IOPA Search Beginner's Guide

As you have never visited this page, or a similar one, I will attempt to explain how to use this site. If I don't explain things clearly enough, please don't hesitate to mail me telling me as such, so that I may improve upon this page.

Search for (keywords):
In this, you enter in what it is you are looking for. By entering in 'keywords', the program will search through every record in the huge database trying to find what you have entered.

With this menu, you decide how strict you want the searching to be. Does a successful match have to include every one of the words, any of them, or does it have to have exactly the phrase given? Of course, the stricter the search, the fewer the matches found.

Search in
Questions Answers
Here, you decide what parts of the survey you want to search in - (For example, do you want to search for when the Answer includes 'disapproves' or when the Question includes 'Europe'?

Search IMS/Lansdowne Polls Search MRBI Polls
Here, you decide which polls you want to search in - At the moment, the only polls available are from the Market Research Bureau of Ireland (MRBI), the Irish Marketing Surveys (IMS) and the Lansdowne Market Research

Now, you decide how you want the output presented - how much information you want - whether you want to know what a specific sub-group thought, or whether you just want the overall totals.

Width of Response Table ?
The full table would not fit onto an A4 page - so, here you decide just how wide to make the table. This is the number of subgroups that will appear on every row - if you indicated previously that you didn't want to have Sub-group responses, this value is ignored.

1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979
1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989
1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009
In this table, you decide which years are to be included in the results - this is the year that the survey was taken, not the year that it was put onto the web.

Well, this is just the 'submit' button! - just press it, and the search will commence

Well, that's about it - any suggestions on this 'beginners guide' is appreciated - I've never written one before!

0.004 seconds taken, 0 queries executed (SQL took 0.000 seconds - 0.0%)