The Eighteenth-Century Literature Research Network in Ireland aims to link all those researching and teaching English literature of the long eighteenth century.
English literature includes the literatures of Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, as well as England. Membership is open to all working in Irish third-level institutions or research libraries on literature in English c. 1680 - c. 1820, whether as teaching staff, post-doctoral fellows, or postgraduate students. The ECLRNI is not restricted to those whose principal area of research or teaching is eighteenth-century literature.
The ECLRNI was founded by Professor Ian Campbell Ross (TCD) in 2006 and he convened the network until 2018, organizing its first 15 symposia (see Events).
The ECLRNI was founded by Professor Ian Campbell Ross (TCD) in 2006 and he convened the network until 2018, organizing its first 15 symposia (see Events).

Anyone wishing to join the network should contact the Convenors:
Professor Moyra Haslett (QUB)
e-mail: M.Haslett@qub.ac.uk
Professor Aileen Douglas (TCD)
e-mail: adouglas@tcd.ie
Professor Moyra Haslett (QUB)
e-mail: M.Haslett@qub.ac.uk
Professor Aileen Douglas (TCD)
e-mail: adouglas@tcd.ie