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Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin

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Maternal health myths

As we start this course, we would like you to take a moment to think about what you know about a woman's health after giving birth. This is known as the 'postpartum' period.

In the exercise below, you have the opportunity to reflect on what you know about women's health after childbirth. This isn't a test, but a way of allowing each of us to think about common perceptions and misconceptions about women's health postpartum.

Click on the Launch button below to discover some myths and facts about postpartum health.

This exercise should take 5 minutes and there are 10 statements.

If you can't access the exercise, you can download a PDF version to read at the bottom of the page.

Thinking about this exercise:

  • Were there any facts that surprised you? Use the comment section below to share your thoughts with other learners.

Please note, by clicking 'Launch' you will be taken to a page containing content provided by a third party website.


Maternal health myths