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Junior Academic Progressions 2024/25

Human Resources are pleased to announce the call for Junior Academic Progressions. This call opens on 1 October 2024 and the closing date for applications is 12 noon on 4 December 2024.

Trinity College Dublin is committed to promoting equality in all aspects of its activity, including progressions, in line with the College Equality Policy. Trinity is an equal opportunities employer and welcomes applications for progression from all eligible sections of the College community.

Please note: The information contained on the website is only intended to supplement information contained in the policy and this website does not act as a substitute. All candidates should familiarise themselves with the Policy before applying.

All queries relating to the Junior Academic Progressions Call 2024 can be made to

See below for information on:

The Policy

The Junior Academic Progressions Policy is available here.

We recommend that you to read through the policy to familiarise yourself with the procedure before submitting an application to this call. If you have any queries relating to Junior Academic Progressions please email

The Two Types of Progression Application

There is one online application process for all categories of applications. Within the online form you can choose the category which applies to your application. Applications are divided into two groups:

Merit Bar Review

Assistant Professors appointed on salary scales or employment contracts which contain a Merit Bar progress in increments annually until they reach the merit bar point. Progression beyond the Merit Bar is considered part of normal career progression, however, the Assistant Professor may not progress beyond the merit bar without successfully passing a review by the Junior Academic Progression Committee. Merit Bar review does not apply to Assistant Professors appointed on Tenure Track contracts.


Assistant Professors who have successfully passed their probationary period and who have reached the merit bar point may present for Merit Bar review in the academic year before they reach this point (for example, an Assistant Professor due to pass the merit bar in October 2024 would normally be expected to present for merit bar review during the academic year 2023/24).

If the Assistant Professor is not successful in this review, they will remain at the merit bar point on the salary scale and will not progress beyond this point until they are successfully reviewed at a later date.

Assistant Professors who do not successfully pass the Merit Bar on first presenting to the Junior Academic Progressions Committee may present again in any future year, and would normally be expected to present within three years of first presenting to the Junior Academic Progressions Committee. Assistant Professors who have been unsuccessful in their Merit Bar review will receive feedback from the Junior Academic Progression Committee and will work with their Head of School and HR to create a personal development programme to address any areas for development.

Candidates applying for Merit Bar review can apply for accelerated advancement at the same time, however please be aware this counts as an Assistant Professor's only chance to apply for accelerated advancement.

Accelerated Advancement

Progression along the Assistant Professor salary scale normally occurs by way of annual increments to the next salary point, or at other intervals in line with Public Sector pay provisions. Accelerated advancement allows the Assistant Professor to progress by two increments at the next annual increment date, instead of the usual one increment. In very exceptional circumstances, the Junior Academic Progression Committee may award more than two increments.

Accelerated advancement is not considered part of normal career progression. Accelerated advancement may only be awarded following successful review by the Junior Academic Progression Committee. The Committee will only award accelerated advancement where the Assistant Professor's performance is deemed to be outstanding (see section 7, Procedure for Accelerated Advancement applications, set out in the policy).


All Assistant Professors who have successfully completed their probationary period may apply for accelerated advancement. However, an Assistant Professor may only apply for Accelerated Advancement once, regardless of the outcome of that application. To maximise their chances of a successful application, Assistant Professors must seek the advice of their Head of School/Head of Discipline when planning the timing of an application for accelerated advancement.

Where the Assistant Professor has a Merit Bar included in their terms of employment, and where the award of accelerated advancement would bring the Assistant Professor beyond the merit bar, the Assistant Professor will still be required to present for Merit Bar review. In this instance, the award of the additional increment(s) will not be implemented until the Assistant Professor has also been successfully reviewed for progression beyond the Merit Bar.

The Online Application Process

There are 3 steps in the online application process:

  • Step 1, the applicant completes their user profile on the MyRSS by using the Promotions CV Wizard to fill out the Junior Academic Progressions Application Form. The applicant outputs their Promotions CV document to Word and completes the section on Teaching and Supervision as well as reviewing the overall content of the application document.
  • Step 2, the applicant downloads the Head of Discipline/Head of School Report templates from the Promotions Webpage or within the e-recruitment system for completion.
  • Step 3, the applicant uploads to e-recruitment their completed promotion application, and Head of Discipline/Head of School Report.

Step 1 – Using the MyRSS Promotions Wizard

My RSS User Guide (pdf 2.4 mb)

Go to MyRSS and login.

To access the Research Support System you must first register. To register for the RSS you can follow the link on the TCD Local page.

  • The Promotions Wizard is accessible to all active RSS users here:
  • After clicking on the reports section of the RSS Launcher you will be brought to the location where the link to the Promotions Wizard Page can be found.
  • First select Junior Academic Progressions form from the dropdown list and click Save.
  • Then complete each section of the Promotions Wizard by clicking next until you arrive at the final section - Output MyRSS Promotions CV.
  • Save the MyRSS Promotion CV file to your desktop or any other suitable location on your computer for review and completion. When you output the CV to Word from the MyRSS Promotions Wizard, save it as RSS Promotions CV.docx.

For queries about the MyRSS Promotions Wizard or the RSS please email

Step 2 – Download the Head of Discipline/Head of School Report

The next step is to download the Head of Discipline/School Report form that is available here or within the e-recruitment system and ask your Head of Discipline/Head of School to complete.

In order to ensure that no Committee member signs your Head of Discipline/Head of School Report, you should check the list of Committee Members.  Please discuss with the Committee member prior to submitting your application. If a Head of Discipline is on the Committee, a Pro-Head of Discipline will be appointed by the Dean to sign the form. If you believe that a member of staff other than your Head of Discipline may be a more appropriate person to write commentary, please consult with the Secretary to the Junior Academic Progressions Committee

Committee members cannot sign this form. An acting arrangement must be put in place for signing of the form.

If a change of signature is required please notify us at

Step 3 – Using e-Recruitment

E-Recruitment User Guide (pdf 1.5 mb)

The final part of the process for applying is via the e-recruitment system at

The Junior Academic Progressions Call will open on 1 October 2024. We recommend early application to avoid system difficulties near the closing date. You can register for e-recruitment in advance of the call.

Please ensure that all elements of the application are completed before uploading and submitting, as once submitted they cannot be changed in any way. Also please note the closing date of 12 noon on 4 December 2024.

You must submit and receive a receipt email (please retain this for your records) to ensure that your application has been included in the progression call. The confirmation email may arrive up to 15 minutes aftersubmission. It may also land in your spam, so please check your spam folder if you do not receive this confirmation email to your inbox within 15 minutes of submitting an application.

If you do not receive a confirmation email from e-Recruitment, this means that your application has not been submitted. Please ensure that you have followed all the setps in the e-Recruitment process and if you require assistance with this stage of the process, please email

Information Workshops on the Junior Academic Progressions Process

We are holding Information Workshops for all Assistant Professors intending to apply to the Junior Academic Progressions Call 2024.

Candidates are strongly encouraged to attend a workshop prior to submitting an application. If you are unable to attend the session for your faculty, you can attend one of the other faculty workshops.

If you are unable to attend one of the faculty workshops, please reach out to and we will do our best to accommodate you in a general workshop.

Date Time Event To Book
Tuesday, 8 October 2024 14:00 - 14:45 FHS - Faculty Information Session on Junior Academic Progressions book here
Friday, 11 October 2024 11:00 - 11:45 STEM - Faculty Information Session on Junior Academic Progressions book here
Friday, 11 October 2024 12:00 - 12:45 AHSSS - Faculty Information Session on Junior Academic Progressions

These online events will be hosted by the Faculty Dean and Fidelma Haffey, Human Resources.

The purpose of the workshop(s) is to provide an overview on the Junior Academic Progressions process and tips on filling in the application form. These are separate workshops to the IT Clinics.

For further information about the Workshops please email


User Clinics on the 3 step Junior Academic Progressions Process

User Clinics on the 3-Step Junior Academic Progressions Process will be held on:

Date Time Event To Book
Friday, 18 October 2024 10:00 - 11:00 User Clinic on the 3-step Junior Academic Progression Process book here
Tuesday, 5 November 2024 10:00 - 11:00 User Clinic on the 3-step Junior Academic Progression Process book here
Thursday, 14 November 2024 14:00 - 15:00 User Clinic on the 3-step Junior Academic Progression Process
Thursday, 26 November 2024 13:00 - 15:00 User Clinic on the 3-step Junior Academic Progression Process book here


Stages of the process

Stage 1 - Call for Applications

  • Call for applications - Advertisement Date – 1 October 2024.
  • To apply for progression/accelerated advancement please go to when the competition is open.
  • Use the Online Process to create your application
  • Submit your application including the Head of Discipline/School Report Form to by 12 noon, 4 December 2024. No late applications accepted.

Stage 2 - Review

Review of Applications - For Merit Bar Review (including Accelerated Advancement) and Accelerated Advancement.

Interviews are expected to take place January to March 2025. Following receipt of application, candidates for Merit Bar will be called for interview. You will receive your interview time via email so please ensure that you regularly check your email to ensure you are aware of the date of interview.

Stage 3 - Outcomes

  • Candidates and Heads of School/Discipline will be notified of outcomes (including any accelerated advancement) electronically.
  • Feedback will be available to all unsuccessful candidates for Merit Bar Review. There is no feedback available to unsuccessful candidates for Accelerated Advancement.

Stage 4 - Approval

  • Successful candidates will be recommended to University Council and Board for approval.
  • Following approval by Council and Board candidates will be informed of the timing of their advancement.

Stage 5 – Implementation

Recommendations for progression through the Merit Bar or Accelerated Advancement from this progression round will have different implementation dates, depending on when a candidate reached the Merit Bar.

It is intended that awards will have effect in the year(s) 2024 and 2025. The awards cannot be implemented until Council have approved the recommendations.

The implementation will have 2 cohorts:

  • 1st October 2024 - For those who have reached or will reach the Merit Bar prior to or with effect from the 1st of October 2023.
  • 1st October 2025 - For those who have reached or will reach the Merit Bar prior to or with effect from the 1st of October 2024.

For information on when you reached the Merit Bar you can contact us by email to

Committee Membership

Junior Progressions Committee - Quorum of 5 (excluding Human Resources)

Chair: Vice Provost/Chief Academic Officer (or nominee)
Dean of the Faculty of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences – Professor Carmel O'Sullivan (or Pro-Dean)
Dean of the Faculty of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics – Professor Sylvia Draper (or Pro-Dean)
Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences – Professor Brian O'Connell (or Pro-Dean)
Senior Lecturer/Dean of Undergraduate Studies – Professor Vinny Wade
Dean of Graduate Studies – Professor Martine Smith
A member of the academic staff of the University who is an Assistant Professor above the merit bar - Dr Jason Wyse, School of Computer Science and Statistics
A member of the academic staff of the University who is an Associate Professor, Professor In or Professor Of - Professor Anne Dolan, School of Histories and Humanties
A member of the academic staff of the University (of any academic grade) - Professor Tadhg Stapleton, School of Medicine
Secretary: Director of HR (or nominee) - Ms. Fidelma Haffey, Head of Talent

Conflict of Interest

The members of the Junior Academic Progressions Committee are required to declare any conflict of interest once it is realised (e.g. this may be at review or interview stage of the progressions process for merit bar review and/or accelerated advancement).

Once a conflict of interest is declared, it will be the decision of the Chair, with support from Human Resources, whether mitigating action can be taken to eliminate the risk of the actual conflict.  Mitigating action can include the exclusion of a committee member for certain candidates, limiting committee members contribution to ‘expert/specialism’ only.

In situations where the Chair deems that the conflict cannot be mitigated, the panel member will be replaced. 

As a Committee member they may consider:

  • Have I supervised the candidate in the past?
  • Have I collaborated and co-authored with the candidate?
  • Have I collaborated on a research grant/project with the candidate?
  • Do I have a personal relationship with the candidate?
  • Is the candidate a colleague?

For guidance on the types of conflict that may arise, please contact the Secretary by email to

Personal Circumstances

The Personal Circumstances Form can be downloaded here. Please return the completed form by e-mail to: before the closing date for the progressions call.

By submitting your application electronically, you are declaring that the information you are providing is factually correct.

Please note that confirmation of receipt of your Personal Circumstances Form from shall be sent to the Trinity e-mail address you entered on this form.

If you have any concerns about disclosing details of your personal circumstances because of its sensitive nature, please email for assistance.

What is the Personal Circumstances form?

Personal circumstances are considerations which the relevant Review Panels take into account at the time of progressions/promotions review. The process assesses an applicant's merit relative to their opportunity to accrue that merit.


A range of personal circumstances may be considered that affected, interrupted or delayed the career path, performance or output of a staff member for a duration of time of their employment with Trinity College Dublin, which the staff member wishes the Review Panel to take into account.

This application form must be used by all candidates who wish their Personal Circumstances to be taken into account at the time of the application for review.

The Personal Circumstances may include, but are not limited to: protective leave (for example, maternity, adoptive, parental, paternity, carer's or disability leave); long-term caring responsibilities; illness; inability to travel abroad or to undertake field work, etc. They may be ongoing circumstances or situations of a fixed duration; the applicant is invited to indicate the time period involved.

Employment on a part-time contract basis does not of itself qualify as a Personal Circumstance. Applicants employed on a part-time contract of employment may include in their application any Personal Circumstances in the same manner as full time staff.


Accommodation for Personal Circumstances may be allocated to an applicant where a prima facie case for Personal Circumstances is accepted by the Chair of the Committee and the Secretary to the Committee prior to the meeting of the Committee. It shall then be incumbent upon the Chair to ensure that the Committee is aware that Personal Circumstances apply to an applicant and how they might be appropriately taken into account / their probable impact on the applicant's application for progression.

Information storage

The information provided will be kept in accordance with the University's records management and data protection as outlined as per Trinity's Data Protection Policy and the University's Privacy Statement.

Information provided will only be considered for the review ticked at this time. A new application must be made for each new promotion review to be considered.

Information provided to review panels

The information provided by a candidate on their Personal Circumstances is strictly confidential to key HR staff and the Chair of the Committee. The information provided will not be discussed with the relevant panel other than the Chair of the Committee, as required.

The Chair shall indicate to the Committee the probable impact of the Personal Circumstances on the candidate's application for promotion without disclosing their specific nature.

Time Limit

This form must be completed and returned to the HR Staff Performance and Review Team prior to the closing date of application for promotion. If not received by this time, your application will not be considered.


Frequently Asked Questions

Junior Academic Progressions - Frequently Asked Questions


HR Web pages:
All General Information:
Frequently Asked Questions:
The policy and the criteria:
Head of School Report:
Salary Scales:
Register with the RSS:
Access the RSS:
RSS User guides: MyRSS Video 1: Register Login and Locate (mp4, 1.59 minutes), MyRSS Video 2: Overview, Navigation, Adding and Editing (mp4, 2.56 minutes)
E-recruitment user guides: E-Recruitment User Guide (pdf 1.2mb)