Joint Honours Latin

In choosing to study Latin you will be learning one of the most influential languages in European history, and engaging with the literature and thought of the Romans, one of the civilisations that shaped the western world. Over the four years a wide variety of texts is studied, including epic, love poetry, satire, political and historical writing. Whether you are taking up Latin as a beginner or continuing your language studies, the main emphasis of the course is on studying ancient texts both as literature and as a gateway into culture and thought.
This course is combined with another subject chosen from a range of options within the area of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences. We offer you the possibility of learning Latin as a beginner or of continuing your studies, if you have studied Latin at school (e.g. for the Leaving Certificate, 'A' level, or International and European Baccalaureate).
TJH (Trinity Joint Hons) LATIN PATHWAYS
As a TJH Latin Trinity student, you will have choices to make at the end of your 1st Year and 2nd Year about what type of degree you wish to finish with and what options you would like to take to get there.
You will find a very helpful visualisation of your pathways options here
The College website offers a useful ‘pathway tool’ here for you to explore your choices.
Click on Junior Freshman Year below to see your mandatory 1st year, depending upon your existing language skills.
Junior Freshman
- CLU11100 Introduction to Greek and Roman History (10 ECTS) (Semesters 1 & 2)
If you have not studied Latin before you are a ‘Latin B’ student and take:
- CLU11413 Elementary Latin I (10 ECTS) (Semester 1)
- CLU11414 Elementary Latin II (10 ECTS) (Semester 2)
If you have Leaving Cert or equivalent Latin at intermediate level already you are a ‘Latin A’ student and take:
- CLU11411 Latin in Context I (10 ECTS) (Semester 1)
- CLU11412 Latin in Context II (10 ECTS) (Semester 2)
At the end of your 1st Year you will choose how many ECTS credits in Latin you would like to take:
- 40 ECTS (leading to a Single Honours, Major with Minor or Joint Honours degree);
- 20 ECTS (leading to Major with Minor or Joint Honours degree); or
- 0 ECTS (leading to a Single Honours degree in your other subject).
In the following SF, JS, and SS pages you will find an overview of modules available for each pathway in 2023-24.
Senior Freshman
Latin SF Pathway for 40 Credits
(Major Award; Joint Honours)
You will take 40 credits in Latin and 20 credits in your Subject 2.
Semester 1 (20 credits)
- CLU22447 Latin Comedy (10 ECTS)
- CLU22450 Latin Directed Reading (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (20 credits)
- CLU22449 Catullus and Cicero (10 ECTS)
- CLU22702 Ancient Visual and Material Culture with Project (10 ECTS)
All modules are mandatory.
Latin SF Pathway for 20 Credits
(Major Award; Joint Honours; Minor Award)
You will take 20 credits in Latin, 20 credits in your Subject 2, and 20 credits in Trinity Electives and Open Modules. A list of Trinity Electives is available here:
Information and list of Open Modules can be found here:
Semester 1 (10 credits)
- CLU22447 Latin Comedy (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (10 credits)
- CLU22449 Catullus and Cicero (10 ECTS)
At the end of your 2nd Year you will choose your Sophister pathway from the following options:
- Major in Latin Option A (40 ECTS in Latin, 20 ECTS in your Subject 2)
In this pathway you will carry both subjects to Yr 4. - Major in Latin Option B (30 ECTS in Latin, 30 ECTS in your Subject 2)
In this pathway you will drop your Subject 2 at the end of year 3. - Joint Honours in Latin (30 ECTS in Latin 30 ECTS in your Subject 2)
In this pathway you will carry both subjects to Yr 4. - Minor in Latin Option B (30 ECTS in Latin, 30 ECTS in your Subject 2)
In this pathway you will drop Latin at the end of Yr 3. - Minor in Latin Option A (20 ECTS in Latin, 40 ECTS in Subject 2)
In this pathway you will carry both subjects to Yr 4. - Latin as Subject 2 in Single Honours Pathway (10 ECTS CC)

Note that the Single Honours pathway is not available in Latin.
In the JS and SS pages you will find an overview of modules available for each pathway in 2023-24.
Junior Sophister (JS)
Latin JS Pathway For 40 Credits
(Major Option A)
Semester 1 (20 credits)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS)
- CLU33481 Latin Close Reading (CLU33483 with project) (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (20 credits)
- CLU33410 Latin Independent Project A/B (5 ECTS)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS)
- CLU33700 Classics Research Project (5 ECTS)
All modules are mandatory.
Latin JS Pathway For 30 Credits
(Major Option B, Joint Honours, Minor Option B)
Semester 1 (15 credits)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS)
- CLU33481 Latin Close Reading (5 ECTS)
Semester 2 (15 credits)
- CLU33410 Latin Independent Project A/B (5 ECTS)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS)
All modules are mandatory.
Latin JS Pathway For 20 Credits
(Minor Option A)
Semester 1 (10 credits)
- CLU33442 Latin Epic (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (10 credits)
- CLU33485 Latin Historians (10 ECTS)
All modules are mandatory.
Latin JS Pathway For 10 Credits
(Latin as Subject 2 in Single Honours Pathway)
Semester 1 (5 credits)
- CLU33481 Latin Close Reading (5 ECTS)
Semester 2 (5 credits)
All modules are mandatory.
Senior Sophister (SS)
Depending on your pathway you will choose 40 or 20 ECTS of Special Topic modules and write a Capstone Dissertation. Special Topics taught in 2023-24 are listed below. Other options may be offered in other years: see the Classics website for details.
Latin SS Pathway For 60 Credits
(Major Option B)
You will write a Dissertation and take Special Topics modules for 40 ECTS credits (20 in each semester).
You will take 20 ECTS of Latin-based modules (mandatory) and 20 ECTS of Classics Special Subjects (optional), in which sources are read in translation.
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS)
Semester 1 (30 credits)
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS)
- Classics Special Subject from list below* (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (30 credits)
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS)
- Classics Special Subject from list below* (10 ECTS)
*Classics Special Subjects available in 2024-25 are:
- CLU44550 How to be Happy (10 ECTS, Semester 1)
- CLU44552 Early Christianity (10 ECTS, Semester 1)
- CLU44501/2 Entertainment and Spectacle (10+10 ECTS, all year)
- CLU44509+CLU44510 Anthropology and the Greeks (10+10 ECTS, all year)
- CLU44548 Sacred Space and Identities in Cyprus (10 ECTS, Semester 1)
- CLU44590 Greek Lyric (10 ECTS)
- CLU44557 After Alexander (10 ECTS, Semester 2)
- CLU44559 Goddesses In Context (10 ECTS, Semester 2)
- CLU44560 Pop Classics (10 ECTS)
Latin SS Pathway For 40 Credits
(Major Option A, Joint Honours with Capstone in Latin)
You will write a Dissertation (compulsory Capstone) and take Latin Special Topics for 20 ECTS (10 in each semester). The remaining 20 credits will come from modules in your Subject 2.
If you are on a Joint Honours Pathway you may choose to take the Capstone in your Subject 2.
- CLU44500 Dissertation (20 ECTS)
Semester 1 (20 credits)
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (20 credits)
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS)
All modules are mandatory.
Latin SS Pathway For 20 Credits
(Minor Option A, Joint Honours with Capstone in Subject 2)
You will take Latin Special Topics for 20 ECTS (10 in each semester).
The remaining 40 credits, including the Capstone, will come from your Subject 2.
Semester 1 (10 credits)
- CLU44485 Informal Latin (10 ECTS)
Semester 2 (10 credits)
- CLU44488 Senecan Tragedy (10 ECTS)
All modules are mandatory.