Resolved: 21 August 2023

This work has been completed successfully.

First posted: 11 August 2023

To ensure the Trinity Wi-Fi service remains secure and up-to-date, IT Services will be applying an essential upgrade to the Wi-Fi network infrastructure on Thursday 17th August 2023. While we carry out this work there will be periods of disruption to both the student and staff Wi-Fi services between 8am and 11am. 

How will this impact me?

As we move across the Trinity Wi-Fi service, installing the new software upgrades, each area in the University will experience periods of interruption to their Wi-Fi connectivity during the 3-hour maintenance window of 8am-11am. 

When we are updating the Wi-Fi service in your area you will not be able to connect to the Trinity Wi-Fi and you will not have Internet or local network access.

Trinity Wi-Fi “At risk”

The main disruption to the Trinity Wi-Fi service will be completed by 11am however from 11am to 5pm on Thursday, 17th August the network will be considered “at risk”. While we do not anticipate any further disruption to connectivity for you, we will be finalising and closely monitoring the upgrade during this time.

All Wired network connections in Trinity offices and labs will be unaffected by this work.