Inclusive Teaching in Deaf Studies - Opening up: bringing authentic diversity & inclusivity into the Bachelor in Deaf Studies curriculum
School of Linguistic, Speech & Communication Science Centre for Deaf Studies
Dr. Isabelle Heyerick & Assistant Professor Teresa Lynch
The objective of the project was to prepare students in the Bachelor in Deaf Studies (BDS) program for their professional placements by providing them with authentic and diverse learning experiences.
aspects such as age, gender, language, ethnicity, and disabilities. The ultimate goal is to develop students' inclusive practices for effective interaction and relationship-building with Deaf individuals.
- Student Engagement
- Guest Lectures and Workshops
- Community Immersion
- Curriculum Enhancement
- Creative feedback: Videos, arts-based methods, mind mapping, & word clouds
- Students will develop inclusive practices to engage with diverse members of the Deaf community during their placements
- Diversity and inclusivity will become integral to the Bachelor in Deaf Studies curriculum
- CDS (Centre for Deaf Studies) will expand its network of experts and enhance teaching content
- Faculty will gain knowledge from community experts to better incorporate diversity into the curriculum​
What do the students have to say?
- “I learnt a lot about not only the Deaf community but the Black Deaf community and how no person's identity or experience is the same.”
- “I am extremely grateful to have the opportunity to experience this. All presentations were amazing I cannot pick one.“
- “In the future, having another minority group lecture would be good, as I think that would broaden my knowledge about different minorities inside the Deaf community even more.”
- “A quote that really impacted me was "Some of us didn't choose to become activists, we were activated over time."
Accompanying Materials