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The work of the Preservation & Conservation Department is supported by the Library budget, by Trinity College Dublin alumni, and through grant funding and private donation.
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Roman inquisitional record
c. 1628
This is one of a collection of 54 volumes of Roman inquisitional records held in the Manuscripts and Archives Research Library. The record displayed is the sentencing in the year 1628, imposed on Thadeus Donsleve O'Farrihy, a priest from Tuam, for, amongst other failings, not believing in the Virgin Birth; and on the facing page, his adjuration to preach according to the Roman Catholic Apostolic Crede.
The iron gall ink is in an advanced state of deterioration, causing fracturing and losses to the paper support. This chemical damage will continue, eventually leading to complete loss of the text, unless it is arrested through a stabilising treatment. We are seeking funds for a major conservation project, like the 1641 Depositions Project, which will save the Inquisitional records and enable research into their content to commence.
MS 1231, folios 7v-8r

Armagh Satchel
This splendid example of Irish craftsmanship is associated with the 9th century Book of Armagh. The technique to produce the intricate designs involved working the dampened leather, free-hand over a yielding base such as wet sand. The low relief modelling would have been carried out with bone or timber tools. The later, crude lock mechanism somewhat spoils the overall appearance of the satchel.
Conservation treatment was possible through sponsorship and involved the careful removal under magnification, of accumulated dirt, particularly in between the areas of relief.
1641 deposition relating to counties Leitrim, Sligo and Mayo
This deposition, from the collection of testimonies documenting the impact of the 1641 Irish rebellion, claims the theft of personal property, including books, livestock and Church; along with the attack, and murder, of fleeing English and Scottish Protestants and clergy.
The 31 volumes of 1641 Deposition Records have been fully conserved, including stabilisation of degrading iron gall ink, repair to the paper supports, and rebinding to enable use of the documents without risk of damage. The final treatment was completed as part of the 1641 Deposition Project, which has made copies of transcriptions of all documents available online. (
MS 831, folio 190r

Unmounted Greek papyri fragment
262 - 200BC
These unmounted papyrus fragments are from the W.Flinders Petrie collection, discovered during his excavations at a cemetery in Gurob, Egypt, in 1890.
The fragments are extremely fragile, and vulnerable to damage. Their preservation is a priority for the Library. They require minimal conservation treatment, including surface cleaning to remove soiling and accretions, and humidification to unfold creases, flatten fibres and allow legibility of the text before they are mounted.
We are looking for sponsorship to enable us to complete the cataloguing, digitising, and conservation treatment of our entire collection of Greek, Roman and Egyptian papyri.
MS Pap.FF.23