News and Events

Upcoming Events 2024/2025

Memorial for Students – 5.30pm, Thursday 27 March 2025

Christmas Carol Service for Alumni & Friends- 5pm, Thursday 5 December 2024

There will be an Alumni & Friends Christmas Carol Service this coming Thursday, 5 December at 5pm, in the College Chapel. Please find Order of Service here

Annual Remembrance Sunday Service - 10.45am, Sunday 10 November 2024

There will be a special Service for Remembrance Sunday held this coming Sunday, 10 November at 10.45am, followed by a short memorial where the Registrar and others will lay wreaths at the Hall of Honour (1937 Reading Room).

Annual College Welcome Service with Fr John Harris OP - Thursday 3 October 2024

Opening of academic year prayers jpg


All students and staff are warmly invited to take part in the various ecumenical services which are arranged during the course of the academic year, including the Opening of the Year Service, the Advent Carol Service, and the Trinity Monday Service of Thanksgiving and Commemoration.

Special services may also take place in connection with a class or college society group, in the week before examinations, and on other occasions.

In particular, you are most welcome to join us for the following:

  • Prayer in the style of Taizé each Mondays in term at 6.00pm in the Gallery Chapel.
  • Tuesday morning prayer-time from 9.15 to 9.30am in the Gallery Chapel each week in term.


  • Coffee and Tea: Weekdays - anytime! Just stop by House 27

  • Free Lunch is offered every Tuesday during term from 12.30 - 2 p.m.

    Ongoing Programme
  • Taize Prayer meets once a month during semester in the Upper Common Room, House 27. Keep an eye out on Facebook and Notice Boards for exact times.

  • Ecumenical Morning Prayer takes place every Tuesday in Lecture Term 9.15am in the Gallery Chapel.

  • Regular groups along denominational lines meet regularly ... 'God on Tap' 'Catholicism for the Curious' 'Sacred in the City' 'Anglican Book Group'

Listening and Pastoral Guidance

Confidential listening (including referral) and pastoral guidance about any matter is available. Please call in to the Chaplaincy at any time, or contact the chaplains on individual emails or telephone numbers

Bereavement Support

The Chaplaincy is a place of hospitality and welcome and offers a safe space and a sanctuary for those who have suffered bereavement or loss in their lives.
It is also possible to talk to one of the chaplains on an individual basis about bereavement issues. As well as this , the Chaplaincy runs a bereavement support group with the Student Counselling Service, every year. Please speak to one of the Chaplains, or the Student Counselling Service for more information on this group.

Community and Compassionate Service

For information regarding opportunities for community work (including voluntary grinds), contact the TCD St. Vincent de Paul Society or the Students Union or call into the Chaplains to find out the very latest things happening.


Every year the Chaplains run a pilgrimage to Taize in France - speak to one of the chaplains for further details. There are also other opportunities for spiritual and compassionate trips most years. Recently trips have taken place to South Africa, Palestine and Israel, as well as Northern Ireland.