Classics Open Modules

The Department of Classics offers a number of undergraduate modules as Open Modules to students in other programmes where pathways allow. You will choose your Open Modules when you enrol online for your core modules.
Junior Fresh
- CLU11104 Greek and Roman Art and Architecture
- CLU111005 Greek Art and Architecture
- CLU11106 Roman Art and Architecture
- CLU11200 Mythology and Religion
- CLU11201 Greek and Roman Mythology
- CLU11202 Greek and Roman Religion
- CLU11311 Greek in Context I
- CLU11312 Greek in Context II
- CLU11411 Latin in Context I
- CLU11412 Latin in Context II
- CLU11413 Elementary Latin I
- CLU11414 Elementary Latin II
- CLU12313 Elementary Greek I
- CLU12314 Elementary Greek II
Senior Fresh
- CLU22111 Greek History: Culture and Society in Archaic Greece
- CLU22115 Greek Archaeology
- CLU22122 The Archaeology of Minoan Crete
- CLU22124 Roman History: The Roman Empire
- CLU22126 Living on the Bay of Naples
- CLU22200 Writing the Past
- CLU22201 Heroism, Identity, and Authority
- CLU22202 Culture and Ideology in the Ancient World
- CLU22203 Gender and Sexuality in the Ancient World
- CLU22130 Living In Roman Italy - not running in 24-25
- CLU22345 Greek Drama
- CLU22342 Herodotus
- CLU22449 Catullus and Cicero
- CLU22447 Latin Comedy
Junior Sophister
- CLU33126 Alexandria- not running in 24-25
- CLU33128 Roman Culture and Society (page under construction)
- CLU33130 Britain and the Roman Empire
- CLU33131 Roman Archaeology
- CLU33135 Late Antiquity
- CLU33138 Democracy and Monarchy in Classical Greece
- CLU33134 Reception and Reimaginings of Classical Art and Architecture
- CLU33210 Humans and Other Animals
- CLU33211 Explaining the World (Page Under Construction)
- CLU33212 Social Media in the Ancient World
- CLU33217 Visual and Material Culture in the Ancient World
- CLU33341 Greek Epic
- CLU33442 Latin Epic
- CLU33485 Latin Historians
- CLU33381 Greek Close Reading
- CLU33385 Greek Philosophy
- CLU33481 Latin Close Reading