pictured at the final meeting held on 13 May 2011 in Trinity College, Dublin. Back row (L-R): Prof. Sean Duffy (TCD); Prof. Robin Frame (Durham); Dr Peter Crooks (TCD); Dr Elizabeth Matthew (Reading); Prof. Chris Given-Wilson (St Andrews). Front row (L-R): Dr Brendan Smith (Bristol) Dr David Ditchburn (TCD).
Trinity has over twenty full-time members of the academic staff who contribute to the activities of the Medieval History Research Centre and a wide network of scholars and collaborators in institutions inside and outside Ireland.
- Philippa Byrne (Assistant Professor in Medieval History)
- Ann Buckley (Honorary Research Fellow)
- David Ditchburn (Associate Professor in Medieval History; Director)
- Peter Crooks (Associate Professor in Medieval History)
- Seán Duffy (Professor of Medieval Irish & Insular History)
- Adrian Empey (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Simon Egan (Assistant Professor in Medieval History)
- Poul Holm (Professor of Environmental History)
- Anna Chahoud (Professor of Latin)
- Mark Hennessy (Assistant Professor in Geography)
- Ruth Mazzo Karras (Lecky Professor of History)
- Catherine Lawless (Assistant Professor in Gender Studies)
- Francis Ludlow (Associate Professor in Medieval Environmental History)
- Anna McSweeney (Assistant Professor in the History of Art & Architecture)
- Bernard Meehan (formerly Keeper of Manuscripts, Library)
- Christine Meek (Fellow Emeritus, History)
- Brid McGrath (Palaeography)
- Rachel Moss (Associate Professor in History of Art)
- Benjamin Savill (Assistant Professor in Medieval History)
- Katharine Simms (Fellow Emeritus, History)
- Roger Stalley (Fellow Emeritus, History of Art)
- Immo Warntjes (Ussher Assistant Professor in Medieval History)
Postdoctoral Researchers
- Dr Elizabeth Biggs (Government of Ireland-funded Postdoctoral Fellow, 2020-24: Medieval Irish Exchequer, ‘Gold Seam’ Research Fellow, Beyond 2022: Ireland’s Virtual Record Treasury Phase II)
- Dr Lynn Kilgallon (Government of Ireland-funded Postdoctoral Fellow, 2020-24: Medieval Irish Exchequer, ‘Gold Seam’ Research Fellow, Beyond 2022: Ireland’s Virtual Record Treasury Phase II)
- Dr Nicole Volmering (SFI-IRC Research Assistant Professor, 2022–26: Early Irish Hands: The Development of Writing in Early Ireland)
Former Staff and Postdoctoral Researchers
- Dr Lucy Allen-Goss (IRC-funded Postdoctoral Fellow, 2019–21: Women's Reproductive Dysfunctions: Miscarriage, Abortion, Stillbirth and Infertility in Medieval England)
- Dr Simon Egan (Temporary Assistant Professor in Medieval History, 2019‒21), now Lecturer in History at Queen’s University Belfast
- Dr C. Philipp E. Nothaft (EU Horizon 2020, Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship, 2021‒3)
- Dr Niall Ó Súilleabháin (IRC Postdoctoral Fellow, 2020–22 and Temporary Assistant Professor in Medieval History, 2022‒3, now at Université de Poitiers/Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique
- Dr Benjamin Savill (Temporary Assistant Professor in Medieval History, 2019‒21), now Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellow at the Freie Universität Berlin
- Dr Beth Spacey (Temporary Teaching Fellow in Medieval History, 2017), now lecturer at the University of Queensland, Australia
- Dr Thomas W. Smith (Temporary Assistant Professor in Medieval History, 2015–17), now at Rugby School, England
External Associates
- Dr Sparky Booker (Dublin City University)
- Dr Laura Cleaver (London)
- Professor Robin Frame (Durham)
- Professor Chris Given-Wilson (St Andrews)
- Dr Stephen Harrison (Glasgow)
- Dr Aly Macdonald (Aberdeen)
- Dr Elizabeth Matthew (Reading)
- Professor Brendan Smith (Bristol)
- Dr Colin Veach (Hull)