PG Handbook

Below you will find the recent 2023-2024 version of the PG Handbook. We suggest you download this handbook and use it as a resource as it explains guidelines and timelines related to your Research Degree and directs you to several important information sources within the College. See the link below to the PG Handbook. The School Postgraduate Office is also available to help you with any additional queries you may have.

PG Handbook 24/25

Key Forms and Guides

Forms and

A summary of the forms and guidelines that will help both you as the student and your supervisor is provided in the list below.

Please email us at the Postgraduate Teaching and Learning Office. or if you need further information.


Student Forms and Guides

Annual Progress Report

This PhD Annual Progress Report needs to be completed on an annual basis (except in the year of your continuation report or your thesis submission). For PhD students your completed Annual Progress report form needs to be uploaded via a link available in CM8807 on Blackboard.

This MSc Annual Progress Report needs to be completed on an annual basis (except if you are a full-time student submitting your thesis in year 1 or if you are a part-time student submitting your thesis in year 1 or 2). For MSc students your completed annual report needs to be uploaded via a link available in CM8807 on Blackboard. 

This MD Annual Progress Report needs to be completed by registered MD students in Year1 and Year 2 ( except in the year of your thesis submission). Please email us the completed form so that you may be registered for the following year on time.

Continuation Procedure Form

This Continuation Progress Form needs to be completed as a part of Continuation Procedure, that is conducted for all PhD students (Full-Time: at 18 months; Part-Time: 30 months), and for MD and MSc students wishing to transfer to the PhD register. Information on you, your supervisor and assessors as well as your thesis title and abstract is requested. You will also need to complete Continuation Declaration on Plagiarism section.

Intention to Submit Form

Are you about to submit your final thesis? Don’t forget to submit your Intention to Submit form. This form must be completed and returned at least one month prior to submission. Once you send this form you will be emailed about details of how to submit your thesis electronically.

Student Request Extension Form

If you have a Request for Extension (i.e. extension of timelines) please complete the Request for Extension Form , which will help us manage your request. Please email a copy of this form to the School PG Office at Please submit the request as early as possible.

Remote Research Request Form

If you are about to commence your postgraduate research degree, but are seeking to conduct research and learning from a distance on a temporary basis, please complete the Remote Research Request Form.


Continuation Procedure Documents for Students, Supervisors, Assessors and Chairperson

Research Student Pre-Continuation procedure form and FAQ Continuation Procedure

All Ph.D students are required to undergo a Continuation Procedure in order to be confirmed onto the Ph.D register. The same applies to M.D. or M.Sc students who wish to transfer onto the Ph.D register (contact Research Student Pre-Continuation Procedure Form and FAQ Continuation Procedure form

Pre -Continuation Chair Nomination Form

Please note that in order to comply with college procedure, the Continuation viva must be chaired and the Supervisor must be present for both the Continuation Presentation and Viva. Before the continuation procedure can take place, this Pre Continuation Chair Nomination form must be filled out, with all required signatures and returned to

DOCUMENTS FOR ASSESSORS: Procedures for Assessors Continuation Procedure and Assessors Continuation form

This Procedures for Assessors Continuation Procedure Form explains the role of the Continuation Procedure Assessors. The Assessors Continuation form is completed by Assessors and returned to the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning. This document is governed by the Postgraduate Research Handbook.

Procedures for Chair and Chair Post Continuation Procedure Form

This Document explains the role of the Chair-person (hereafter referred to as ‘Chair’) and has a has a Chairperson’s report form below which must be returned to

Examiner Nomination Form and External Examiner (research thesis) self-declaration of Independence

Is your student about to submit their thesis? As the supervisor, you are required to submit an Examiner Nomination Form providing details of the Internal & External Examiners & Chair of the Viva, as well as the C.V. of the External Examiner. Once your student has submitted their thesis please email us this completed form.  Two external examiners must be nominated in the case of candidates who are members of staff of the University. The form for nomination of two external examiners is available here.  External Examiners must complete this form declaring your independence to undertake the role of External Examiner

Chair of Viva Form & Information Pack

The Chair of a viva must be of at least Associate Professor grade. If you are chairing a viva please download the attached Viva Chair Information Pack. There is also a short Chair’s report in the Viva Chair Information Pack that you will be required to complete.

Pre-Viva Examination Report


Examiners are asked, individually, to complete thePre Viva Examination Report in advance of the viva voce examination. The external and internal examiner are asked to exchange copies of their reports copying, and the Chair of the Viva Voce on correspondence no less than one week before the viva voce examination. Please also email us at

Post-Viva Examination Report

Examiners are asked, jointly, to complete the Post-Viva Examination Report after the viva voce examination. The internal examiner is requested to email a copy of the joint post-viva report to on the day of the examination.  If this is not possible then within one week of the viva, the Chair should forward the joint report to Please also email us at

Remote Viva Request

It is possible that a remote viva may be conducted in exceptional circumstances. If you are planning to conduct a remote viva please fill out the Request to Conduct Viva Remotely Form. You will need to fill this form out in full with required signatures and it will then be sent to the Director of Postgraduate Teaching and Learning for approval.