The attention of organisers of events is drawn to the "General regulations and information" section of The University of Dublin Calendar, pages H18-22.
List of requirements for external caterers; (Food and Drink Regulations ) Special attention is drawn to the following:
The caterer must have a HSE Food Hygiene Certification, which is to be approved by the College Catering Manager a minimum of 5 working days prior to the event. If you are planning an event, it is always advised to submit your application as early as possible to allow for potential issues to be rectified. Two weeks notice in advance of any event is preferred.
The food is prepared and cooked off site. No naked flames (oil/candle food warmers) may be used to keep food hot: an electrically powered unit is acceptable.
No steam is generated that is likely to set off the fire alarm.
In the GMB, the Debating Chamber will not be used for eating, storing or preparing food
The Caterers must remove all waste from the event location and College after the event.
Please note that all parties in residential rooms on campus must end not later than 11.30pm. Other events must finish by 10.00pm, or when the building normally closes. The serving of alcohol must be in accordance with the College Alcohol Policy .
The Junior Dean will not consider any form which has not been completed in full.
Posters for events must be placed only on College notice-boards. Those who litter College with posters elsewhere face a fine.
It is Trinity Policy that smoking, including E-cigarettes, is prohibited within all residential buildings. This includes all bedrooms, kitchens and recreational spaces. In addition, the College has prohibitions on smoking in external areas of the campus. For more details, see the Healthy Trinity: Tobacco Free Trinity initiative.
Agreement of terms and conditions
I confirm that I have read the event checklist , including the Food and Drink Regulations and College Alcohol Policy , and agree to abide by the College regulations in hosting this event.
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