Postgraduate Teaching Awards

Trinity Teaching Awards for Postgraduate Students recognise the outstanding commitment of Trinity's postgraduate teaching assistants to achieving excellence in teaching and learning.  

Students sitting in a tiered lecture theatre

To recognise the substantial contribution that Trinity's postgraduate research students make to undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and learning, the Graduate Studies Office administers the annual Trinity Teaching Award for Postgraduate Students.

Schools may nominate up to 3 postgraduate students for consideration by the selection panel, which is chaired by the Dean of Graduate Studies and has cross-Faculty and student representation.

The call for nominations will issue to Schools in November 2024. Following a selection process, the Dean of Graduate Studies will announce the joint winners in May 2025 followed by a ceremony to congratulate the winners and nominees. Please click here for Trinity Teaching Award for Postgrad Research Students Nomination Form (DOCX).

PGTA winners 2023-2024

The panel selected the following as winners in 2023/24:

Overall Winner: Eileen Rose Giglia, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences

Runners Up: Daniel Hall, School of Engineering, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Ruben Ruf, The Business School, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences

Chelsea Whittaker, School of Education, Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences