Cessation or Suspension of a PGT Programme

There are two separate designated forms (downloadable below) to request cessation or suspension of a PGT programme.


Requests for suspension of postgraduate programme must be supported by the School Executive, and the Faculty Dean, and submitted to the Graduate Studies Committee for recommendation for Council approval. Requests for suspension of programmes must be made on the designated form and submitted to Ewa Sadowska in Academic Affairs at esdowska@tcd.ie, at least two working weeks before the relevant GSC meeting to which it will be submitted. Please see the PG Suspension Request Form below.

Requests for suspension are normally considered only for one academic year to review the course and make a final decision on its future.


Requests for cessation of postgraduate programme must be supported by the School Executive, and the Faculty Dean, and will be submitted to Graduate Studies Committee and Council for final approval. The designated Cessation Form must be submitted to the GSC Secretary Ewa Sadowska in Academic Affairs esdowska@tcd.ie, at least two working weeks before the targeted GSC meeting. Please see the PG Cessation Request Form below.

Proposals to cease a programme must be approved at the latest at the last Council meeting to take effect in the following academic year.