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Where to Park on College Green Campus

A map of parking on campus is available here.

Secure Bike Parking

The parking behind Botany Bay has secure, fob access.

Trinity Centre St James’s Hospital - Pilot Bike Hangar

The secure bike hangar at Trinity Centre St James’s Hospital (right) is available to current students and staff whose primary study/work location is the Trinity Centre, St. James’s Hospital. There are six spaces available. Spaces will be allocated on a pilot basis for three months from February 2025.

To apply for a space, please complete this expression of interest form. The Healthy Trinity: Smarter Travel Committee will email you in February with the outcome of your application.

More information and FAQs here.






Disability Parking

In 2019, Trinity installed Ireland's first disability bike parking! The parking was unveiled to celebrate Trinity’s partners Dublin City Council hosting the global cycling conference VeloCity.

Contrary to popular belief, cycling is an popular method of transport for disabled people; improving confidence and giving a sense of freedom and empowerment. However, most cycle parking and storage facilities fail to cater for the needs of disabled cyclists. Almost all cycle parking stands are intended for use by standard two-wheeled bicycles and are generally placed too close to each other to fit a three-wheeled cycle between them.

This is not the only way that cycle parking can exclude disabled cyclists. Without reliably available parking facilities at their destination (and fully integrated modes of transport along the way) disabled cyclists will often be discouraged from venturing out in the first place, thus limiting their options for active travel.

Our spaces are accessible, step-free and wide enough to accommodate all types of non-standard cycle and are clearly signposted as spaces reserved for non-standard cycles. For comments please email Martina Mullin on or Declan Treanor on

These spaces are being installed through a collaboration of the Healthy Trinity initiative,Estates & Facilities and the Disability Service.



Choosing Bike Parking for Trinity


As you know, Trinity loves Cycling.  We have nearly three times as many people travelling by bike to our campus as any other third level institution in Ireland.  With so many people coming to College on bicycles every day there is a need for good quality, secure bicycle parking. 

The Estates & Facilities Department, the Grounds and Gardens Committee and the Healthy Trinity: Smarter Travel Committee have been investigating bike parking options for Trinity for some time.  Recently, site visits were conducted to Cambridge University as well as a number of train stations in the UK to identify options used elsewhere that have received favourable commentary from users.

Choosing Bicycle Parking

Six criteria for identifying appropriate bike parking for Trinity’s Main Campus are being used.  

  1. Space: As a city centre site, space is at a premium on campus.  Bike parking must be as compact as possible. 
  2. Secure: It must be possible to lock the frame of the bike to the parking apparatus.   
  3. Portability: In many areas of the campus, the ability to move bike parking is required.  This is particularly the case in the historical part of the campus and in areas that must be kept clear during large events e.g. Trinity Ball. 
  4. Aesthetics: Bike parking must be aesthetically pleasing, in particular in the old part of the campus. 
  5. Usability: Apparatus must be usable by all. 
  6. Maintenance: The apparatus should require as little maintenance as possible.

What is Being Considered?



Location of trial apparatus on campus

Sheffield hoop secured to ground

None on campus. Comparable to standard Sheffield hoops

Moveable Sheffield hoop rack.

Sheffield Toast Rack 5 Hoop Cycle Stand

None on campus. Comparable to standard Sheffield hoops

Street pod - Combines standard Sheffield Hoops in a secure and compact arrangement.

Image result for street pods bike parking

Granite colour-Outside GMB;
Black – in New Square; Marble colour – at Chemistry Department.

Space pods - Semi-vertical bike storage uses up to 50% less space than traditional bike storage

Crann gate entrance

Two tier

Image result for two tier bike parking trinity

No longer on campus. Trialled but discounted for health and safety and usability reasons. 

Your Say

We invite Trinity staff and students to look at, and where appropriate, use the designs being considered. Please email with your comments before the 4th of December.

Keeping your Bike Safe Around Town

This excellent video by Dublin Cycling Campaign outlines all you need to know about locking your bike correctly.

Trinity Bike Thieves: Who They Are and How to Prevent Them Getting Your Bike

Does bike theft put you off cycling? As part of the Smarter Travel Trinity initiative, Peter Hyland from Communications went to speak to the University’s head of security Michael Murray to get better insight into the issue and some tips for individuals to prevent their bikes being stolen.

How Prevalent is Bike Theft in Trinity?
The first thing Michael said, you will be glad to know was that within Trinity bike theft is not that prevalent.  We all know that within Dublin it is a big issue but on campus with so many people around, security personnel, CCTV and a walled campus your bike is safer here. That said bicycle theft does happen on campus. So here is a breakdown of our conversation under key headings.

As Trinity Security having direct communication with the Gardaí, I asked him to tell me how the thieves operate so we can get a better idea of what to look out for. There are two types of thieves he says, the opportunists who steal your bike when you leave it unlocked for a minute and those that plan it, the “professionals” as he calls them. No surprise there, however he then went on to tell me that some of them use kids that could be aged between 6-10 to scout out what bikes are good to steal, reporting back the make of the bike, location and what lock is being used. Kids being messengers to bike thieves, cunning, but thankfully rare on campus.

I can’t imagine a thief  with a tracksuit hoody and bolt cutters on front square snipping a lock getting very far so the next question I ask him was do they disguise themselves? Absolutely he responds saying they could be dressed casually like a student wearing a back-pack or cap to disguise their face.


These “professionals”, being experts in their field can use anything from bolt cutters, hacksaws, freeon gas (lowers the temperature to make it brittle and smashable), car jacks, battery powered angle grinders to disenable locks. It is amazing how quickly these guys are, 2 seconds with a battery powered hand held angle grinder or sliding a mini car jack in between a U-lock and expand it until it snaps and they are away. However these methods do make noise so they will probably choose a bike in a quiet area.


So what can you do to make it more difficult for the thieves?  Firstly don’t spend any less than €50 or €60 on locks especially if you have a valuable bike. He then advised people to buy two different types of locks, park you bike in an exposed area if you can and place the lock at the top of the bike so in order to cut or break the lock the thief is more exposed.


Bike number and photograph: Record and store your bike number and a very clear photo of your bike on your phone or laptop so that if your bike is stolen it is a much easier job for the Gardaí to find it and you can also make it difficult for them to sell it by reporting it on social media and done deal. Tell all your friends your bike was stolen on Facebook and Twitter with a photo of your bike and ask your friends to share it. Also make sure you report your stolen bike to security, they can check college CCTV and inform the Gardaí.

What security is doing?
Trinity College and Security are constantly upgrading our CCTV systems and getting more information from the Gardaí regarding the profiling of thieves and the new ways in which they try to take your bikes so they can combat them before they get it. They are also going to create awareness of bike theft through the hand out of leaflets they have already printed and will be distributing soon.