The Future's So Bright - Recent Developments in Down Syndrome Research

On Wednesday, March 5th the Down Syndrome Research Group (DISCO) at Trinity College Dublin hosted The Future’s So Bright, an in-person event to share recent developments in Down Syndrome Research with the public.

This in-person event was facilitated by the Discipline of Paediatrics at Trinity. Members of this wide community (including adults with Down Syndrome, parents, family members, professionals who work with people with Down Syndrome) were all welcome to attend this free event.










The agenda include the following speakers:

  • Ross O'Neill from Down Syndrome Ireland. Ross has been working at DSI for 15 years and plays central role at the National Office as well as being a member of DSI's National Advisory Council.
  • Dr Robert McCarthy, MB, BCh, BAO, BA (Mod), MRCPI, 4th year SpR in Paediatric Medicine. Rob is currently undertaking a PhD with Trinity College, with the majority of his research focusing on the immune system of children with Trisomy 21.
  • Professor Orla Franklin, Paediatric Cardiologist, CHI Crumlin and Temple Street.
  • Fiona McGrane, Clinical Nurse Specialist for children with Down syndromeFiona was instrumental in establishing the first Down syndrome clinic in Ireland in 2015. Fiona is also part of the DISCO research team which has produced numerous publications within the area of Down syndrome and has positively impacted on the health screening which is carried out in the clinic, treatment pathways and the development of a clinical Performa. She provides nationwide support to children and their families.
  • The DISCO team also introduced our new Trinity Ambassadors for Research in Down Syndrome, Andrew McCarthy.
  • Professor Eleanor Molloy, Chair of Paediatrics at Trinity College Dublin and Consultant Neonatologist presented DISCO Next Steps – The Future.

Trinity Chair of Paediatrics and Consultant Neonatologist, Professor Eleanor Molloy and Consultant Paediatrician, Dr Joanne Balfe, chaired the event. Both Eleanor and Joanne are key people in the Down Syndrome Clinic at Tallaght University Hospital. Eleanor leads the Down Syndrome Research Group (DISCO) at Trinity and is also Research Lead at the Down Syndrome Medical Interest Group (DSMIG).

The objective of the event was to raise awareness and foster collaboration in the field of Down syndrome research, as well as communicating the value of public involvement in research.

The Together Academy provided wonderful catering at the event.

Please find links to our academic presentations below:

New Areas of Immune Research in Down Syndrome

Dr Robert McCarthy

Understanding Congenital Heart Disease in Infants with Down Syndrome – Recent Contributions of Irish Researchers

Professor Orla Franklin

Down Syndrome Research: Insights and Advances from our DISCO Clinic

Fiona McGrane

Trinity’s Down Syndrome Research Group – Next Steps

Professor Eleanor Molloy

Also please click on the icons below to open our Easy Read posters about our DISCO research and projects.