Dr Bernard Meehan

Bernard Meehan’s research focuses on insular manuscripts, history and culture 6th-9th centuries; and history and manuscripts of Scotland and northern England from the Norman Conquest to c 1200, with excursions into modern literary and archival subjects. Currently working on -
- Linked studies of Insular manuscripts Oxford, Bodleian Library Rawl. G. 167; Auct. D. 2. 19 (Macregol Gospels); St Gallen, Stiftsbibliothek, 51; ‘Otho-Corpus Gospels’ (Corpus Christi College, Cambridge, 197B/BL, Cotton Otho C v/ BL, Royal 7 C xii); Turin Gospels (Torino, Biblioteca Nazionale, O.IV.20 and F.VI.2; Faddan More Psalter (Dublin, National Museum of Ireland, 06E0786:13)
- Françoise Henry and her predecessors (including J. O. Westwood) as interpreters of Insular manuscripts
- On project team ‘Insular Manuscripts AD 650-850: Networks of Knowledge. Leverhulme Trust International Network’ (2016-2019). http://www2.le.ac.uk/projects/insularmss.
Selected publications:
- ‘The Inscription on the Ardagh Chalice’, ed. Niamh Whitfield. For a volume to mark 150 years since the discovery of the hoard in 1868. (Dublin, 2020)
- ‘Viewing the art of early medieval Ireland and Scotland’, in The Irish-Scottish World in the Middle Ages’, ed. S. Duffy et al (Dublin, 2019)
- ‘The Corpus-Otho-Royal / Cambridge-London / Parker-Cotton-Wolsey Gospels’, for conference volume associated with Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. Art, Word, War (Dublin, 2020)
- ‘Interactions with Ireland’, in Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms. Art, Word, War, ed. C. Breay and J. Story. Catalogue of British Library exhibition. (London, 2018)
- The Book of Kells. Official Guide (London, 2018)
- [with John Gillis]: ‘Examining the Book of Dimma, the scribe Dianchride and the Gospel of John (TCD MS 59)’, in Insular Odyssey, ed. F. O’Mahony et al (Dublin 2017)
- ‘The Book of Mulling (Trinity College Dublin MS 60): Bindings and “Blurrings”’, in Proceedings of the Seventh International Insular Art Conference (Dublin, 2016)
- The St Cuthbert Gospel. Studies on the Insular Gospel of John (British Library MS Add 89000): ed. Claire Breay and BM, [author of essay, ‘The Irish Pocket Gospel Books’] (London, 2015)
- The Book of Kells (London, 2012)
- The Book of Durrow. A Medieval Masterpiece at Trinity College Dublin (Dublin, 1996)
- The Book of Kells. An illustrated introduction to the Manuscript in Trinity College Dublin (London, 1994)
- Entries in Art and Architecture of Ireland vol 1, Medieval Art and Architecture c 400-1600, ed. Rachel Moss (Dublin, 2014)
- ‘”New” Narrative Scenes in the Book of Kells’, in Making Histories. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Insular Art, York 2011, ed. Jane Hawkes (Donington, 2013)
- ‘Book satchels in medieval Scotland and Ireland’, in A Crannog of the First Millennium AD, ed. A. Crone and E. Campbell (Edinburgh, 2005)
Scotland and England
- A fourteenth-century historical compilation from St Mary's Cistercian abbey, Dublin’, Medieval Dublin XV (Dublin, 2016)
- 'Durham twelfth-century manuscripts in Cistercian houses', in Anglo-Norman Durham, eds. D. Rollason et al. (Woodbridge, Suffolk, 1994).
- 'Notes on the Preliminary Texts and Continuations to Symeon of Durham's Libellus de exordio', in Symeon of Durham. Historian of Durham and the North, ed. D. W. Rollason (Stamford, Lincs, 1999).
- ‘Symeon of Durham (fl. c.1090–c.1128), Benedictine monk and historian’, in Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (OUP, 2004)
Literary and archival
- ‘Conrad on Olmeijer: An Unpublished Letter of 1914’, The Conradian 29 (Spring, 2004)
- Review of Sidney E. Berger, Rare books and special collections (London, 2014), in Archives and Records (2015)